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Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Hilights and Final of the Snowy 2009

Created by AA > 9 months ago, 11 Jun 2009
NSW, 2159 posts
11 Jun 2009 11:11AM
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Finally - some hilights and most of the final on Monday.

A lot of the best surfing was in the final and although not every wave was caught on film, the best ones were.

Final results:

1st - Ben Apps (Southern Sydney) YELLOW
2nd - Andrew "Casso" Cassidy BLUE
3rd - Beau Nixon (Central Coast) GREEN
4th - Matt Fleming (Northern Beaches) WHITE (?)
5th - Roger "Tha Dogman" Saunders (Far North Coast) ORANGE
6th - Steve Beaumont (Northern Beaches) - RED (?)

(?) Unsure who's who?

Its a full 10 mins long so sit back and enjoy!

It's PUMPING out there right now so enough of staring at my Video Editor - I'm OUTAHERE!


PS: Where would you place DOGMAN in the final?

SA, 804 posts
11 Jun 2009 11:04AM
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Cheers for that Andrew Really enjoyed that while i was eating my pancakes.

I don't know much about judging by i thought the Dog should of been in the top 3

NSW, 2151 posts
11 Jun 2009 11:40AM
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champcrow said...

I don't know much about judging by i thought the Dog should of been in the top 3

Yeah hard to tell with out watching every single wave but agree with that.

Was it best 2 or 3 waves?

Ben was a deserved winner though by the looks.

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
11 Jun 2009 1:18PM
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Best 3 waves unfortunately for the Casso and Dogman as their best 1 or 2 waves were crackers given the conditions. Casso's best wave was judged the best wave of the final by all judges and Dogman's in the best 3 I think.

Go a bit easy on the judging as the paid judges were super keen to work towards the current criteria SUP events are being judged on. Also after being part of judging the final on the weekend there is a hell of a lot to track during a 6 man final. Often 3-4 guys surfing 200m apart at exactly the same time doesn't make for 100% prefect vision.

Next year once SPSC has got some experienced judges amongst them they can step in to judge the SUP event entirely until then it's great they allowed us to compete and show off what can be done on a SUP in such small conditions.


QLD, 7080 posts
11 Jun 2009 2:44PM
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I think the judges did a good job I had Casso in front until the end but Ben just pipped him.

I think they surfed really well considering the conditions , Casso my man you rip on that 8-10 and so did Ben what was he on ?

NSW, 3768 posts
11 Jun 2009 4:32PM
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Piros said...

I think they surfed really well considering the conditions , Casso my man you rip on that 8-10 and so did Ben what was he on ?

Thanks Piros - I was on the DC 8'8" (not the 8'10").

Ben was on a Laguna Bay with a semi pulled in nose - not sure what size but it looked good.

NSW, 3768 posts
11 Jun 2009 4:55PM
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Go a bit easy on the judging as the paid judges were super keen to work towards the current criteria SUP events are being judged on. Also after being part of judging the final on the weekend there is a hell of a lot to track during a 6 man final. Often 3-4 guys surfing 200m apart at exactly the same time doesn't make for 100% prefect vision.

Well said Sam.

Judging is a very difficult task at the best of times, but when you have six guys in the water with very similar abilities, 200m apart, sun glaring off the water and judging a discipline you are not totally across - it must have been a nightmare.

All six finalists must have been VERY close in their total scores as I picked the outcome quite different (with me not placing nearly as high).

