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Hip Replacement Rehab

Created by Leroy13 > 9 months ago, 1 Aug 2013
VIC, 1174 posts
1 Aug 2013 9:18PM
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Hi all . Has anyone had a full hip replacement and is now Sup Surfing again? With rehab can you get it back to normal? Sorry I'm asking these medical questions (Eye-Lens replacement full recovery, Spine-Laminectomy last year 98% recovery)but the forum is full FOB's like me and it would be nice to know of any success stories and what to expect. Apparently Scott McKercher has had two successful hip replacement ops. Any advice would be much appreciated, as they've had to bring the op forward from December to ASAP, because I can't really put any weight on it or work. Stepped in a pothole while umpiring a game of AFL at school ( Regional Final-and we lost). Problems hopefully (I'm a couple over that now!)come in threes so hopefully this is it for a while!

QLD, 4177 posts
1 Aug 2013 9:49PM
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Hey mate i had a hip reconsrtuction about 2 years ago , the recovery and op is much longer than an actual hip replacement , it took me a good year before it felt comfortable. I got talked into this by the DOC new you beaut technique from Sweeden , yeah rightSo if they offer you a hip reconstruction , go with the hip replacement.Also get three quotes just like you would anything else major!Most people recover pretty quick from replacements , just make sure your getting good quality parts . If i where you id be trying everything you can to put it off if possible.Not trying to be negative but its a real fkn drag mate.Saying that i can still surf and do most things i used to be able to do , although i do suffer when i push it to hard. I stretch a lot and try to keep my weight down which helps a lot. Used to take all the wizbang stuff , krill oil , shark cartlige all that **** , and i rekon it s all a waste of money , a good balanced diet will give you all those things and much cheaper , when it plays up nothing worked better for me than good old aspirin Good luck , i have to get my left side done and wont be doing it unitll i have to drag my leg behing me

VIC, 1174 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:18PM
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Thanks TeaTrea. I've aready tried the delay op route but at the moment it feels like a 3 inch nail going into my pelvis every time I take a step. Just nice to know there is a possible light at the end of the Tunnel. I want to stop using all that crap as well!! Mine's a full replacement and I hope to be able to surf properly after the op (not that I could before) If you can't walk or work you gotta have the op.Thanx again for the info Mr Trea, keep up the painting!!

NSW, 33 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:21PM
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Hi I had my first hip replacement 17 years ago the old type the new hips are so much better now you can run on them. About 5 years ago I buggered the first one snow skiing and had to have it replaced again (bummer) the new one is metal on metal the old one was plastic on ceramic they also had to plate my femur to stop it splitting again . First time round I did no rehab snow skied after 3 months but I was a lot younger then and doing triathlons and about 90 kg's I lived on anti-inflammatories to keep me going. With my first hip the only exercise I did was bike ride and snow ski over the years with young kid commitments and work I found it hard to find the time to exercise enough and quickly put on the kilos. Big mistake I peaked at 125 kg's With the new hip I did as much rehab as possible , I snow skied after 6 months this time I took it easy being very careful I rode my bike a bit but it hurt and couldn't do the distance required to get the weight off . Struggled to find a sport I could do that was fun and enough exercise to get the weight off . My wife wanted to try SUP she had a lesson with the local shop I went along to check it out and deemed it to lame but my wife bought a board and about 3 months later reluctantly had a go. We currently have 8 boards and I am a paddle board nut I have been paddling for 2 x seasons now in the surf and flat water stand up paddling has been that good for my hip I can't believe it. I have lost 10 kg now and on the way down I don't limp any more and apart from the scar you would not know I have had 2 x hip replacement's . I found rehab good but the best rehab for a hip is flat water SUP I was 35 when I had my first hip I am now 52 . Hope this helps and your op goes well .

VIC, 1174 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:35PM
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Thanx for the info Skiman very positive. Plan to do heaps of flatwater Paddling and stay at around (95-100Kg). They say the new hips might last for a long time. I'm a PE teacher but 55 years old so I know it's going to be a grind. The Laminectomy last year was more dangerous but this seems to be more recovery intensive. Cheers and thanx again skiman.

