Nikita turned 9 today and she wanted to go and shoots pics at PRK as one of fave her things to do on her birthday list. So rain and all off we went to the point.
She got really excited when DJ turn up. Since DJ helped Niki out at the Port Phillip Cup he has become her No.1 Supper lol.
Niki the Photog a tough day at the office:
These are all Nikis Pics and she wanted to post them on SB.
The simple things in life often put the biggest smiles on a childs face. This is Niki just being Niki!
Great pics Niki. Sorry we couldn't offer any more action. Though in my case you may have needed an underwater housing.
Thanks for the pics Niki and Phil.
Conditions weren't what I was hoping for but having driven 1 1/2 hours down there I had to get equal water time to driving time even if it's just for the exercise and there was the occasional bigger set coming through. Sometimes I think you need to earn good conditions so I'm looking forward to next time.
Hey Alan, DJ, Woody, Oliver
You guys had a go and thats what counts.
As they say there are never perfect conditions just adequate.
At least the crowd numbers were down!
Surf will build over the next 2 - 3 months there will be some awesome fun instore.
Damos, the cut and other places will be pumping soon enough.
Forgive my ignorance am not sure who is wearing the "colourful" wetsuit in pics 2 & 3. Anyone owning up? Only mention it cause recently viewed "Baywatch" series 1 & a surfing scene there & fluoro wetsuits were the hot new thing.
Al & Oliver, Gizzie's just poking some fun ! A friend of ours had some insomnia the other night, and she said she caught the Baywatch Movie on TV !!
There was also a character called Kekoa, which was my son's name initially, until my wife over-ruled on the birth certificate, with Matteo Kekoa (as middle name)... useless trivia !
But yeah, shall we start a wet-suit fund for Al !! Participation is foremost though. Hey at least he still fits his suit from 20 odd years back ! Wow, Al, you must look after you suits. I get 3-6 years out of most of my suits!
PS Al - the new suits are so much more flexi !! Good investment !
Actually, you could get a big fat Black Magic Marker, and cut some cool patterns over the fluro !
Go psychedelic on us Al !!! If you don't trust your own artwork, get LSD to do the artwork !!
(LSD, being the kite surfer in these pics !! )
After meeting Al, I went home and dug out my old wetsuit. Didn't quite fit so I cut the sleeves off to loosen it up a little. With a couple of strategically placed fluoro panels, it worked a treat!!! Used it for the second time today down at 'crunchies', I had a hell of a time just paddling because it was so choppy, but after conceeding and dropping to my knees, it was manageable and the waves were really long rides.
I'm Loud and Proud plus it's very safe if I have to cross any roads.
I'd been a fair weather wave sailor the last 10-15 years and got away with wearing a spring suit most of the time so the fluro steamer just hung in the cupboard. It still does the job it was designed to do.
Hey Gav, we might start a new trend with the retro wetties.
And thanks Oliver for randomly sticking up for me.
Happy birthday Nik looks like your going to be a great photog
I mentioned on here once before I had that exact same wetsuit in 1992
Floro or not I was stoked to see Alan getting some waves! I though he was doing really well in the tough conditions and he definitely held his own at the point and that is tough at the best of time with all the moving water.
Oliver Sheesh take your own advice and dont take the forum so seriously!
The tide is turning. Here's a shot from Bells.
I would love to try your board next time I'm down Dean.