Im still here guys Ive kicked my seabreeze addiction so i dont come on as much as i used to
.. And i have a job again so work is getting in the way of my surfing again
I think most of the swell has been and gone now so bring on those arvo seabreezes for some downwinding or pole danceing i spose greeny
Hopefully we can get some good crews together this season the port to cott or brighton run is awsome Yeow
Hopefully catch up with everyone soon Belly
heh zimbo, on the show called little britain there was a skit where the guys got dressed in fat suits not to different to the one shown in the photo, very funny indeed, I have seen this suit in the photo before, I think it may come with an interchangeable head and even the clothes can be changed as I have seen lots of them around, usually in fast food venues!
you never had a belly in the first place ya skinny arsed
just breath out again greenie