What is the cheapest method? I'm getting quotes from air freighters in the $700 range which seems crazy.
if you are not in a hurry, there are various freight forwarding companies that will ship LCL (less than container load). Some of them will store your stuff until they have a full container and ship it that way.
ones such as this
might be an option. If you can say it is personal effects that are second hand you will probably save on duty etc. But if you sign a stat dec saying it is less than AUD1000 then you shouldn't get GST.
but there are others that specialise in motorbikes etc. that also ship other stuff LCL.
Just ensure you get the costs of clearance in australia in included in the price. I would say door to door, but it is probably best to pick up your SUP from the depot when they unstuff the container. Just make sure the quote is all in.
Take out extra insurance to cover destroyed boards 200 $ at start will save you a lot of stress later
Hi Kirk, I presume you are looking at sending a load of your L41 Simsups to Australia? In which case , Adolf why don't we send you over and you can paddle tow a load of them over here as I'd sure like to demo one!! Certainly would reduce the price.
He can take a rest stop in Hawaii. Maybe drop off some of the boards too, lighten the load for the rest of the journey.
Have you been setup as an approved shipper, direct with the airline? You need to do this to get the best rates. Since 9-11 its required. To verify you are not a terrorist. At one time, the fee from Delta to get approved was only $50.http://www.deltacargo.com/Portals/2/Documents/rateSheets/international/south_winter_13_shipper_tariff_for_dim_and_xps.pdf
Rates are cheap. $129. Don't waste time using 3rd parties. Get setup direct with Untied and Delta. Ship anywhere for less.
www.deltacargo.com/GettingStarted/ShippingRegistration.aspx apply here.
G'day Kirk,
Good to see you looking at freight. I am still keen on getting a custom board. I was emailing you about this a few days ago.
Lets get the boards over here. Or what about licensing someone to build them?