After what seems like weeks of cold, wet and windy conditions here in Melbourne I woke this morning to this... .. Time to get the Javelin out..
Paul has just got his new 23" wide custom Starboard proto flat water board yesterday.. Hey Paul.. Did you say a little prayer last night?
I did a leisurely stroke from Elwood to St Kilda pier and apart from the water being a tad brackish, I felt like I was staring into a mirror for the entire was that calm!!
Nice on top this morning but a bit nasty underneath. Melb Water look to have been up to their tricks again - I reckon I spotted a couple of blind mullet in close at HMB today .
OG had about ten sups (including resident superstar Kristi Page) out, but around 100 mals and the odd talented shortboarder. Glassy with a slight bump, still good to give the brand new 10'2" Red PSH paddler a run. A little fin adjustment and a lot of good advice from OG Sup and I'll be even more stoked than I am now Cheers and thanks again Phil for the advice on paddle length Leroy.
At 7:45am this morning there were considerably fewer numbers at OG, maybe everyone sleeps in now that it's colder. Found a few lefts over the reef at high tide.
Then had a great surf this afternoon on the low tide at a very clean and glassy Point Impossible - found a nice left away from the crowds with just me and two short boards. Sweet.
Well Rosscoe I was out at OG around 7.30 on the Red PSH and stayed out for three and half hours,(until I started to fine tune my bottom turns). I was suprised at how many people were there!! Maybe I need to wear my glasses in the water but by 9.00 am I thought it was pretty chockers.
I must be getting old and cranky.
Niki got out there this afternoon and caught 6 whitewash waves. She was pretty stoked.
Time in the water with your kids priceless.