I broke my beloved spanker a couple weekends ago. I couldn't figure out how the hell it happened. Just seemed like it went while I was punching through some whitewater. It was getting dark, had no back up with me...put it in the back of the truck and went home...very bummed out.
It wasn't until I looked at it closer the next day that I realized what had happened. It was windy and choppy that day and I had taken a fall and my board went shooting up. I've gotten into the habit when I fall and I think the board may come back down on me of bringing my arms and paddle up over my head. The tell tail blue line the same color as my fin on either side of the break tells me that my spanker gave up its life defending my head that day.... (the blue from my fin is actually on the other side)
The good news is that with the help of a little fiberglass...well...maybe more than a little as you can see from the pics (my glassing skills suck), she's almost as good as new. I was going for strength and so far so good. I purposely paddled it as hard as I could last weekend and it felt great. I epoxied the 2 pieces of the paddle together 1st and then put 2 layers of 4 oz glass on both sides. Painted it then epoxied the whole blade again. Hopefully she'll hold up.
I know she's a bit garish now but I wanted a bit of visibility for when I might drop it and if I happen to need to wave it to signal someone.
BTW...the folks at Werner were giving great customer service but I wasn't thinking about the need to return the paddle and did the repair. For the best anyway, It wasn't through any fault in the paddle that it broke. For all the abuse it's taken, including having me fall on it in the rocks more than once, it's amazing that its held up this long.
I have a different story but the result was the same. I broke my Werner Spanker. No hope of me being able to repair it, so I took it to a professional repairer recommended by my local shop. It turns out he is a surfer who has got into stand up so he new exactly what I wanted. I am very pleased with the result, its only slightly heavier than the original and I gave it a real work out in the surf to make sure it wouldn't break.
I like your repair Stoneaxe but I am not sure about the colour scheme.
Very nice repair job Steve. He did a great job...wish I could do it so seamless.
LOL...I'm not too sure about the color scheme myself...feel like I should have a clown costume on or something.... I think I'm going to change it to all yellow.
Yowch...Oliver...you could have fixed that with a bit of fiberglass yourself...
Thanks for the info and pics Steve (and Bob)..That broken paddles came up looking perfect.
I think you've been spanking it way too hard..
BTW.. I don't think you'd ever break a Werner shaft.
I think you chose the right colour stoneaxe, there seem to be a lot of yellow blades around now, real easy to spot in the surf when you accidently let go.
Good home done job.
Hehe....will do....I probably won't bother until I need to retape the blade edge though...a couple months or so.