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From Where You'd Rather Not Be...

Created by SurfeeChick > 9 months ago, 25 Mar 2013
VIC, 113 posts
25 Mar 2013 10:16PM
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Despite the lumpy conditions, Nick and I embarked on a bit of an adventure this afternoon and I found myself somewhere I never thought I would.

Unfortunately I ate it a hell of a lot more than I surfed but this is far from my last encounter with this beast.

And as stupid as it sounds, I'm a lot more scared now looking at the images then I was out there, go figure.

VIC, 17434 posts
25 Mar 2013 10:22PM
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Great pictures Kristi..


VIC, 3516 posts
25 Mar 2013 11:12PM
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Well Kristi and Nick paid their dues a few times and I almost did too on one rogue set whilst shooting on the inside.

Nick pleased that the peak didn't shift this time and he actually got to go right.
The previous wave pitched him into a steep left the look on his face was price less.

Kristi just making it over this time!

Kristi getting another Corona experience on the inside.

East and SW swell meet.

Kristi paddling for the shoulder as fast as she can.

They both had a ball and the 2 frothing grommets are making plans for the next trip out when the swell hits.


WA, 312 posts
25 Mar 2013 9:52PM
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A great arvo for everybody!. Thanks for sharing.

NSW, 408 posts
26 Mar 2013 1:00AM
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LQQkS interesting,on a dead still day I think it would go off.What size boards were they paddling?I think a rather long board would love it.

VIC, 3516 posts
26 Mar 2013 1:10AM
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Hey Gumballs,

Kristi was on a 7'6 Laguna Bay and Nick a 8'10 Fanatic I think.


VIC, 1174 posts
26 Mar 2013 1:34AM
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Gulp!! Was that Cow bombie or down Inverloch way? By the way have fun in the states Kristie and bring back some silverware!!! You don't need good luck when you've got ability!!!!

NSW, 408 posts
26 Mar 2013 1:58AM
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Hi Phill,My name is Mick by the way.I've mentioned on here a few times that I like riding the longer boards 10'+ and this place looks like so much fun for a bigger board.Bigger means you can get onto the wave much earlier and those big fat walls become like embankments for skateboards.With shorter boards you have to ride closer to the foam as the walls are quite flatish.A longer board will keep it's momentum and you won't have to stay too close to that megga powerfull lump of foam.I've ridden waves like this before and it's always suprised me how powerfull they are.Ho,quick tip wear a long legrope as the recoil can be very dangerous and unexpected.

VIC, 3516 posts
26 Mar 2013 8:53AM
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Hey Mick,

I agree with you I 1st rode this wave 4 years ago on my 12ft PSH gun and it was a lot of fun, the flip side is with a big board you pay the price when it all goes wrong.

We didn't get the best conditions as I could get there until after 5pm. The wave was filling in but there was still some steep drops on the bigger sets.

On a low tide with some size this wave is very steep and solid.

I couldn't steer, shoot and watch the waves at the same time and had a close call at one point. We will take another crew member next time to get some inside images.

The bombie has multiple peaks that pop up over about 50m and you get surprised all the time, ask Nick about that one.

The fore ground is higher than the back ground so you cant get a transit or line up either. You need to take out a couple of buoys as markers for the inside.

Nick got a smokin steep left that I am sure with stick with him for a while.

Main thing is was lots of fun and great experience.

More fun to come me thinks, the 2 frothing groms ( 17 and 40+) have plans


VIC, 3516 posts
26 Mar 2013 8:57AM
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Thanks Leroy,

Its near Torquay not Inverlock.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"From Where You'd Rather Not Be..." started by SurfeeChick