VIC, 1174 posts
1 Aug 2013 11:36PM
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Thanx for the info Skiman very positive. Plan to do heaps of flatwater Paddling and stay at around (95-100Kg). They say the new hips might last for a long time. I'm a PE teacher but 55 years old so I know it's going to be a grind. The Laminectomy last year was more dangerous but this seems to be more recovery intensive. Cheers and thanx again skiman.

scott mckerc
WA, 284 posts
1 Aug 2013 10:48PM
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Hey Leroy
Bit of top spin to that story.
Only had one done.
But best thing I've ever done.
Mine was a birmingham hip.
Highly recommended as you can't dislocate in re hab and can then do complete replacement later on when you wear that one out.
I was supping a few weeks out of hospital(Flat water). Maybe a little early as it would click clack a bit.
Pretty sore straight after but they give you good drugs. But need to get off em quick as they make you a zombie.
was wavesailing two months later in proper waves. Would get a little tight but no pain.
Don't delay anymore You'll be so stoked when you get it done.
I can do pretty much anything I want.
all the best'

VIC, 1174 posts
2 Aug 2013 8:19AM
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scott mckerc said..

Hey Leroy
Bit of top spin to that story.
Only had one done.
But best thing I've ever done.
Mine was a birmingham hip.
Highly recommended as you can't dislocate in re hab and can then do complete replacement later on when you wear that one out.
I was supping a few weeks out of hospital(Flat water). Maybe a little early as it would click clack a bit.
Pretty sore straight after but they give you good drugs. But need to get off em quick as they make you a zombie.
was wavesailing two months later in proper waves. Would get a little tight but no pain.
Don't delay anymore You'll be so stoked when you get it done.
I can do pretty much anything I want.
all the best'

Thanks for being kind enough to let me know your story Scott! I apologise for getting it wrong but I was doing the rounds of our Melbourne SUP retailers and it came up in conversation because of my severe limp. Man, if its as good as that then I'm spewin Didn't get it done four months ago!! The DOC said it was so bad they couldn't put cortisone it as the joint was non existent and it was bone on bone. I know about the zombie drugs from the Laminectomy and I've had some pretty strong crap trying to get through to the end of the year. Really that's why I'm getting the op done early. I'm limping badly, physically impaired, increasing the damage, feeling the pain, but I don't care!! Time to get the op done!! Thanks for responding, to be quite frank I didn't think someone as famous as you would bother. It's a bit like Parko giving advice to a very old and broken down grommet!! The positive story is exactly what I was after because I've heard the technology has improved immeasurably over the last few years!! I have to get the socket and top of the Femur done, but your story has cheered me up heaps, forgive me if I don't dance a jig!! Cheers and thanks for your advice Leroy

VIC, 1689 posts
2 Aug 2013 9:39AM
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Hi Leroy, all who have come to my centre for rehab in the hydrotherapy pool have been extremely happy with their birmingham procedure. was like a miricle for one bloke, from walking stick and hardly able to hobble to walking freely and swimming laps within a month of coming. Rehab is the key.
All the best,
ps: lose as much weight as is healthy for you prior to op

VIC, 1174 posts
2 Aug 2013 10:17AM
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micksmith said..

Hi Leroy, all who have come to my centre for rehab in the hydrotherapy pool have been extremely happy with their birmingham procedure. was like a miricle for one bloke, from walking stick and hardly able to hobble to walking freely and swimming laps within a month of coming. Rehab is the key.
All the best,
ps: lose as much weight as is healthy for you prior to op

You calling me a FOB Mick??? You are right, but I have lost 12 kg since that Bass Sup comp. I was back up to around 112 kg and am back down to 100 and just under on a good day. For 183 cm thats not to bad and I can see the outline (packaging) of a six pack or was that a carton. I still need to drop 5 to 10 kg to be in the healthy range for my genetic predisposition according to my doc. Hopefully I'll get there soon!! I'm trying to get the op done in the next few weeks and I'll ask about the Birmingham procedure but my hip might be a little far gone to be able to do that. Cheers and thanx for the advice and encouragement Mick. Might see you Sunday and hit you with my walking stickLOL!!

scott mckerc
WA, 284 posts
2 Aug 2013 8:37AM
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little word of caution about the advice given by certain GP's.
My standard GP was more than willing to send me off to a certain surgeon that didn't even mention bimingham.
And then when I brought up the name he was dubious about it. (because he didn't do it)
Thankfully a friend had gone through it before me and a certain doc denial made me aware of it as well.
otherwise I would have had my ball joint lobbed off for nothing.
in WA the mount hospital and doc beau nivbrandt might be able to recommend east coast options.

