Can anybody advise?
I am 80kg. No surfing background, but i've been windsurfing for years.
Did my first SUP season on a Naish Nalu 10'10. The board is ok for flat water but way too big and I would like to get into surf his winter so up for sale it went.
My girlfriend has a Naish Mana 9'5 which I like better but I can do smaller.
Conditions Mediterranean, pretty mushy waves I guess.
Like the title says I need to decide between these 2 boards
I can get both boards new, the 2013 models for 1100??? each,
slightly used Naish 8'10 wood 950???
slightly used Fanatic Allwave 8'10 800???
I like the windsurf option on the Allwave but I think it will be less performance than the Naish?
Don't realy fancy the wood look of the Naish.
Anything other to consider? One dealer tells me Starboard Converse 9x30 but dunno about Starboard.
The JP Wide Surf Body 8'10 was on my mind but they say it's too much of an expert board for me and he doesn't like te proportions.
How much is the weight of the Allwave anyway? Can't find that online.
What about the materials used? The Mana is more of a performance board while the Allwave is more durable?
Which of the 2 would still have a decent glide in flatwater?
Don't kid yourself if you've only been suppuing for a year dont let your machismo get the better of your commonsense. The 8'10" Widepont is an option as well. If you can't do an off the lip or get covered, or do a cut back then these boards will let you. I'm 100kg have been surfing 47 years this year. I'm going the 8'10", 8'5" Mana or a Laguna Bay. I will never sell my 9'2" Fanatic Allwave, never!!! I'm going to try the 2014 Allwaves because they are unrecognisable as Allwaves. They have completely pulled in noses and thinned out tails. It'll be interesting to see how it affects their stability! Know your limitations and conversely don't feel trapped by other's expectations, if you have the ability.....push the envelope.
They're all good boards, Trust me follow the link above it's mind blowing. The Boardworks are available quite easily all over the world.
If you're willing to pay $400.00 in shipping from the states ( still under $2000.00 USD All up )check out the L41 original Simsup website (google it).
Have fun!! There is an alternative to the wooden look in Naish I believe, but it really sounds as if you would be better off with the Allwave. Light, paddles well, stable and probably has more maouverability than you can handle unless you are exceptional. Remember it's 90% surfer 10% board.
Kelly Slater could surf either board upside down and back to front!
. Hurley Pro Starts tonight
PS. If you want glide buy a 12'6" something, They both catch waves easy and will keep you fit if you want to paddle them in flat water but anything under 10ft has s--t glide. LAST EDIT: I hope both the Allwave and Mana have windsurfing options.
Hey Tuna
I have a 2013 - 8'10 Allwave.
New... out of the box weight... including fins = 10.25 kg
I have also surfed the 8'10 Naish Mana.
I think the Mana is a good board, and I enjoyed surfing it, but I wouldn't choose it over my Allwave.
It took me a while to adjust to the Mana, because it felt quite a bit stiffer.
The Mana was also noticably less stable than the Allwave.
I have always been a big fan of the way Allwaves paddle. They have been my "go to" flatwater boards for years. (9'10 - 9'6 & 8'10)
I frequently paddle my 8'10 on 6 mile flat-water cruises and have done easy down-winders on it.
Allwaves are very durable.
I ride EVERYTHING I can. Heck... I even caught a wave on a Starboard 8'2 Carbon Pro @ 110? ltr
I keep looking for a board I like better at my size and age....(65 yrs old - 95 kg)..... but none have turned my head so far.
Wow thanks supthecreek!
Yeah I am getting more convinced than ever about the AllWave, especially with the windsurf option.
But now another dilemma... should I go for the new 2014 8'11 AW??!
It looks like I can get the new model for only 200 euro more!
So a used 2013 8'10 for 800 euro vs a new 2014 8'11 for 1000 euro!
Anyway could try out the Mana 8'10 day after tomorrow, let's seeee.
Check the volume on the 2014 8'10 allwave 150 litres vs the 8"10 mana 133 litres..... at your weight you might find the allwaves a bit corky and harder to control on the wave. What suits a 95 kg guy doesn't necessarily suit someone at 80 kg. I'm around your weight (75kg) and surf on the Fanatic prowave 8'10. It's a brilliant board to surf but you have to keep moving around unless you're in clean waves. I love the look of the new Manas and am thinking of buying one as my second board.
the 2013 8.10 Mana is not very good at all, tried it when it came out and was so disappointed with the performance.
the new 2014 Mana range is amazing,i have the new 8.5 board, and it is fantastic.
turns so easy, very stable, surfs like a shortboard.
went from 8.10 widepoint to this mana, so much better for everything on a surf sup.
im 6 foot and 86 kgs, perfect for me, give it a demo, wont disappoint..
cheers webbo
Tuna... my jury's still out on the 2014's
Nose is a TAD thinner and pointier... that will make it easier to throw around, but will probably diminish one of my favorite aspects of the 2013 8'10... it is one of the BEST noseriders I have ever ridden.
