What a great event and one of the best posts to follow on Seabreeze for a long time. It was great to see 4 places recognised, instead of the usual 3, which was a great initiative to promote the development of the sport. It was also refreshing to see 5 pages of great reading/viewing with no pimping from anyone. Let's hope this sets a new trend on this forum for 2012.
Read ponobill's posts on standup zone forum for his insight as to why Hawaii did not attend. To me it doesn't add up but who knows.
A huge congratulations to all competitors and particularly AUSTRALIA
Hawaii may not be a Country, but where ISA is concerned they are a separate region to the USA (some tradition going back to the 50's or 60's i think?) and both get to field a team if they wish.
I have a heap of footage i am going through and will post some vid's when i can get them done! i have just done one with Justin Holland which is on my Facebook page(sorry would link but the net is ****ty in this airport some one might want to link it?!!) i also have some stuff you wont see anywhere else of some different things we got up to so keep checking back as it was some funny siht we i was filming it!!! I'm pretty sure half of it wont even be legal on the internet so i see some long hours in the edit room!!!
We have 24 more hours left of flying and then we will be HOME!!!!
The Aussie team killed it over their but there was way more to this event than just winning and that is setting up the future of SUP on a bigger scale to what we have seen before, so hopefully the momentum will continue and big things will be to come!
Cheers Jacko
That last video was great Jacko , great race format and were the square cans harder to get around the a round ones , I suppose they keep the rope you away from your fin.
When you were on the dias I was wondering where your Aussie flag was, keep forgetting you paddled for NZ but don't worry mate we'll still claim you ,great effort by the ANZAC's . I would love to be there next year with the camera gear (I'd never qualify) the event looks unreal and as you said the seed has been planted for this to be huge.