Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Moffits Down Hill Race

Created by kiakaha > 9 months ago, 2 Sep 2008
NSW, 161 posts
3 Sep 2008 9:51PM
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Clarky, there are some pictures of the Starboard Point on this link

QLD, 290 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:46AM
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Thanks for the pics. Hey wazza and piros surfed kingy this morning its going to be friggin big this weekend.

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
4 Sep 2008 11:06AM
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HI Clarky,

This is the Starboard Point 14'8" at the moment which was shaped by Mark Raaphorst. He's the guy from SIC on Maui who designed and shaped the F16 and the board that Dave Kalama's on in the photo. Looks a bit like in Hawaii his shapes are winning alot at the moment but then I don't think anyone who over there has a Penetrator so who knows how that comparison would pan out.

Anyway the rocker is fairly strong from about 1.4m back through to the nose. Back from there the rocker is almost flat but still there and very gradual. When you have a closer look at the shaping in it you can see how so much time and effort must go in to getting it all balanced and sorted. A lot more complex than you'd think but fun to give it a bash.



QLD, 290 posts
4 Sep 2008 1:16PM
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Thanks for the pics sam, I'm getting very close to having a clear direction on what I think will work. Time to start looking for some foam now.


SA, 804 posts
4 Sep 2008 1:46PM
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Nice looking board that one.

QLD, 6995 posts
4 Sep 2008 2:58PM
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Clarky thats a big bit of foam , are you really going to have a crack at making one ?

Swells up might pop down your way on Saturday morning , I'll give you a call.


QLD, 798 posts
4 Sep 2008 3:20PM
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Back to the original topic..just wanted to say thanks Woogie for organising with the OC1 series for SUP to be included. Good to see someone actually "walking the walk" instead of just "talking the talk" and as a result helping us all out and giving us the opportunity to actually race.

I'm sure one day there will be a SUP Long Distance Series in Australia and I can see Kia Kaha as the company to have the initiative to set it up and run it professionally and safely.

I too was interested in competing in the 20/9 race but also don't have the regulation board so I guess I'll paddle out on my 11"2' and watch everyone go by instead. Thanks again for your work in setting this up.

QLD, 290 posts
4 Sep 2008 3:44PM
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Hey Piros

I have to go with something faster than my 12ft, I'm helping with the coaching for Tweed coast outrigging next season and I want to sup beside them. I'll give you an update on the surf down here on friday arfo.

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:00PM
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G'day all, my name is Stuey Campbell. In conjunction with Woogie Marsh and Laguna Bay I concieved, designed and built the Penetrator. I will be logging on to this site regularly to keep you updated and to answer any and all questions you may have in regard to ocean racing sups. I make damn fine surfin' sups as well but they don't really float my boat (no pun intended), they're too easy. Now 16 plus feet of gleaming carbon fibre aquatic rocket and you have my attention, though with 18'9" of the brand new Penetrator 572 lurking evily in my shaping bay even the old 16 looks kinda wussy!
Before making comment or answering any questions it's probably pertinent that I fill you in with some of my credentials. I'm 47 yrs old and at age 12 I created my first surfboard, for the less mathematically addept that's 35 years of dedication to my craft. During the past 3 1/2 decades, I've skipped back and forth between surfboards and my second love, racing yachts and while my pocket says stick with the boats my heart keeps drawing me back to the boards. Though after 20,000 handshapes covering the entire spectrum and given the state of the surfboard industry these days my feet, or rather hands, were beginning to get itchy (again, no pun intended). So, when a year or so ago Woogie began talking of ocean racing stand-ups I was all ears. Upon scouring the net I was surprised at what I saw. The available O.R. Sups were predominately Hawaiian and with all due respect to my amazement they went against virtually everything I know and have learnt. No. 1 for open ocean or still water paddling for that matter you DO NOT want or need a planing hull, I don't care what you think but even Laird Hamilton on 'roids couldn't paddle any sort of board onto the plane. The only way ones working at it's optimum is when you actually pick up a runner which even in ideal conditions is only about 5% of the time so for the remaining 95% you are waisting your time and energy dragging an inefficient hull around the ocean! OC1s, Oc2s, racing skis and still water kayaks are shaped as they are for a reason and it's certainly not to paddle slowly! Therein lies the key, the less resistance a hull has the quicker it will paddle, the quicker it paddles the easier it will pick up runners and the longer it will stay on them, this was the cornerstone on which the Penetrator was created. Forget your flat bottoms, concaves and channels, they all have their place in the sea but it's definetly not on paddlecraft. Rocker, planshape, volume and distribution all play vital roles but have little or no relation to surfboard dynamics in fact the most efficient rail is more like a modern shortboard rail turned upside down!
There's plenty more, I've only just brushed the surface but I think I've given you enough to absorb for the moment. As I said the Penetrator 572 is underway, we are now taking orders and at almost 19' I'm calling a 30% speed increase over the 16', damn it, the thing looks positively scary and I think we'll actually have to strap woogie to it........P.S. Love your site, Ben Dover, that moniker's a bit suss but I like your style, John I dig your carbon porn-star mo and everyone else, try to comprehend what it is that the good people who are passionate enough to write in are trying to say before you start raggin' em'. Now hit me with your questions, over and out......Stuey C

