Team Fanatic makes a solid impact at the 2013 Port Phillip Cup
Open Mens 6km Chris Clarke 1st Fanatic Falcon 14
Open Womens 6km Jean Ringrose 1st Fanatic 12'6
Junior Girls 6km Kristi Page 1st Fanatic Falcon 12'6
Mens Sprint Chris Clarke 1st Fanatic Falcon 14
Congrats Team Fanatic
Well done guys. Nice buoy turn Chris. Great work Kristi and Jean......and was that Warwick 1st in the 12'6" class on a Fanatic Falcon as well?
Looked like a good race for Ke Nalu also.
Yeah John,
I decided to challenge myself and enter Men's Open 12'6", rather than enter the Over 50's. Raced on the 2013 12'x 25" Falcon.
It was a good tussle amongst the 14's and interesting to see their superior speed on any downwind bump.
Justin kept me honest on his Naish 12'6" LE, [ as did Jean!].
Plenty of Ke Nalu's in the winner's circle.
The RPS Team collected
Mens Open 14 - 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Womens Open - 1st
Men's Open 12'6"- 1st
Boy's - 1st.
so we had a pretty successful day's paddling.
Chris needed a trailer to get his booty home after winning almost everything in sight
The guy paddling behind Warwick looked surprised at how well Warwick spun his board around the buoy.
Wow dominant display for Fanatic. We don't see enough of these boards racing in Perth. Great looking boards and some solid R&D looking at the Quinny video DJ put up.
What was the format for the sprint race - Tech race style with beach run or racing with a couple of turns?
Hey Goochi,
it was a 2 km course with 6 turns, so there were side, head and tail winds.
PT designed the course and despite the wind being a steady 15 kts for the race, no leg was too difficult.
The 200m sprint race was funnily enough won by Chris and Jean in the respective Men's and Ladie's divisions..............on Fanatic.
Well done, looked like a fun event & good work by everyone
Yep love how fanatic are pushing things hard :)
The 2013 race boards are excellent
X angie
Paul Nottage is thinking if only I could stomp on the tail of the clog as easily as Wazza is flipping that baby round the buoy!