With Sam in the judging tower and the head judge coming over to us before the final to get some 'criteria' advice I think they did a great job overall. Rounds one and two saw a few of the longboard styles rewarded handsomely but in the final they really focussed on the proper SUP performance criteria:

"A surfer must perform radical controlled manoeuvres, using the paddle as a key tool, in the critical sections of a wave with speed, power and flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative / progressive surfing as well as variety of repertoire [manoeuvres], wave negotiation and use of the paddle to increase the intensity of the manoeuvres, will all be taken into account when awarding points for SUP surfing. The SUP surfer who executes these criteria with the maximum degree of difficulty and commitment on the waves will be rewarded with the higher scores."
- International Surfers Association Rule Book

NSW, 3768 posts
11 Jun 2009 5:30PM
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Here's a good bit too:

"Because the paddle allows large SUP boards to be turned with high rates of speed and power, stand-up paddle surfing is deemed to be, at the competition level, a performance-centred branch of surfing, much like conventional shortboarding."
- International Surfers Association Rule Book

QLD, 3358 posts
11 Jun 2009 7:21PM
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on what on seen
Dogman 1st ( He got his board right on to its rail in his turns rather than pushing his tail around looked better to me.

beau 2nd

casso 3rd

I'm not saying the judges were wrong but from the vid that's how i see it.


NSW, 769 posts
11 Jun 2009 8:43PM
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Final results:

1st - Ben Apps (Southern Sydney) YELLOW
2nd - Andrew "Casso" Cassidy BLUE
3rd - Beau Nixon (Central Coast) GREEN
4th - Matt Fleming (Northern Beaches) WHITE (?)
5th - Roger "Tha Dogman" Saunders (Far North Coast) ORANGE
6th - Steve Beaumont (Northern Beaches) - RED (?)

Great video AA ,HOW DID YOU GO?


NSW, 2159 posts
11 Jun 2009 9:13PM
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boylos said...

Great video AA ,HOW DID YOU GO?


Not good mate! I never made it down to the food and wine festival!


PS: I am not the competitive type (cough cough)! Naaah not my gig I actually enjoy just 'hanging out'!

NSW, 2159 posts
11 Jun 2009 9:48PM
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Casso said...


Go a bit easy on the judging as the paid judges were super keen to work towards the current criteria SUP events are being judged on. Also after being part of judging the final on the weekend there is a hell of a lot to track during a 6 man final. Often 3-4 guys surfing 200m apart at exactly the same time doesn't make for 100% prefect vision.

Well said Sam.

Judging is a very difficult task at the best of times, but when you have six guys in the water with very similar abilities, 200m apart, sun glaring off the water and judging a discipline you are not totally across - it must have been a nightmare.

All six finalists must have been VERY close in their total scores as I picked the outcome quite different (with me not placing nearly as high).

With Sam in the judging tower and the head judge coming over to us before the final to get some 'criteria' advice I think they did a great job overall. Rounds one and two saw a few of the longboard styles rewarded handsomely but in the final they really focussed on the proper SUP performance criteria:

"A surfer must perform radical controlled manoeuvres, using the paddle as a key tool, in the critical sections of a wave with speed, power and flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative / progressive surfing as well as variety of repertoire [manoeuvres], wave negotiation and use of the paddle to increase the intensity of the manoeuvres, will all be taken into account when awarding points for SUP surfing. The SUP surfer who executes these criteria with the maximum degree of difficulty and commitment on the waves will be rewarded with the higher scores."
- International Surfers Association Rule Book

Yeah, I agree with all of the above. The organisers (Manly Malibu Boardriders) went out of their way to judge it correctly, especiallyby asking Sam to be part of the judging panel.

At the end of the day judging is not a perfect science and there will always be discrepencies - its human nature.

What I am interested in as how others in the forum see it. For me this is not criticising the judging it is just opening up a point of discussion and see how others see it. At such early days in the sports development these discussions go a long way to paving the future, I beleive.

As someone said to me today - "judging that final was like judging a Lonboard and Shortboard comp in one" A very hard thing to do!

Ultimately as the sport grows I believe we will have to have a Longboard SUP division and a Shortboard SUP division with different judging criteria. The two styles are just way too different to be judged side by side.

We are lucky to even have these comps right now so I am all for backing up those who are prepared to include us!!


laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 Jun 2009 9:55PM
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AA said...

Finally - some hilights and most of the final on Monday.

A lot of the best surfing was in the final and although not every wave was caught on film, the best ones were.