Ben dover
QLD, 504 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:13PM
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Yer Stuey C theres a little story about why my username is Ben Dover...........

Well i was reading some posts (this is about a year ago i think) and was wanting to sign up so i could post something.

I tried many usernames such as Jake, Jake T, Jake da Snake.

But none would work for this some reason.

I thought they must of been other people with these usernames.

So i thought surely theres no one with the name ben dover on this forum so i tried it and it worked.

QLD, 611 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:19PM
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About time you joined up.

So have you got permission from your employer to make this new board ??

Am keen to get some decent swell on the new 9'6 so call and lets do it.

Did you get some good ones on your new 10'?

Piros still has no board so he can come and look after the towels/keys.


VIC, 17460 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:25PM
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Welcome to the Breeze Stuey C ....It's great to have you on board.

I'm looking forward to learning more about these boards.


Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
4 Sep 2008 10:21PM
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Hey all the pro boards $2,500 + and above are great and they need the top guys riding them to push the development but Stuey, why don't you look at something around the 12 foot mark which retails around 2k or less so punters like me can get in to the sport before I realise I am already outgunned by someone with more dosh.

I think thats what us mere mortals are saying.

So bring on the glides and the JL distance etc and let the "i am so good, i am going to win at all cost cos I go an longer one" to someone else. I saw windsurfing racing go to bust and I was lucky enough to have my fair share of wins and still got sick and tired of all the hassle.

KISS means "keep it simple stupid".

Not keep it stupid simple.......

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
4 Sep 2008 11:25PM
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DavidJohn said...

Welcome to the Breeze Stuey C ....It's great to have you on board.

I'm looking forward to learning more about these boards.


Thanks for the warm welcome David J. glad to be here, hope I can help and I've always had nothing but admiration for you Victorians. As far as you guys go, you should be in front not behind with all them White Pointers chasin' ya. Up here in sunny Queensland we chase them!

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
4 Sep 2008 11:29PM
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Ben dover said...

Yer Stuey C theres a little story about why my username is Ben Dover...........

Well i was reading some posts (this is about a year ago i think) and was wanting to sign up so i could post something.

I tried many usernames such as Jake, Jake T, Jake da Snake.

But none would work for this some reason.

I thought they must of been other people with these usernames.

So i thought surely theres no one with the name ben dover on this forum so i tried it and it worked.

That's cool Benny, you should see some of the things people have called me!

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 12:14AM
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To Scotty Mac, believe it or not as far as possible in yacht racing we also try and subscribe to the KISS principle and in that field particularly the same deal tends to occur i.e. the bloke with the most money and biggest boat wins! What you may be missing is that in SUP Down Hill as in yachting, in the end we all win. The rich pour their money into R&D and not too far down the track we're all using the best of what they discovered without having to live through their mistakes. Also what are we really talking here? You could take $4,000 and spend it on 10 days in the Mentawies, buy a reasonable sound system, party out for a few hours with half a dozen hookers, buy yourself a tank of petrol or purchase yourself 18' of handbuilt ocean paddling madness (the gift that keeps on giving). I guess it depends on what you are willing to sacrifice for your passion. That said though Scotty, I'm hearin' ya' but believe me dropping to 12' is not the answer, it's all about waterline length, she's gotta be at least 16'. What we at Laguna Bay are looking at in a entrance level model is dropping the carbon frame and replacing it with a chambered timber stringer, it will substancially cheaper but weigh more, you'll still get the glide you'll just have to work a bit harder and you may not win but you will be up there at the finish. Hope that helps out a bit. Cheers, Stuey

NSW, 161 posts
5 Sep 2008 12:34AM
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Hi Stuey, welcome to the forum.

