It's all about just having fun on the water. The paint job just sets it off. Good on you for having a go.
OP, I applaud your efforts and your enthusiasm for sharing your first build and welcome you to seabreeze. shoot me a PM.
I'm shocked at the arrogant and ignorant comments from some of the members here. DJ in particular, I would have expected more from you then "Don't mean to be rude.. but.. if Fred Flintstone had a sup board that would be it."
"Just checking.. It's not April the 1st is it?"
Hey j13urton - good onya mate. Good to see you took it all in the manner in which it was meant (ie; lighthearted humour). I'm sure you'll get hours of enjoyment riding something you built with your own hands.
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
As for logman, Supstyle and the 'precious' red thumbers .. It's a pity you guys have to tolerate your lives without a sense of humour.
Hey SUPSTYLE, I hope your joking.
Plenty of support and positive feedback for this post as far as I can see.
Don't forget that this is an Australian forum and us Aussies can have a whacky sense of humour sometimes.
That doesn't mean that we are rubbishing this guy.
Put your Avatar into practice and "Hang Loose".
Have fun and SUP.
j13urton, since it seems to be your first glassing job, I would suggest you check the board thoroughly for micro pinholes that could let the air out ... and the water in. This is a very common problem.
putting it in the sun with a film of soapy water is a good way to find them, look for the bubbles.
J13urton, don't worry about water getting into the board. Extruded polystyrene is a closed cell so it's really won't take in water like old foam does. Sure it will leak a bit, but don't worry about it.
Hahaha dude I came all the way to the Australian forum and you still find me! It's no fair you get to use all the power tools in the hanger all i used was an axe while wearing my blue crocs. And yes if you must know a lot of Fosters beer was being drunk while crafting this master piece.
BTW I like how ya threw the pics of the Grumman in there.