Final results:

1st - Ben Apps (Southern Sydney) YELLOW
2nd - Andrew "Casso" Cassidy BLUE
3rd - Beau Nixon (Central Coast) GREEN
4th - Matt Fleming (Northern Beaches) WHITE (?)
5th - Roger "Tha Dogman" Saunders (Far North Coast) ORANGE
6th - Steve Beaumont (Northern Beaches) - RED (?)

(?) Unsure who's who?

Its a full 10 mins long so sit back and enjoy!

It's PUMPING out there right now so enough of staring at my Video Editor - I'm OUTAHERE!


PS: Where would you place DOGMAN in the final?

i say give the dogman a dc 8 10 bone. dog+dc would be incredible

NSW, 198 posts
11 Jun 2009 9:55PM
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Hi Casso, its my first time on here. All I know about my sup is that its 9ft 4 or 5. I have no idea about the rest of it because I leave it all upto Tully. As for my paddle i leave that up to Woogie hahaha. Im not very good at knowing all of that stuff. I prefer to ride whatever they want me to ride.

That was my first real sup event and had heaps of fun, no hassling and no ego. I hope to see all of the finalist again at some future SUP comps. Just as long as they dont judge longboarding stuff as I cant longboard for sh..! hahaha

Cheers mate Appsy

NSW, 2159 posts
11 Jun 2009 10:09PM
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You RIP Appsy! Welcome to the Breeze!


NSW, 198 posts
11 Jun 2009 10:14PM
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AA said...

Casso said...


Go a bit easy on the judging as the paid judges were super keen to work towards the current criteria SUP events are being judged on. Also after being part of judging the final on the weekend there is a hell of a lot to track during a 6 man final. Often 3-4 guys surfing 200m apart at exactly the same time doesn't make for 100% prefect vision.

Well said Sam.

Judging is a very difficult task at the best of times, but when you have six guys in the water with very similar abilities, 200m apart, sun glaring off the water and judging a discipline you are not totally across - it must have been a nightmare.

All six finalists must have been VERY close in their total scores as I picked the outcome quite different (with me not placing nearly as high).

With Sam in the judging tower and the head judge coming over to us before the final to get some 'criteria' advice I think they did a great job overall. Rounds one and two saw a few of the longboard styles rewarded handsomely but in the final they really focussed on the proper SUP performance criteria:

"A surfer must perform radical controlled manoeuvres, using the paddle as a key tool, in the critical sections of a wave with speed, power and flow to maximize scoring potential. Innovative / progressive surfing as well as variety of repertoire [manoeuvres], wave negotiation and use of the paddle to increase the intensity of the manoeuvres, will all be taken into account when awarding points for SUP surfing. The SUP surfer who executes these criteria with the maximum degree of difficulty and commitment on the waves will be rewarded with the higher scores."
- International Surfers Association Rule Book

Yeah, I agree with all of the above. The organisers (Manly Malibu Boardriders) went out of their way to judge it correctly, especiallyby asking Sam to be part of the judging panel.

At the end of the day judging is not a perfect science and there will always be discrepencies - its human nature.

What I am interested in as how others in the forum see it. For me this is not criticising the judging it is just opening up a point of discussion and see how others see it. At such early days in the sports development these discussions go a long way to paving the future, I beleive.

As someone said to me today - "judging that final was like judging a Lonboard and Shortboard comp in one" A very hard thing to do!

Ultimately as the sport grows I believe we will have to have a Longboard SUP division and a Shortboard SUP division with different judging criteria. The two styles are just way too different to be judged side by side.

We are lucky to even have these comps right now so I am all for backing up those who are prepared to include us!!


I argree with some of the comments on the judging on the weekend. Im very happy to have won the snowy and could see the diffrent contrast's of styles through out the three day contest. I reckon it would have been hard event to judge. I heard the final was very close. But Ill give my opinin since its a forum. I come from a shortboarding background, no offence too the longboarders but I have just shortboarded.

