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Maui Maliko Down Winder

Created by JonathanC > 9 months ago, 22 Nov 2009
VIC, 1021 posts
22 Nov 2009 1:54PM
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My last day on Maui time for the last Maliko down-winder, north shore ground swell starting to come back, not super windy but probably 20 knots and the sun is shining. The Maliko down wind run goes from Maliko Gulch (gully) which is east of Hookipa just before Jaws and ends at the Kahalui Harbour, it takes you past Hookipa, Lanes, Camp One, Sprecklesville, Kanaha, Pier 1 and finally to the harbour. It's about 9.5 miles or 15k.

Dave Kalama has broken the hour on a good run and he can do it on an OC1 (outrigger canoe) about 5 minutes faster than on a SUP. Takes me about 25 minutes longer on my F14!

Kelly Moore a Maui local has just started a shuttle service, she has a 15 seat van and a big trailer and for $10 she will drive you from the Canoe Club in the Harbour up to Maliko with your gear.

Can't think of any reason whatsoever that she won't be successful, as long as she leaves her pets at home.....

I was doing it with Randy and Chan and Chris, Dave Kalama is at the Canoe Club as we are getting the truck loaded and wants a lift up to do the run with us!! He is a super friendly down to earth guy, I'd just spent the last 10 or 15 minutes teaching him the the moves I've learnt with my new shoulder fitness thing Indian Clubs

My clubs aren't as fancy as the ones in the video, I just made them from bits of polly pipe and fittings from the plumbing aisle of the local Maui Bunnings type store. All up less than $10 including tape and super glue! I was giving them to one of the local canoe paddlers, T, she is a super strong paddler and like all the guys there very keen to maintain shoulder strength and mobility, Dave was interested and wanted to have a go too, he liked the home made aussie ingenuity of my clubs and is planning to make himself a set too.

It's pretty amazing what you can fit on a good set of roof racks with a bit of patient shuffling, three 20' OC1's and two 14' SUP's

You start off paddling out of Maliko Gulch through a 100m wide opening with rocky outcrops on either side, usually a very strong crosswind and pretty wild currents at the entrance, but it was pretty mild today.

Here are some shots Randy took from a run we did the weekend before, setting off from Maliko Gulch.

Slater Trout and Bill Foote

Paddling out to the open water

Jeremy at the rocks on his 14' Bill Foote board - 25" wide, he has incredible balance, didn't once see him fall or even come close.

Me on a runner on the F14, saw myself fall plenty of times!

Doing the run with Dave Kalama was a real privilege, he was in an OC1 and taking it easy - I think it was his second run for the day. And when he came up to me and asked if I would like some stroke tips......does the Pope wear a frock!

He got me to reach much further forward with the paddle at the start of my stroke by rotating my torso much more than I was. This meant that my lower arm came further forward, so the stroke started further forward - so instead of just reaching forward with my shoulders, now I was reaching forward by rotating my torso - sort of coiling up like a spring - so the start of the actual stroke was uncoiling the spring and all the strength came form my torso, not my shoulders. Instantly I was getting much more power into the stroke and catching glides more easily and more often. He was kind enough to watch and offer corrections for 5 or 10 minutes while I tried to get it together - then of course he just casually took off at about twice my speed. What an experience - thank you Dave!! I spent the whole plane trip home going through it in my mind.

The rest of the paddle felt so different, it was great to have another 10k or so to try to get it into the old skull. In fact I was so distracted that I kinda forgot to look where I was going. All the way there had been big fat ground swells going past with the wind swells I was catching on top of them, they would come in from my right hand side and just pass underneath - got a bit steeper off Camp One which should have rung alarm bells but I was in star-struck Grasshopper thinking what the Master had told me mode.

Anyway finally I got to within about a k of the harbour mouth and the cross swell really started to jack up, looked around and realised that I was way too far in and in the Pier 1 breaking zone. Pier 1 is a tow in spot so the waves are big fat suckers.

A big set wave jacked up and there was no way I was going to get over it so just turned to shore, stepped way back on the F14 and with heart in mouth paddled onto the wave . The F14 handled it superbly, just tracked super solidly down the face and I even managed to turn right a little and hammer down WHAT A BLAST !! Fortunately it ends in a channel because now I was only about 100m from the harbour wall where there was some serious crashing wave action happening. Heart beating, turned and just paddled straight back out as fast as I could and (thank you god) made it back out before any more big ones came through.

Here is a video of the spot - I swear it was bigger than this, but reality kinda takes a back seat when you think you might die or at the very least have the new F14 end up in little pieces!

Paddled into harbour feeling soooo good. What a holiday!

VIC, 17461 posts
22 Nov 2009 2:07PM
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Thanks Jonathan.... You lucky bugger!..