VIC, 1689 posts
2 Aug 2013 11:05AM
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Leroy13 said..
micksmith said..

Hi Leroy, all who have come to my centre for rehab in the hydrotherapy pool have been extremely happy with their birmingham procedure. was like a miricle for one bloke, from walking stick and hardly able to hobble to walking freely and swimming laps within a month of coming. Rehab is the key.

All the best,

ps: lose as much weight as is healthy for you prior to op

You calling me a FOB Mick??? You are right, but I have lost 12 kg since that Bass Sup comp. I was back up to around 112 kg and am back down to 100 and just under on a good day. For 183 cm thats not to bad and I can see the outline (packaging) of a six pack or was that a carton. I still need to drop 5 to 10 kg to be in the healthy range for my genetic predisposition according to my doc. Hopefully I'll get there soon!! I'm trying to get the op done in the next few weeks and I'll ask about the Birmingham procedure but my hip might be a little far gone to be able to do that. Cheers and thanx for the advice and encouragement Mick. Might see you Sunday and hit you with my walking stickLOL!!

LOL, nnnoooooo FOB its just that it's easier for recovery. see you saturday/sunday hope to get a surf in sat at Pt danger area
couldn't agree more with scott, same bloke who had miricle was initially told he couldn't have birmingham

QLD, 448 posts
2 Aug 2013 11:42AM
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Hey Leroy,

Had a Birmingham Hip Resurface ten months ago.... All I can say is "friggin awesome"...

There are many devices on the market with proven results. I researched the hell out of it, my first choice was a Birmingham Hip resurface and the second was a ceramic on ceramic mini hip. I also shopped around surgeons... Got the best I could find...and not all recommend a metal on metal implant due to certain issues.

I am doing my job as a fire fighter, windsurfing, running, supping...I have no restrictions and will start back kitesurfing again as soon as I get some wind.

The best recovery is walking, flat water supping, bike ridding and physio. Take your recovery seriously, build the strength around the joint. It will feel like a lose wheel for a while, but it will eventually feel so good you won't even think about it. The longer you put off the op, the more the muscles around the joint will degenerate and the longer the recovery.

Also...people tend to live a stationary lifestyle after a hip op so they don't wear it out. That is the worst thing you can do. You need to do weight bearing exercises so your bones stay bonded to the device as the new bearings are very wear resistant.

There is a australian written report you can read online by the national joint register (something like that) that will tell you the revision rates for devices available in Australia. Research your options, because not all devices will suit everyone..



VIC, 1174 posts
2 Aug 2013 12:17PM
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Thanks heaps everyone. I certainly won't and don't live a sedentary lifestyle. Being a PE teacher and having 4 kids doesn't allow it. Plus I don't have any sick pay and only minimal lsl so I have to get back to work ASAP or become a pauper. I think I must have run over God's cat I'll be an interested onlooker Mick CU then.

QLD, 529 posts
2 Aug 2013 12:55PM
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Hey Leroy, I can't help you with your questions but just wanted to say I hope it all goes well. From what others have said above it sounds very positive. I hope you're back in the water quickly with no dramas. You're probably going to need a new board for rehab purposes of course
All the best

SA, 21 posts
3 Aug 2013 10:14PM
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I have had both hips resurfaced.Is anyone suping with both done? How do you find pull on leg rope in the surf? Is placing it around ankle the best option?

QLD, 448 posts
4 Aug 2013 9:35AM
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I have only have one done at this stage and attach the leg rope to the leg with the replaced hip. I'm not sure that it is such a wise move, but I only go out in small waves. I have had a few tugs on the leg and wondered if it could dislocate....but it hasn't...