I went to the Noosa surfing fest in 07 and watched the Hawaiians SUP. It was some of the best surfing I have ever seen. They used all aspects of shortboarding and longboarding, but they used their paddle. There's a big difference between someone standing on the tail of a 9ft plus sup and using body weight to wiggle a turn and someone using a paddle increasing their power through a turn.

I hope that SUP does not go either shortboarding or longboarding I hope it stays in the middle. I think what we could do is make limitations in sizes of boards. Have a 9ft below and a 9ft above. But overall the sport will progress, and I hope thepeople taking the sport on just respect everyone else out in the water.

NSW, 3768 posts
11 Jun 2009 10:56PM
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appsy said...

Hi Casso, its my first time on here. All I know about my sup is that its 9ft 4 or 5. I have no idea about the rest of it because I leave it all upto Tully. As for my paddle i leave that up to Woogie hahaha. Im not very good at knowing all of that stuff. I prefer to ride whatever they want me to ride.

That was my first real sup event and had heaps of fun, no hassling and no ego. I hope to see all of the finalist again at some future SUP comps. Just as long as they dont judge longboarding stuff as I cant longboard for sh..! hahaha

Cheers mate Appsy

Appssssssssy, good to see you here mate. Thanks for all that good info on the Laguna Bay.

It WAS a fun event, hey? Your SUP record is pretty good so far!

NSW, 1016 posts
12 Jun 2009 9:51AM
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Great stuff Andrew, thanks for putting that up for us.I think they all surfed it to bits for the conditions.Appsy got the cream and thats how contests are hey?Every dog has their day,and no doubt Dog will,
Bring on da Mambo,

NSW, 1016 posts
12 Jun 2009 9:52AM
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PS welcome to the breeze Appsy,and congrates again,

NSW, 1520 posts
12 Jun 2009 12:40PM
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paul.j said...

on what on seen
Dogman 1st ( He got his board right on to its rail in his turns rather than pushing his tail around looked better to me.

beau 2nd

casso 3rd

I'm not saying the judges were wrong but from the vid that's how i see it.


From watching the vid (thanks Andrew) I agree-his length of ride wasn't great-but on the criteria posted by Casso-I vote for Dogman-definitely NOT a 5th-only base on the vid.

NSW, 198 posts
12 Jun 2009 12:58PM
Thumbs Up

Casso said...

appsy said...

Hi Casso, its my first time on here. All I know about my sup is that its 9ft 4 or 5. I have no idea about the rest of it because I leave it all upto Tully. As for my paddle i leave that up to Woogie hahaha. Im not very good at knowing all of that stuff. I prefer to ride whatever they want me to ride.

That was my first real sup event and had heaps of fun, no hassling and no ego. I hope to see all of the finalist again at some future SUP comps. Just as long as they dont judge longboarding stuff as I cant longboard for sh..! hahaha

Cheers mate Appsy

Appssssssssy, good to see you here mate. Thanks for all that good info on the Laguna Bay.

It WAS a fun event, hey? Your SUP record is pretty good so far!

Hahah... yeah Im still pretty happy with the result. Mate it was a really fun event. I think I did more talking to you guys then anything. It was good to see the varity of surfing. Like we were talking about I cant longboard to save my life. Mate being from the south coast if you have anything happening up your way let me know.Im heading up to surf wuth woogie and tully in three weeks, I hear all of the sunny coast guys surf really well on SUP's. So hopefully ill get a few pointers.

Cheers mate, Appsy

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:01PM
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loco4olas said...

paul.j said...

on what on seen
Dogman 1st ( He got his board right on to its rail in his turns rather than pushing his tail around looked better to me.

beau 2nd

casso 3rd

I'm not saying the judges were wrong but from the vid that's how i see it.


From watching the vid (thanks Andrew) I agree-his length of ride wasn't great-but on the criteria posted by Casso-I vote for Dogman-definitely NOT a 5th-only base on the vid.

based on the criteria, i believe maybe the judges should have a shortboard background
one thing i learn't in our club comps, lenght of ride means nothing on its good move will beat a ride to the beach.example- one good closeout will beat a 100 m ride
ps thats the big difference between free surfing and comps

NSW, 198 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:17PM
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ianr64 said...