Rails and tail are a bit different, but until I see and touch one... and put it side by side with mine... I can't say much about that.
I tried out the Naish Mana 8'10 yesterday in 2 foot swell, way to tippy for me!
This board was 133L, I am not ready for such a volume yet!!
Now I am wondering what volume I can handle..
Would the 2013 Allwave 8'10 with it's 147L be enough? Maybe I should consider the 2014 8'11 (150L) or even the 2014 9'1 (160L)
My GF has a 2012 Naish Mana 9'5 which I can handle more than fine.
The brochure says it's 190L but I am starting to wonder if this is correct.
It looks like I need something around 150L - 160L, I am 78kg
I have the same problem mate! Joined this forum to get advice in fact.
Also 80kg with similar experience on a longboard (11'4 Nalu in my case)
I have tried a 2013 9'5 mana and that was really solid, less wobble than my Nalu even. so, slightly worried that a 9'5 will still be quite big to learn cut backs and off the lip turns.
I'm sure an 130 litre board is fine once its on the wave but what about paddling out and more importantly catching the waves?
How long did you demo it for? Is the tippyness something everyone just has to get used to?
I have gone through 5 kiteboards in the last 16 months from the 152cm I learned on to the 132cm I ride now and I really don't want to end up doing the same with SUPs!
Split the difference and go the 2013 9'2" or 2014 9'1" Allwave. Neither will disappoint unless you want to win the world titles in which case get a 7'10" Starboard pro or a 7'6" Naish Hokua LE.
Tunafish I'm 92kg and I ride the 8-10 allwave and Ive really wanted to go lower to the 8-6.These boards are very stable and they have a lot of volume as has previously been mentioned.If you can try an 8-6,I think you should at your 80kg.
I'm about 90kgs and I ride the 2014 all wave 9'1" and love it although I wish I had gone a tad smaller now after riding it.
Hey Tuna, 6 words for you:"Step out of your confort zone!"
If at 80kg your afraid a board with 150l won't be stable enough, just take a chance.
Try something like a 8'2 widepoint from Starboard or Widebody from JP. If it's wobbly, don't worry, after 5 days you'll be just fine.
If you get to conservative, you'll end up buying not 5 but 10 SUB's in the next 18 months.
Wow, looks like this topic is still alive :-)
Well 2 weeks ago I finally could try out another board, it was a Starboard Converse 9'x30" @ 137L
Guess what, it felt great!!
What a difference with the Naish Mana 8'10 I tried earlier. And only 4 liters more, wtf?
I have to say the conditions where perfect.. Actually it was the first time I was really surfing.
That morning I kept on going with both my GF's Naish Mana 9'5" and my Nalu 10"10'.
The Mana is such a great board but I can do smaller.
But now I am very sure.. She's NOT 190L like Naish states!! More something like 160L.
Anyway also my 10"10' Nalu did great that day taking more waves than a guy on a small Prowave.
You gotta keep the nose out of the water though because it doesn't have a rocker.
Conclusion: the 8"10' Fanatic Allwave will be perfect.. I guess. I still want to demo that board.
Another thing that I tried out is to step a windsurf sail on my Nalu.
Everybody was saying that it's bull****, a gimmick, etc. Well I had 3 sessions with my 5.4 and 6.6 sails and had so much fun! This is such a perfect crossover. From 0-6knts go flatwater paddeling, 6-12knts windSUPing, +12knts windsurfing.
I will keep the Nalu for this season to explore the windSUPing a little more and use my GF's Mana for surfing.
Next season I get the 8'10 Allwave or the Starboard Converse, which made a great impression on me, even got some inserts for a from footstrap.
You have probably seen this... but just in case...
Allwaves come with a mast screw hole in the deck.
I windsurfed my 9'10 and it was fun.
I weigh 80kg. I bought the 2013 naish mana 8'10 last january, it was my first sup (no sup experience, lousy surfer, tons of windsurfing). I used it for three weeks and it bubbled and delaminated all over the bottom. Naish replaced it with no questions. The new one is perfect. Besides that, i fell off a lot the first month, then something happened and i hardly fall off it at all. It feels so stable that even in wind and chop it was no problem. I did a few 5 km 'downwinders' riding different peaks on the way, and if you dont mind pushing a little water and are not in a hurry it floats you well. I found it did have its limits in the surf though, it did not feel nervous or fast to turn, or fast at all. I tried lots of friends boards (exocet 8'11, f-one madeira, 8'6 all wave) and they all felt better, looser, and more reactive to the mana. I wish I had the new 8'5, i have not tried it but it looks like they figured it out with this board. I just ordered a l41 simsup, will be interesting to see if i can float on 118 lts 7' will be ready in a months time.
(i would trade the mana for the allwave if i could)