Deems has been super busy putting these videos together, we cant thank him enough he is an asset to the sport. Thanks again mate
Very nice.. My legs are tired after just watching that.. Love the end stuff with Keahi.. Great vid..
Lots of flippy sh1t in there not a big fan of that. The rest was impressive, barrel shot at the end was sic
Wish my knee's still worked like that. I love the vids that make you want to surf and that ticks that box. Cheers!
Hey there everyone,thought it about time I got my own profile.
Thanks for all kind words about the vids,I'm glad you guys like them.
Congrats to Geoff on his performance at Port Mac.
Getting into the final with world class SUP riders is an awesome achievement!
Well done.
mate brim brim is shredding
after watching the groms blow up at my place and at the recent aussie titles for about a week in various surf conditions I'm blown away how they make it look way too easy
sure keahi has improved......
but brim brim is the big mover and shaker in the camp he is lifting the bar in a big way
some of his turns he throws are so insane and fully committed... i don't know how those knees take it
and his combinations of solid power turns into tweaked out kai-pan slides are ridiculous
introduce the element of more power by dropping his back fin further back is his only i had to add that hay!!!!!!
can wait to see how good the big fella will be by next year
to be continued........
and a big cheers goes out to deems
mate the guys puts in some "serious time behind his computer" slapping together these vids
not to meantion the amount of time the guys has to put up with my annoying voice prattling on and on......
about complete utter dribble while in the car travelling , the 6am wake up calls, more than not with hoax surf reports, the constant stale farts from last night pal and kebble feed, my acid dog breath, constant woffling before surfing and constant wolfing after surfing its close to 24 /7 sometimes.
you gotta wonder is it even worth it
for him NO!!!!!!
but lucky for us its the stoke that keeps him coming back for more....lord knows why......hahahaha......
his skills are there... its just up to some subject matter to stray in front of the lens
so over this flat spell but i think I'm the cause of it as I've got a heap of new boards and there has been no waves since.......typical
Great vid! I can't believe how much the level of performance is skyrocketing, I love your carving cutties the most.