1 posts
16 Aug 2013 2:19PM
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Hey maxd

I had both hips resurfaced at the same time back in April 2007. Have been surfing and and Sup in all conditions since 2008. Legrope pull is no issue, though I tend to use a longer leggie on bigger days to soak up a bit more of the shock. This is probably more to put my mind at ease than actual necessity as I believe once you have done the rehab and keep that area strong the risk would be minimal. Jeff Clark ( Mavericks ) had his done just after mine and he was back out there!! so I don't think we have much to fear in our conditions... I hope all goes well as being virtually pain free after years of discomfort is a real bonus. Wokka

VIC, 59 posts
16 Aug 2013 4:53PM
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Hey Leroy
I haven't had a hip replacement either but just wanted wish a pain free and speedy recovery. you will be out catching waves in no time.

QLD, 1458 posts
16 Aug 2013 10:26PM
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Hi - i surf (Stand up) with a friend on the Gold Coast who had a double hip replacement and he really surfs well. To the point that he gets more waves than most which isn't bad for a 60 tear old.

VIC, 1174 posts
18 Aug 2013 11:31AM
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Thanks Darryl it's the day after the operation. I'm really surprised at how much weight and balance I've still got. I hope to go home tomorrow. Flatwatering in four to six weeks. And surfing in three months. How are you. Where are you. If you're in hospital for a while I'll come and visit. Thanks for the positive stories and encouragement, bless you all

VIC, 8020 posts
18 Aug 2013 11:40AM
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I know a few people who have had titanium parts put into knees.... (not hips)...

One ex-Rugby player (Phil Franks - top grade League player) - he has 2 new titanium knees... He wishes he had done them sooner... He's back in the gym, at the snow, skiing, etc... etc...

Bob McTavish has had Titanium liners put into one knee, it's called a "hemi", I think. He's still surfing very well for a bloke who is 68/69ish.

John Northey of AFL fame, last time I saw him around at Dad's joint, he was badly in need of 2 knee overhauls... He's putting it off... (FYI - for 2 knees, you usually do them 6-12 months apart... not both at once!)...

SA, 21 posts
18 Aug 2013 7:31PM
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Leroy13 said..

Thanks Darryl it's the day after the operation. I'm really surprised at how much weight and balance I've still got. I hope to go home tomorrow. Flatwatering in four to six weeks. And surfing in three months. How are you. Where are you. If you're in hospital for a while I'll come and visit. Thanks for the positive stories and encouragement, bless you all

My experience of the 2 resurfaces was that you get on your feet quickly but once you get stitches or staples out and can do rehab in the pool things really improve. The other initial rehab exercise are also just as important. Good luck with it.

NSW, 347 posts
19 Aug 2013 8:06AM
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hang in there leroy i'm feeling for you mate, speedy recovery.

VIC, 1689 posts
19 Aug 2013 8:35AM
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Sppeedy recovery mate, just make sure your at the next surf comp we need you to lug all the equipment and do the judging Bring a trolley if you don't think you'll be able to manage

VIC, 534 posts
19 Aug 2013 9:15AM
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All the best Leo

Good idea mick , also Leo could be a caddie and chauffeur for the drive home

VIC, 3516 posts
19 Aug 2013 9:32AM
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Leroy hope your up and dancing the polka a real soon!

Anything we can do to help with your rehab or you need some time out come stay with us for couple days


VIC, 1174 posts
19 Aug 2013 11:53PM
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Thanks you bunch of lovely wackers. I'm at home doing really , really well!!! MR Dirk Van Bavel he da man. I can actually shuffle without any pain!!!!. Its freakin awesome!! Hey Mick and Matt, I'll do the chaufeurring but you muscle bound thugs can lug all that crap We need to factor in proximity to parking at the next comp and sedan chairs for those that have disabilities. Phill you'll probably understand that it is no Polka for me. More like a horizontal Mambo with Mrs Palmer and her five daughters who all look exactly like Jennifer Hawkins (Before she lost the weight) Elle McPherson turns up to lend "a hand'!! BEWARE OF SHAKING HANDS WITH LEROY. I'll just go back and have another nap after my rehab excercises.

