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Kawana Lake Time Trial 31 May 2012

Created by Swanie > 9 months ago, 30 May 2012
QLD, 1372 posts
30 May 2012 10:20PM
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Time trial are on again Tomorrow. Will be sending people of in three minute waves. Start time is 4:35pm. See you there.

QLD, 1372 posts
31 May 2012 8:37PM
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What a horrible wind. Many decided not to brave it. It was blowing about 23knots straight head wind on the way down and then shut down to give no assistance on the way back. Definitely the worst conditions we have paddled on this season. The reason for highlighting this is to showcase what a fantastic paddle Beau O'Brien did tonight. I kept with him but he pulled away with only 4.23km to go. Talk about a lightning start.

It was a night for the Starboard Aces. Beau, Jonsey and Lincoln were all their on the 14' ers. Pt and I were stoked to slog it out not that far behind them tonight on our 12'6" boards. Got you tonight PT and didn't let you get on my tail. The 3 PB's listed on the chart below are not some of their fastest times but are the fastest on the boards paddled tonight. It was their first time with these boards.
Most paddlers were about 1 to 2 minutes off their best with the wind. If you look at that stat then watch out Rusty if Beau gets some good conditions to knock you off the top. I wouldn't mind having a crack on the lake on one for one of the nights.

Hoping the 17th of June has cracka conditions as I would love to have everyone's times on this leader board.

Tonight's Times
Wind listed on doc image should all say 23 knots. Opps.

Leader Board To Date

QLD, 218 posts
31 May 2012 8:54PM
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How quick are the new Starboards?
Wonder how standing in a K 1 would go?

NSW, 540 posts
31 May 2012 9:35PM
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What sort of course are you guys paddling??
Is it straight up & back with one turn??
I reckon it's a great idea doing this sort of thing....helps eneryone monitor their progress and gives them a target to chase.
We've gotta get something like this going in Vicco.
Good stuff!!

QLD, 1372 posts
31 May 2012 9:44PM
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It makes for a great Thursday Arvo and has driven some competition and training on the coast. Also seems to pump up the interest in race boards.

NSW, 540 posts
31 May 2012 10:16PM
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How do you do your timing?
I imagine it would be quite difficult to find someone to sit on the bank with a stopwatch

QLD, 1372 posts
31 May 2012 11:29PM
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Deano72 said...

How do you do your timing?
I imagine it would be quite difficult to find someone to sit on the bank with a stopwatch

We have a couple sit on the bank with the stop watches. When warmer my wife does the timing whilst our kids skate


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Kawana Lake Time Trial 31 May 2012" started by Swanie