I have a head start over most of others because I have seen the Penetrator in action and it certainly was impressive the way it picked up swells easily, much like a racing surf ski. I was chatting with the happy owner, I cannot remember his name, but I do remember he shaped the new Oxbow boards.

I suppose my first question is how accessible is the board for average paddlers? Its rounded hull doesn't look too easy to balance, especially for someone like me who is 188cm tall weighs 100kg.

What are the construction options? Can you specify you want it for cruising rather than racing?

Have you considered putting a sailboard sail on it? It looks a little like the Starboard Serenity sailboard.


stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 12:38AM
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aussiewahine said...

Back to the original topic..just wanted to say thanks Woogie for organising with the OC1 series for SUP to be included. Good to see someone actually "walking the walk" instead of just "talking the talk" and as a result helping us all out and giving us the opportunity to actually race.

I'm sure one day there will be a SUP Long Distance Series in Australia and I can see Kia Kaha as the company to have the initiative to set it up and run it professionally and safely.

I too was interested in competing in the 20/9 race but also don't have the regulation board so I guess I'll paddle out on my 11"2' and watch everyone go by instead. Thanks again for your work in setting this up.
Good on ya' Aussiewahine, I too will stand up for the Maori Warrior til the day I die, he has more goodness and passion for his sport in one forearm than half the paddlers in the country put together! Now enough on that else he'll beat me up.....You may be interested to know that we have a 14' ladies O.R. SUP in the pipeline, it's basically a lower cost, scaled down 16'. I wanted to call it the Penetrate Her but have encountered some opposition, perhaps you can come up with a name, I'm stumped. I thought I was onto a winner! The first of these will be available through Laguna Bay in 6-8 weeks. Cheers, Stuey

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 1:20AM
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SF said...

Hi Stuey, welcome to the forum.

I have a head start over most of others because I have seen the Penetrator in action and it certainly was impressive the way it picked up swells easily, much like a racing surf ski. I was chatting with the happy owner, I cannot remember his name, but I do remember he shaped the new Oxbow boards.

I suppose my first question is how accessible is the board for average paddlers? Its rounded hull doesn't look too easy to balance, especially for someone like me who is 188cm tall weighs 100kg.

What are the construction options? Can you specify you want it for cruising rather than racing?

Have you considered putting a sailboard sail on it? It looks a little like the Starboard Serenity sailboard.


Thanks Steve, first up I'll let you in on a little secret, I too am an average paddler but have no problem with the Penetrator. Shocked? I'm too busy building the things, they won't even let me out of the cage for meals! Fortunately one of the benefits of the boards slick underwater design is that stability comes on the more you need it. Picture a more traditional type surfboard rail and flat bottom design, it's at its' most stable when in the upright position, once you have buried the rail the ammount of righting moment actually decreases. Hence the beauty of the Penetrator set-up, maximum volume is at the top of the rail as opposed to the bottom, so being, the further you tip it over the more it resists. So if you start to go over, like an old buddy it helps you up instead of throwing you off. As they are all still hand shaped at present there is the option of de-tuning the rails slightly with a tad more volume, it's up to the customer though I'd advise sticking fairly closely to what we've got. Before long you are accustomed to the initial tippiness and next thing you know those speedy rails are your friend. Cheers, Stuey.

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 2:10AM
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Clarky said...

Thanks for the pics sam, I'm getting very close to having a clear direction on what I think will work. Time to start looking for some foam now.


Yo Rod, shapin' your own board hey? Sorry I can't tell you anything, trade secrets ya' know. Just messin with ya'. When I started shaping I was 4'6", weighed 32 kilos and asked a bunch of questions and would you believe it the old ****ers in the factories used to actually give the poor little kid misinformation to try and stuff me up. I basically had to teach myself. Any advice or tips you would like I am more than happy to give before you embark on what definetly can be a rather large and daunting project. Good luck to you and I will be logging on to this site pretty much daily so if you have any questions that I may be able to help you with, just fire away and I'll do my best to answer. Just remember, long and thin fits right in! All the best, Stuey

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 2:46AM
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oliver said...

Yer but wat if there was a rich wally? he could afford one, therefore he could enter the event

I wonder which rich wally is going to win 2K at the Kia Kaha Canoes & Paddles Australia SEQ OC1 OC2 Series championships governed by International Hawaiian rules set by C4 and the Hawaiian Paddling association somewhere around Mooloolaba on the 20 September 2008? And will he she be riding a Votice, DC16 or a Penetrator?

