Was just perusing though the photos of the recent Naish race in France and saw this board looks like a prototype, any thoughts on whether this is the new Naish flat water board?
Only reason I thought this was Naish's new board was because you had to be on a Naish board to compete (although thought I saw some other boards there as well).
Additionally it has that square flat rear end that Naish seem to love on their 14 and 17 boards (as opposed to a pin tail)
It's hard to tell by that pic but it's nothing like what I thought the new Naish flat water 14 would look like.
I don't think it is it but we should know soon.
cmon jacko
pass the gravy and spill the beans all over the breeze for us all
looks wild from those pics
i recon the flatwater racing will be huge as any joey sixpack can have a crack at it
Look at this pic.. They might be two different prototypes? (or maybe board A is the Starboard Pin?)
I'm guessing board B is the real deal.
DJ - I think your Board B, is the one in Zimbo Reagan's pic. But the one I saw was a little different again.... A little more like a old school Canadian Canoe Nose.... you know how the current 14 has a little bit of an old school nose...... but new one with a flatter rocker........
As we discussed the current 14 rocker is good for surf, down-wind, chop, etc, but the new 14 will no doubt be river orientated.
The foregound is a Naish 14 I believe. A White one. There are other yellow railed naish 14's in picture too. (Top, Left & Middle, although middle might be a 12.... - but Top & Left seem to be yellow railed 14's).
PS - yes they are commonly confused for Aircraft Carriers and Venetian Gondolas.
Thanks for that Eric..
It looked odd from what you could see in the picture.. I'm glad I was right about the Pin and I don't expect the new Naish to have such a square tail.
well well the javelin
finally a piccie to go with the name
and the deck isnt scooped out
jacko when is it D day for it or should it be J day
So we may see one at the final SHQ race next weekend. Any Naish team riders got that one in the diary?
what happened to the 18ft flatwater board that was in one of the lists around the time that the 17ft glide came out
Have not heard anything on that for age's and i have a feeling that we might not as there's not much intrest in that type of class board. where as the 14ft class is going to be huge.
This 14 looks like a good shape and i'm keen to get one on the water and do some tests between different boards.