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Four SUP Days of Fun.

Created by surfanimal > 9 months ago, 18 Oct 2011
NSW, 1637 posts
18 Oct 2011 7:29PM
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Had a few fun days on the SUP's last few days with a 'rest day' yesterday to get some work done.

Here's some video's / images of the fun we have down this way.


The wind was light to non existent, the sun shone bright over the horizon, the swell hang in long enough to see to send some little lines through The Bay and Greg, Mick and I shared the ripples for 2 1/2 hours of SUP bliss.

With the GoPro on-board, I filmed our adventure for histories sake and my goodness, we are lucky to have the time on our side for these mid week sojourn's and have such a wonderful location so close to home.


Bundeena Sunrise on the Naish 14' Glide.

Words can't describe the beauty of location or board as well as images of the moments captured so here they are.


Woronora River was the destination for our 'Social' SUP Run today.

After disgraceful weather in the morning, heaving rain, onshore wind and a day for the ducks, the afternoon cleared and we were bathed with sunshine, warm weather and bliss on the river.

5km to 'The Needles' and then 5km back was the plan and we made it with ease, with a little racing fun in between times.

Christmas had come early for a few… boards plentiful and some shapes that were left of centre but beautiful amongst them.

Below is a video collating the still images I took along the way – hope you like.

QLD, 1820 posts
18 Oct 2011 6:55PM
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that place looks amazing....small but amazing

thanks heaps for the vids.... may head down for a post xmas trip and escape the qld summer rain


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Four SUP Days of Fun." started by surfanimal