big thanks to everyone that came down this morning for Saturday BOP training.
Unreal to see the groups getting together for the same cause.
I had a ball!! Fun times with fun minded people.
I believe there were a few people taking pics, so maybe they will share. angie
the post training/race dicussion washup are nearly as good as the actual paddling.
lots of things happen in these races and everybody has a story.
alain and myself were in a near head on crash and visit to the repair shop
I am not coming back home until sunday evening but I have good footage of it, so I'll edit something as soon as I can
Sure looked like Angie was having fun! Don't think she had to paddle at all coming back in! Thanks heaps to Kelly and co for putting out the markers. Hope we can do it again soon!
it was a great morning. plenty of good paddlers, second tiers, intermediates and novices.
its not super serious, but enough to get you edgy.
would love to see some more of these local show downs
Was stoked to see the numbers going in and out this morning, I hope everyone enjoyed it, well it certainly look like they did, perfect little conditions for that style of training, I just checked our program and we have another session the same in two weeks so spread the word and everyone is invited to come and have some fun
here is the 1st leg
Thanks for the vids.. What a great turn up.. and what was being said at the 5.48 mark in the first vid?..
Wow thanks for posting, being new I never really got BOP until I watched this vid, now i can see where all the excitement comes from.
Now how do i tell the wife I need a 3rd board, when i havent told her about the 2nd board........suggestions pls
Hey Guys,
Great vids Al, thanks for sharing. I could even see me in there at times when you werent filming the front runners
As a newcomer to BOP style training, I can tell you it was a complete hoot and damn hard work. The video although showing the racing quite well, belies the fun that was being had by all.
The front guys were absolutely flying! Amazing fitness and skill in paddling. It is my intention to start this style training here in Perth when the weather warms up and calms down a bit. Love to share this type of experience with others.
Good to meet everyone over there, local hospitality was excellent. Great bunch, all stoked, no grumbling and everyone there to help each other and share the fun.
Good on ya Kelly and others for putting this session on. I loved it!
Got it good people I guess it would be very interesting doing a BOP in conditions like you had today.
I love BOP,it links all forms of sup.
you can do all the training you like by yourself, but nothing will prepare you for these races. the pressure to race- paddle fast, still keep your surf skills, keep your balance, paddle technique, getting the turns right and keeping your awareness as your heart feels likes it going to come out of your chest.
kelly and co always seem to have the luck of easy paddle outs and get waves etc.
funny how they are 'lucky' every time
i reckon you can only get something like it race wise by group training
What a great turn out , interesting to see all the different boards.Nice video Alain and some really great pics Tate (Taterchip) but mate that is a pretty wrong avatar ...yuk
for me the best thing was the mix, male / female from 16 or 17 years old (jake??) up to 67 years old from what I've heard ( but i'll keep the name private ).
And everybody on the same course at the same time
great pics , tater chip , you can have the downwinders that looks like heaps more funLaceys lane is a perfect spot for bob racing.
Thanks all, stoked you liked the piccy's...ok ok Piros, I'll retire Elvis and his chicken(for now[}:)]).