Interested in getting a recessed handle cut into my board.
Is this possible? practical? doable?
Love to hear opinions, advice, suggestions and where this could be done in Sydney.
Hi Patsy
I have one of these on my 10'6" PSH and it's fine
Yeah, i had a handle sunk into my PSH. Get a handle online at and take it to a trusted board repairer to fit it. Easy as. Cost me about 80 bux.
You also have the option of fitting two leash plugs.. run a couple of loops through them.. and stick your paddle through the two loops and walah.. an easy to carry board without a handle.
Hey Patsy, got a good ding repair bloke in Manly Vale who should be up for it.
Email me if you want the contacts rather than putting him online!
He has restored a few boards that have ripped across Impossibles so gets my tick!