Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Maliko video...

Created by PeterP > 9 months ago, 12 Jul 2013
858 posts
12 Jul 2013 5:30PM
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Shot these past couple of days.....Cameo by Jeremy Riggs and Iron Phil....Saffas take on Maliko!


VIC, 17513 posts
12 Jul 2013 7:39PM
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Great vid thanks.. Keep them coming..


NSW, 523 posts
13 Jul 2013 3:50AM
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Very nice Pete. As much as I was enjoying your paddling I found myself trying to look through the top of the laptop at JR. He is good to watch - the style-master
...And Phil just cracks me up...

858 posts
13 Jul 2013 2:23AM
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yeah - apologies for not getting more of Jeremy, had I know he'd be passing by I would have taken the headcam and gotten more of him. He was absolutely styling, effortless grace and fast as. Wish I'd gotten the bit when he pulled out a camera and took a casually took a shot - he even showed it to me afterwards in parking lot - legend!

On a different note - how good was yesterday????? Cranking non stop bull**** fun


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Maliko video..." started by PeterP