Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Melbourne Down-Winder Weekend

Created by JonathanC > 9 months ago, 16 Jul 2010
VIC, 1021 posts
16 Jul 2010 7:48PM
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Looks OK to good Saturday arvo, thinking 2pm at Jetty Road.
Sunday looks perfect, probably the usual 10am start.

I've got the boat trailer converted to board carrying trailer on the road so the more the merrier. The trailer takes 6 boards without any doubling up, 12 would be a piece of cake!

VIC, 99 posts
16 Jul 2010 9:19PM
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I'm up for an early one Sunday.

The trailer sounds great.

Beats this pile up.

VIC, 17434 posts
16 Jul 2010 9:24PM
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Sounds great Jonathan.. I'm ok for Sunday.


3952 posts
16 Jul 2010 7:30PM
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count me in.

VIC, 228 posts
16 Jul 2010 10:09PM
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I'm working Saturday and Sunday BUT I'll try and get away for a couple of hours Sunday if I can. I'll keep an eye on this thread throughout tomorrow and catch up hopefully on Sunday

VIC, 471 posts
16 Jul 2010 10:32PM
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Any idea of a time for sunday

VIC, 17434 posts
17 Jul 2010 12:31AM
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Waterhorse said...

Any idea of a time for sunday

I'd be guessing 9.30 it will be meet at Sandy for a 10am start at St Kilda.. The fast guys will take about an hour to get back to Sandy.

Maybe we'll do a second run after lunch.. It would be great if you could come up from the Island for it.. I'll PM you my phone number.


VIC, 1021 posts
17 Jul 2010 10:19AM
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What about this arvo anyone keen, thinking of 2pm at Jetty Road, forecast is for 15 to 20 knots North to North West so perfect direction and nice mellow warm up for tomorrow.

VIC, 284 posts
17 Jul 2010 11:40AM
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I'm keen for a Sunday paddle. Got Kids footy at 8.45 so i might just be able to meet you at St Kilda by 10. Hope to see you all there, but don't wait if I'm late.


VIC, 1021 posts
17 Jul 2010 7:12PM
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Because no bugger would come out had to do the upwind/downwind thing this afternoon, paddled from Sandy up to Brighton Marina into the wind then had a nice little run back. Couple of guys kiting off kite beach - was that you Gorgo? The other guy touched his head when he went past me, not sure if that meant he thought i was bonkers paddling upwind....prefer to think he was 'tipping his hat'

So 9:30 at Jetty Road, thinking it might be good to do a longer one if the direction is good, maybe Frankston and whoever doesn't want to go that far could come in at Sandy. Has to be easier than doing the two run double car shuffle.

VIC, 1021 posts
17 Jul 2010 7:48PM
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New idea, forecast is Northerly 20 to 30, what about Half Moon Bay or Ricketts to Mornington? Waves will have had time to build up and it is pretty much dead South - sick of those off shore downwinders we've been doing. Ricketts to Mornington is about 24k and Half Moon a few more, so not much more than a double regular StKilda to Sandy and probably heaps more fun. Bit of an adventure!

VIC, 3982 posts
17 Jul 2010 8:03PM
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Hey Jonathan, which board did you upwind/downwind on? Would have loved to have been there but my (expletive deleted) physio wouldn't back down. Four more (expletive deleted) weeks! Have fun tomorrow. And someone please shoot video.

VIC, 10 posts
17 Jul 2010 8:23PM
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would sunday downwinder be ok for first timer for a downwinder. i sup in surf and flat water but never done a down winder. Would it be better to have first hit out on a 15 to 20 knot northerly rather than 20 to 30 knots?. psh 12 and leggie!!!. cheers dave.

VIC, 4950 posts
17 Jul 2010 8:38PM
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JonathanC said...
.... Couple of guys kiting off kite beach - was that you Gorgo? ...

I gave you a friendly wave from a kindred spirit enjoying the nice but cold conditions. (all black kite with red struts)

You were making great progress upwind into a 15-18 knot breeze. I bet you were nice and warm in the rubber with the paddling effort.

That board looks surreal. It looks like you were paddling a dutch clog.

camo hosk
VIC, 613 posts
17 Jul 2010 8:51PM
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Hey Jonathan, keen to do a Ricketts to Mornington dw run sometime soon,would reckon there'd be more wind out there?, unfortunately can't get there tomorrow,
have to check the new trailer out soon too,

3952 posts
17 Jul 2010 7:09PM
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grumpydave said...

would sunday downwinder be ok for first timer for a downwinder. i sup in surf and flat water but never done a down winder. Would it be better to have first hit out on a 15 to 20 knot northerly rather than 20 to 30 knots?. psh 12 and leggie!!!. cheers dave.

I think you would be fine tomorrow - I'll see you there.

VIC, 8020 posts
17 Jul 2010 9:36PM
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Ricketts to Pelican Bay, or Davey Bay, might be more suitable to the wind direction. Or if the wind goes WNW on you, you might get blown into Frankston.

I can't make it tomorrow, a mate is visiting from Sydney. Have fun and be safe!

VIC, 8020 posts
18 Jul 2010 8:31PM
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Gad I missed the downwinder ! Wind down here in Torquay didn't seem to get very strong... ?

Decent sized Bells today. Good fun. Nice lines. I don't SUP at Bells, but it had some SUP potential this afternoon, as most people gave the bowl a miss on the higher tide, and were sitting up at outside Rincon. But patience in the bowl paid big dividends. 2 people on it, 2-3 wave sets..... you do the maths !

Sorry for bad photos. From my dodge back-up phone. Waiting for the iPhone 4, and I don't usually bring a camera with me anyway....

PS - Maui crew look to be having a blast !

VIC, 3982 posts
18 Jul 2010 11:17PM
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How did you go today guys? It was bloody cold at the MCG.

VIC, 1021 posts
19 Jul 2010 2:27PM
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PTWoody said...

How did you go today guys? It was bloody cold at the MCG.

Started off looking like it was going to be epic, 25 to 30 knots and perfect direction but once we got to Elwood dropped off to about 18. Still some runners in the end but you had to work to get onto them (not as much on the K15 as the Glides!). Didn't seem that cold

Trailer worked a treat, swallowed up the 3 14' glides and the K15 without even using the top rack, super safe to load and unload in the 30 knot winds. I think Al took a photo of it loaded up.

VIC, 99 posts
19 Jul 2010 2:52PM
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It was 'epic' for me in my new O'Neill - Epic wetsuit.

Trailer works a treat.

VIC, 3982 posts
19 Jul 2010 4:25PM
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ALsUP said...

It was 'epic' for me in my new O'Neill - Epic wetsuit.

Vale the fluoro wetsuit. And you'll need a new avatar pic.

Speaking of pics, your photo of the trailer demonstrates a fascinating comparison of the Glide 14 and the K15, particularly at the tail. You could take a band saw to the last 12" of the K15 and it would be a quite similar plan shape.

VIC, 471 posts
19 Jul 2010 5:25PM
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Great trailer


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Melbourne Down-Winder Weekend" started by JonathanC