Has anyone got any experiance with these Inflatable Stand Up Paddleboards?
I've got a friend looking at getting one as he has no space to store a real board.
He'll use it mainly for flat water and prob 20-30% surf.
seen some at Mambo, funnist thing i have seen for ages. Not sure what brand but it did not surf at all. At least we they ran in to people it was soft
I have ridden one on flat water and they seemed to be fine I think it was an uli. They are great for kids as they can fall on the without any issues. Also safer in the surf for a beginer and those arround them. Also saw them at the Mambo in the surf and they went ok too.
I think Oliver or Jonathon had one for some time they would be the best people to PM and could give you more information.
If anyone started off surfing a normal PU board and stepped up to an EPS epoxy board when they were first released and instantly noticed the increased bouyancy then this is how the inflatables feel. i.e next step up from the EPS epoxy, once you get your head around the extra bouyancy and learn to surf them they are great fun. I have sold a fair few to people travelling to outer islands where you struggle to fit a set of golf clubs onto the plane.
9'3 SubVector iSUP
I had an ULI for a while. Obviously great for travelling and if you have limited storage space. The boards are also virtually indestructible, and great for learning on as you are not going to hurt yourself if it hits you or others. They work ok in flat water and can be surfed.
Paddled a RedAir - only on flat water but it's a very nice board, packed up quickly.
Believe there is a Red Agent in Oz - may be worth checking out and asking them - www.redpaddleco.com/
Cheers, Paul.
The Ewa Marine guys mentioned on the waterproof phone case thread are also the Uli guys in Oz, same contact details.
Just noticed on the ULI website that the GL X-1 model is a lighter weight version of the Gerry Lopez model and can go in the overhead luggage compartment.
Now that’s a great travel SUP!
seen some at Mambo, funnist thing i have seen for ages. Not sure what brand but it did not surf at all. At least we they ran in to people it was soft
Hi Jacko
The brand you saw at Mambo couldn't have been an ULI (we were there) because we firmly stand by the quality and performance of our product. We are aware of other inflatable brands that were there. Our Gerry Lopez and Steamroller endorsed boards are testament to the quality of the ULI boards who are the inventors of inflatable boards. Furthermore, pages 80-89 of Volume 17 No.3 of the Stand up Paddle Journal are further testament to the quality of ULI. You only need to get on to You Tube to see all the footage of ULI Boards being surfed so I doubt it was our board that you believe did not surf at all.
I would love for you to have a go on one some time.
I never said they were ULI and not sure what they were but they did not look good at all IMO. I'm sure your's surf good but sorry they are not my cup of tea. I have had some bad experince's with blow up things and water
Maybe next time the river floods here i might track one down for a go..
I know of a company in sydney that have just developed thier first inflatable paddleboard. Using the same materials as the floors in inflatables boats.
Island inflatables