Looks like it might be a lot of left side paddling towards the end.. The first half is looking like only 5-10 knots so following the cliffs from Mornington to Frankston would be nice and then once we get near Mordy it should be a nice little down wind run to Rickets and then hug the shoreline along to Sandy... Looks like it will be a great day.
It's now been confirmed that it will be at 6.45am start from Mornington Pier.
Come on down and see us off..
Further to DJ & Dave, check your latest email from Felicity. If you missed the email, maybe contact your group leader, or Felicity.
just finishing packing all the equipment required for the Mad Paddle, all the training ready to be put into play, one more sleep.... big day coming up good luck fellow Mad paddlers,
Well the Mad paddle was a Totally Mad Success.
Kathy, Felicity, Jonathon, Big Wave Dave, Woody etc you guys nailed it!
By far the most professionally organised SUP event I have attended, you guys set a standard that is going to be hard to equal let alone surpass.
The amount of cooperation to make this event work was huge and to all those who contributed smokin effort!
DJ yet again you helped out big time leading the second group of solo paddlers top effort.
Phill and Kristi
Frankston to Sandy today was about 27km.
Thanks to everyone who paddled, and those who contributed their efforts for organising.
Big thanks to the owner/captain of our extremely plush 50+ foot support Cruiser. . Same for the other boats and captains!
Was a few pro photogs at the event today so should be more quality pics to come,
here are some quick happy snaps,
5am meeting spot Sandy Yacht Club for coach transport to Frankston
Scramble under lights getting ready at Frankston Foreshore
One of the smaller support boats
And were off
Pt took the lead at half way and was never challenged to the line
The fleet paddling around Sandy breakwall
Mike and Al paddled the whole way to the finish on the one board
Looks like an epic day, really looking forward to hear some match reports including the injury list and lessons learnt. Lots of Deep Heat and cold fluids tonite should aid recovery.
What a great day, from the attention to detail by the organizors, the camaraderie of the paddlers and support boat crew members the weather/ wind and the ice cold beer At the end, ahh i needed that....
I was out in my fishing boat wondering what was going on.
Impressive support crew!!
We done to everyone.
Looks like a great event.
To all the Mad Paddlers, thanks for a great day. Thanks to the 4 escort vessels - without whom we would have had no event. Thanks to the Team Leaders: DJ, Big Wave Dave, Jonathan and Paul. In particular thanks for staying in the groups and making it a safe and successful paddle. We have now earnt the respect of the various authorities and will be able to run SUPVic Mad Paddle on an annual basis. We are close to reaching the $25,000 donation for the Sandringham Hospital. Thanks once again for your incredible high level of support and patience both before and during the actual paddle. We had an absolute ball and can't wait for next year. Finally this event would not have happened without the powerhouse of Kathy and her organisational skills.
What a great day, there is a report up on SUP VIC:
There was another vessel looking after the front runners but unfortunately I didnt get a chance to get an image. The armada leaving Frankston flanked by all the paddlers looked like a D Day dawn invaision.
Kathy thanks again for letting Kristi and I stay with you, it really made life easy.
Nick Malony diving services keep the number in your speed dial just incase
What a great day!!
Thanks to all involved for making it happen.
BBQ and coldies at the finish line topped it off.
Paddling tandem to the finish was a good laugh.
Bring on the Mad Paddle 2013.