Don't wait to have a hip replacement but make sure its the right procedure for you. Under 50 the Birmingham resurfacing is the go. 50 to 60 either the Birmingham or Exeter (ceramics) through your glute. The turnaround is much, much faster than a knee and I am out of pain as of three days ago. It's like a bad corky now. The doc said he thought in around-5 weeks, flatwater paddling should be an excellent core and related muscle rehab, as long as the wound has healed. Surfing small waves in 3 months is a possibility probably 4 to 6. Unfortunately there is always a chance of dislocation, be very wary/ careful always until 12 months and then unlikely but still possible. Next trick is to stop the pain killers. As Scott said they zombify you, so as those that know me well realise, there is not much difference to the normal me!!!! Cheers and have fun doing whatever water related activity you're up to this weekend. Go hard and charge coz you never know when it can get taken away

VIC, 1301 posts
20 Aug 2013 7:08AM
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All the best for a sensible and speedy recoveryLeroy, lots of flat water paddling first then some comfortable D/w ers for you, then like last Sunday, 'kn 35 kn's+ will be the thing for you once healed, the fun factor was off the scale... This sort of DWer gives a reason to get fit again and besides.... it's a perfect therapy session

QLD, 4177 posts
20 Aug 2013 10:08AM
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Great to hear it went wellI had a mini revelation today and it may help you into the future. Be concious of the way you stand and not transfering weight to the better hip , or you will find that one becomes sore quickly.When i paddle i tend to put most weight on my left side due to my gammy right hip , thismorning i realised when i fall off my board it is always on the left side , by board aslo does not track that straight , i assumed it was the small fin i use , but it is my uneven weight. It is also true for just sitting , if you become aware of it you will notice you will take weight of the bad hip. Obviusley in re-hab this is normal , but the bad habit will continue if not checked.Bad thing about this is just wont effect your other hip but your back , neck as well.

VIC, 1174 posts
20 Aug 2013 11:46AM
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ockanui said..

All the best for a sensible and speedy recoveryLeroy, lots of flat water paddling first then some comfortable D/w ers for you, then like last Sunday, 'kn 35 kn's+ will be the thing for you once healed, the fun factor was off the scale... This sort of DWer gives a reason to get fit again and besides.... it's a perfect therapy session

Sounds like an excellent plan MJ!! You know I have no experience on the Downwinders but was completely blown away by my one session before the op. I might have to get your rates and take you on as my personal coach when I'm on my way back.. I don't think it will affect my surfing much, I'll always be very average. Dowwinding on the other hand, I now realise 1./ how technical and crucial technique and equipment for successful and enjoyable downwinding is. 2./ How physically demanding Downwindinding is. You need to be seriously fit especially on the stronger wind days 3./ Logistically and safety wise how much of a team effort Downwinding is. Fortunately we are lucky enough to have DJ, PT, JC, Justin, you....... and the list goes on to pass on information regarding organisation.

I seriously would think that outside of Hawaii we (Australia, but especially Victoria) must be a fairly highly regarded downwind destination due to the strength of the prevailing winds and the perfect sized playground known as Port Phillip Bay!!. If reckon if DJ and the rest of the crew wanted to become rich men, they could create a portfolio of vids along with a brochure, get some equipment together and create a downwinding/surfing tour that they could market to Europe, Japan and the states. Torquay's just down the road, Bells Beach/Winki is world famous (Just thinking out loud is all.) You know if you had a 3 part Australian Waterman tour ( including Kiting as well), with stints in Vic, NSW and QLD and options forTassie, SA and WA, you could end up living a great lifestyle that provides a great opportunity/service for overseas surfers.

Thanks for your words of encouragement MJ. . I seriously think we forget how lucky we are in OZ. If you love water based sports then this country is the place. From the ethereal beauty and warm water of QLD and NSW to the amazing rugged challenges of the Southern states and of course the magic of WA.

Hey, and I'm only on half the pain killers I was on a two weeks ago. It's amazing how your spirits can lift when your body is out of persistent neuralgic pain. i hope to catch up really soon MJ and you can guide me how to use Nick Moloney's DW/BOP/Flatwater superweapon better. BTW his book about sailing and crewing on "Orange" is an amazing read with proceeds going to sail4cancer.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Hip Replacement Rehab" started by Leroy13