VIC, 301 posts
22 Nov 2009 2:11PM
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Sounds like you had way too much fun Johnathan. What a great trip.


63 posts
22 Nov 2009 12:52PM
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Great post JC, it was a pleasure doing runs with you.

Dave came along again today, this time on his standup. He and Randy set up a bunch of go pro's on Randy's canoe - and his head - and did some video. Conditions were quite good. He and Randy started way behind Chan and I, due to the camera set-up time. They stopped about 40 times, setting up shots, etc.

It was a pleasure for me as well, driving up with Dave. He is a true inspiration to many, many people. I found myself pushing it a bit harder and going for bigger stuff simply due to Dave's presence. Turned out to be a very fast run by my standards.

Should be some great video on the way from Randy. I'm not sure how they will handle the posting of it. Since Dave is a pro, there may be some wait time before we get to see it. I forgot to ask Randy about that. Randy sounded pretty happpy about the potential of the footage. He was stunned at the power Dave can crank out during a run. For a comparison to another elite paddler - Jeremy FLIES at about an 8 mph average, Dave does 9.5. To say that is a lot faster is truly an understatement. It's almost 20%.

I'm so glad you got to do a bunch of maliko runs. It was a pleasure chaperoning you on your first one. Remember how careful I was to be certain you knew exactly where the harbor entrance was? Another paddler I know was left on her own for her first run, and had a nasty time getting upwind along that wall. Turns out her vision was a deciding factor. It won't ever be a question if I'm along with a first timer. I'm really glad you were dropping into some bombs. It makes maliko, well, maliko.

NW swell is due to build tonight. I hope it's not too severe, so we can go again tomorrow. If not, probably a south shore run.


WA, 7323 posts
22 Nov 2009 12:53PM
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Sounds like an epic trip you lucky bastard

VIC, 883 posts
22 Nov 2009 5:32PM
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jonathan, it's looks like you got your moneys worth on this trip thanks for sharing.Rodriguez

Zimbo Reagan
WA, 469 posts
22 Nov 2009 2:40PM
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Cool trip very jealous.

Interested in those Indian Clubs Jonathon are the routines difficult to lean and how heavy are they?

VIC, 1021 posts
22 Nov 2009 7:22PM
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Hi Zimbo,

The first set of clubs I made were from Gal pipe and I could screw on more fittings to make them heavier or lighter, they were too heavy and actually slightly hurt one shoulder! The plastic ones I made in Maui were really very light, maybe 400 grams each or even a bit less, everyone picks them up and says these are super light but after about 3 minutes say how tired their deltoids felt...even Dave the Machine said that.

The exercises take a little bit of practice and concentration to learn, I had some help form my 15yo son - he has done martial arts since he was 6 and they basically spend the whole time learning quite complex routines. He learnt them in no time then taught them to his poor old Dad! A good trick is to do them in front of a mirror or outside so you can see your shadow on the ground. It's really not that hard and actually quite good to just do the simple ones to get a feel for letting the momentum of the clubs drive the exercise rather than trying to muscle them around. Once you get it you don't have to think about it, just kind of relax and your body just does it. There is heaps of stuff on youtube, including some guys doing things with really heavy clubs and mace type things, not that I recommend this just wild to see. Have a look at

I think they are really excellent for maintaining strength and improving your mobility, I've only been going with them for 4 weeks but my shoulders feel much better and that is after the last three weeks of really full on paddling, surf paddling most mornings and 14 down-winders trying to keep up with all the Maui guys.

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
22 Nov 2009 7:25PM
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Great story Jonathon,
That photo with slater trout and his six pack is funny with bill foot in the background sporting the keg............he looks like me actually

885 posts
22 Nov 2009 9:36PM
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Thanks for this post Jonathon, its been a real pleasure reading about all of your holiday experiences, This story of meeting Dave and passing on the tips he gave you is a great way to top it all off. Sounds like you had a great time, Im very jealous but also thankful for you sharing the experience with us.

QLD, 529 posts
23 Nov 2009 6:30AM
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Thanks for sharing your trip with us Jonathan. I really enjoyed reading the posts and looking at the great pics.

63 posts
23 Nov 2009 5:54AM
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Here is some video.

Just got word that this footage is all from the begining of the run. The cameras were not working towards the end, when it got exciting. With any luck, Dave will get us some good stuff later in the season. Thanks Dave.

NSW, 2151 posts
23 Nov 2009 11:37AM
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Fantastic post Jonathon, great tips from Dave, thanks for sharing!!

3952 posts
23 Nov 2009 9:42AM
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Now that's a runner.

Great pics and story Jonathon. I'm heading to one of the islands next year with the family - it's so cheap at the moment. I will have to hit on you for some tips of where to stay and what time of year.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Maui Maliko Down Winder" started by JonathanC