I can understand the SEQ OC1 OC2 officials time constraints, and can sympathize with them not wanting to hang around too long waiting for a result - I wouldn't want to either hahahahahhahahahhahahaha[}:)][}:)]
Oliver, quite a few people have accused you of drinking. Now I'm not one to judge but I think you may have misinterpreted what Woogie had said. When he refered to 2K he wasn't talking $2000, as in prize money. In fact, what he was refering to was the distance he won the Noosa Festival Cafe Le Monde ocean marathon by. That's right, a 22km race in which Woogie paddled the Penetrator to victory a full 2km, maybe more, ahead of the previously unbeaten "Billy Watson". Unfortunately the result didn't suit the festival organisers, they swept it under the carpet and it was as if the race never happened. Bit of shame as we both put in a great deal of effort but I suppose you get that! I know it was only one race but it convinced us of what we already knew. Penetrator 1 from 1. The plan was to attack em' again at Molokai but unfortunately neither of us are "rich wallies" and it was not to be. Have to wait for next year......Bad luck for them, the Penetrator 572 is gonna be even more dangerous!!!!!!!

stuey c
QLD, 265 posts
5 Sep 2008 8:56AM
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Back again members. To those of you who have not actually seen the Penetrator you might want to log on to youtube, type in search, The birth of the Penetrator. Bear in mind the board in the video is a very early one and the design has undergone a fair amount of tweeking since but you should get the general idea. N.B. I'm not really retarded it's just that the film makers thought it might be a laugh to put me in choking on a few words! Have a nice day, Stuey

VIC, 17460 posts
5 Sep 2008 9:23AM
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It's been posted here before but I'll re post it for you..Maybe it's time for a new vid.. ..I'd love to see footage of it surfing runners.


VIC, 17460 posts
5 Sep 2008 9:24AM
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Here ya go Stuey..Now go get some sleep..


VIC, 17460 posts
5 Sep 2008 9:44AM
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Also..I have to add this great vid.


QLD, 798 posts
5 Sep 2008 5:14PM
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Stuey..I want a "Wahinetrator" please (you wanted a name!!) I was just reading your first post and was about to ask you if you have anything in mind for us "girls". Something shorter and more manageable then I read about your new 14' board in the making.

I have a Laguna Bay 11'2" and love it. I have tried Woogie's old Penetrator and now have a real appreciation for anyone who rides these in open ocean. I have been looking into all the O.R 16' and 18' boards but in the back of my mind I have been thinking "are they too big for the girls"?

I will be seeing the Marsh's this weekend and will get your details from them but in the mean time please consider this my initial order. Talk soon.

Sue Sheard

QLD, 290 posts
5 Sep 2008 7:10PM
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Hey Stuey
Great to hear your comments on your board, I totally agree with your thoughts on hull design. Is your new board going to have any steering system and how many does it sleep in the cabin. Thanks for your offer of technical advisor, it would be a huge help and piece of mind to have your input.

For those with a death wish Tweed river bar could be the place to go tomorrow if the wind co-operates. Just don't lose your board on the outgoing tide or you'll be in New Zealand for lunch.

VIC, 17460 posts
5 Sep 2008 7:14PM
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aussiewahine said...

Stuey..I want a "Wahinetrator" please (you wanted a name!!) I was just reading your first post and was about to ask you if you have anything in mind for us "girls". Something shorter and more manageable then I read about your new 14' board in the making.

please consider this my initial order. Talk soon.

Sue Sheard

Way to go Sue..I wonder if they will do a more 'Blokie' version of the 14'er..maybe 14'6"..

..and please don't tell me they are going to call yours the "Penetrate Her" ..


3952 posts
5 Sep 2008 6:02PM
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..and please don't tell me they are going to call yours the "Penetrate Her"

lol DJ

QLD, 4177 posts
5 Sep 2008 8:13PM
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why the focus on ditance events? i think shorter sprint races would also be exciting and make it more accessable for the average punter with shorter boards.Sprint races out through the break and maybee 3 to 4 k would be exciting and also would showcase the skill required to get out through the break particuarly if it has a bit of size , not to mention getting back in.I personally get a real buzz out of succesfully getting over some large breaking would be a good spectator sport too much like surf boat racing.You could aslo include some beach running ect ect.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Moffits Down Hill Race" started by kiakaha