PS welcome to the breeze Appsy,and congrates again,

Thanks Robbo, much appreciated. I was wrapped, but there was some luck too. I stayed on the little right hander with DOGMAN and CASSO. We just talked the whole final. It was like a tea party for a bit hahahaha. I hope we get more events up and running. We just need to pull our fingers out.I heard a rumour that in some beaches in Us and Hawaii they are thinking about banning SUP's. That will be a big blow for us if that happens.

Cheers mate appsy

NSW, 2151 posts
12 Jun 2009 1:56PM
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Hey appsy, you should come up for the inugural Sydney SUP club contest on August 8th. Well done on your Snowy result!

NSW, 3768 posts
12 Jun 2009 4:29PM
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goatman said...

Hey appsy, you should come up for the inugural Sydney SUP club contest on August 8th. Well done on your Snowy result!

You would think the Vice President of the club would get the date right - Goaty meant to say 9 August (not 8) - or maybe he's advertising the wrong date so he has a better chance of winning the inaugural comp.

I can't remember Appsy, are you from Cronulla area, the 'Gong or further?

Check out for the dates and locations of our upcoming events.

The Aussie SUP Titles are on 23 August at Port Macquarie - by winning the Snowy you'd think you'd have a pretty good chance of making it onto the NSW team. But nobody knows how they are making the selections yet (no official NSW State SUP Titles).

NSW, 2151 posts
12 Jun 2009 5:48PM
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Haha, your on to me Casso! Hey lets make that comp the State Titles mate!

None of this limiting the entries to 18 like the Snowy - give everyone a crack at it

NSW, 250 posts
12 Jun 2009 7:42PM
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A good start would be for Surfing Australia to include SUP in there judging accreditation course that way the judges are trained in what to look for. No need to re-invent the wheel, ISA have done all the hard work SA should just adopt it....but like the aussie titles all you get is a brick wall when you ask the question?

QLD, 5 posts
12 Jun 2009 8:39PM
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hi guys, loved the vid AA but gez can someone correct whos who on the vid please.
The last thing i need is to think its Casso when its actually The to get it right!!

NSW, 2159 posts
12 Jun 2009 11:04PM
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greenliner said...

hi guys, loved the vid AA but gez can someone correct whos who on the vid please.
The last thing i need is to think its Casso when its actually The to get it right!!


In the final (after the little intermission) -

1st - Ben Apps (Southern Sydney) YELLOW (orange Laguna Bay)
2nd - Andrew "Casso" Cassidy BLUE (White DC- always has his GREEN Targe't boardies on))
3rd - Beau Nixon (Central Coast) GREEN (white Laird)
4th - Matt Fleming (Northern Beaches) WHITE (Starboard)
5th - Roger "Tha Dogman" Saunders (Far North Coast) ORANGE (red helmet, as always)
6th - Steve Beaumont (Northern Beaches) - RED ( starboard)


NSW, 1016 posts
13 Jun 2009 12:43AM
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So whats the latest word on the state titles for NSW ?

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
14 Jun 2009 8:34PM
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yo dudes

just for the record i'm rapped with 5th place

and was just stoked to be in the water with a few crew on sup's "the best tea party yet" next time i'll bake some scones

thanks AA for the video of the event

just waiting for the footage that casso's personal film crew took

big congrats go to appsy on taking out the sup surfing final

and sam for 3km paddle

and congrats to casso for beating me again in the surfing and the paddle race(f@rrrkkkk!!!!)

and congrats to newcastle sup for completing the 3km paddle on "the cracker sub-marine sub-vector" you must have past a heap of crew on the way back from the bower dude going off!!!

and biggest thanks to the manly longboard club for putting on a great comp

and making some cool trophies for all the finalists


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Hilights and Final of the Snowy 2009" started by AA