Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Non SUP people & contributions to SUP Forum

Created by Scotty Mac > 9 months ago, 15 Apr 2011
1145 posts
15 Apr 2011 8:49PM
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Chopz said...

I'm just stoked I live in WA.

Now whenever I go for a paddle I'm just gonna drop in on every shortboarder I come across, and grin like a cheshire cat coz one day I know it will be legion or doggie

we also need legion to tell us how a wave breaks, and how the ocean works, how not too drop in, etc.... apparently hes the only one who knows

See you out one day bro ALOHA and learn it

Surf with doggie a fair bit ,so good luck dropping in on this MAD DOG!!!

As far as Legion goes,well thats another story,most in here know how a wave breaks but its people like you he trying to educate SOT

WA, 7480 posts
15 Apr 2011 8:58PM
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Makaha said...

Surf with doggie a fair bit ,so good luck dropping in on this MAD DOG!!!

Please let me know where he will be it will be my pleasure

QLD, 7932 posts
15 Apr 2011 11:10PM
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im smashed and this is freaking great. you are all ****.d in the head and should keep this love alive. ban every
one, especially you i am mr sup dont make me cry. harden up,, and i think you should give the breast milk up it is not right. Cant wait for the morning. oh if you dont like me, i am so sorry i will try harder

VIC, 3982 posts
15 Apr 2011 11:11PM
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Piros said...

It's a public forum let it stay public

It's actually not, it's privately owned and moderated. But that's a whole other kettle of fish.

1145 posts
15 Apr 2011 9:14PM
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chrispychru said...

im smashed and this is freaking great. you are all ****.d in the head and should keep this love alive. ban every
one, especially you i am mr sup dont make me cry. harden up,, and i think you should give the breast milk up it is not right. Cant wait for the morning. oh if you dont like me, i am so sorry i will try harder

Good onya mate funny as

NSW, 408 posts
15 Apr 2011 11:25PM
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What about fat guys on longboards wearing speedos???I think they should be banned from lineups world wide..Or shortboard riders that wear steamers on 30 degree days???Yuck!!!Or what about smart a$$es like me that think this thread is is actually funny....Nah there's a place for every one I guess(accept the fat guys).

WA, 2222 posts
15 Apr 2011 9:30PM
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Oooh, what about SUPGers who wear boardshorts over wetsuits. WTF is up with that?

1145 posts
15 Apr 2011 9:32PM
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gumballs said...

What about fat guys on longboards wearing speedos???I think they should be banned from lineups world wide..Or shortboard riders that wear steamers on 30 degree days???Yuck!!!Or what about smart a$$es like me that think this thread is is actually funny....Nah there's a place for every one I guess(accept the fat guys).

I hope nobody has been offender here tonight,take it as you would but as gumballs just said it is a funny threat

Scotty Mac
SA, 2055 posts
15 Apr 2011 11:18PM
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Love to add to this thread but anit got time, off on a 10 day surfin trip, wont have time for computers.

You guys keep manning the keyboards so I got something to read when I gets back.

lost at sea
WA, 358 posts
15 Apr 2011 10:29PM
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arrrrrr!!!!!!! comrads lets go somewhere quiet and talk it over kgb style!!!!!!

WA, 793 posts
15 Apr 2011 10:40PM
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tortise said...

arrrrrr!!!!!!! comrads lets go somewhere quiet and talk it over kgb style!!!!!!

yeah great idea.
how about we all go over to the shortboard forum and continue the thread.

WA, 7480 posts
15 Apr 2011 11:31PM
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jenkz said...

tortise said...

arrrrrr!!!!!!! comrads lets go somewhere quiet and talk it over kgb style!!!!!!

yeah great idea.
how about we all go over to the shortboard forum and continue the thread.

Think you will find there is noone on the sb forums that is why legionaires and the fleabag are here

WA, 147 posts
16 Apr 2011 12:07AM
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Makaha said...

Chopz said...

I'm just stoked I live in WA.

Now whenever I go for a paddle I'm just gonna drop in on every shortboarder I come across, and grin like a cheshire cat coz one day I know it will be legion or doggie

we also need legion to tell us how a wave breaks, and how the ocean works, how not too drop in, etc.... apparently hes the only one who knows

See you out one day bro ALOHA and learn it

Surf with doggie a fair bit ,so good luck dropping in on this MAD DOG!!!

As far as Legion goes,well thats another story,most in here know how a wave breaks but its people like you he trying to educate SOT

Im aware of the aloha spirit champ and ive got a fair idea how a wave breaks, been a clubby for over 15 years now, so I dont need an angry little shortboarder trying to tell me how they work coz I may one day have to drag you kooks out

NSW, 1520 posts
16 Apr 2011 8:29AM
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Chopz said...
ive got a fair idea how a wave breaks, been a clubby for over 15 years now,

Oh God you're a clubby for 15 whole years-so you know how a wave breaks? All that watching I guess?

cRAZY Canuk
NSW, 2528 posts
16 Apr 2011 9:13AM
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Reminds me of a conversation I had a couple weeks ago

with a 2 year old - who didn't want to share a red pen.

I say it's good both sides of the coin get talked about in here some people are a little louder than others but that's why we love'm. If you can't take public opinion with a grain of salt and brush it off a forum might not be the best place for you, go have a look in some of the bigger surfing forums - this place is a cake walk!

oh and bring back the

VIC, 1174 posts
16 Apr 2011 11:54AM
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I reckon Laurie is using alias' AKA as Legion and Doggie. When the forum gets a little lame he gets someone to start up these, 'who's best and who's up who for the rent threads' so that most of us can get a good laugh. Well done Laurie, er Legion or maybe Doggie??? (They all emanate from WA remember.) Oh, I love a good conspiracy theory!!!

WA, 3856 posts
16 Apr 2011 10:53AM
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Late last evening, a sneaky powerful swell popped up out of nowhere. Lots of straighthanders, but pulled into a few and had a wicked time. Standing on the beach with a mate at the end of the session, we sucked down a few cleansing ales and were watching the sunset over the ocean. Feeling good.

A shortboarder walks by with a big grin, and says "How good was that? :-) Bit straight, but great fun". We talked for a bit, and off he went. Good stuff.

I'm high on the stoke today, and when in these moods, really struggle to see why people can't simply enjoy each others company!

WA, 7480 posts
16 Apr 2011 10:55AM
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laurie said...

Late last evening, a sneaky powerful swell popped up out of nowhere. Lots of straighthanders, but pulled into a few and had a wicked time. Standing on the beach with a mate at the end of the session, we sucked down a few cleansing ales and were watching the sunset over the ocean. Feeling good.

A shortboarder walks by with a big grin, and says "How good was that? :-) Bit straight, but great fun". We talked for a bit, and off he went. Good stuff.

I'm high on the stoke today, and when in these moods, really struggle to see why people can't simply enjoy each others company!

Was a sneaky little swell got a few straighthanders myself

WA, 3856 posts
16 Apr 2011 10:55AM
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Leroy13 said...

I reckon Laurie is using alias' AKA as Legion and Doggie. When the forum gets a little lame he gets someone to start up these, 'who's best and who's up who for the rent threads' so that most of us can get a good laugh. Well done Laurie, er Legion or maybe Doggie??? (They all emanate from WA remember.) Oh, I love a good conspiracy theory!!!

lol. Given the choice of spending 30 minutes doing something creative & constructive, -vs- creating/maintaining controversial alter egos, I can assure you the first is what I'll always choose.

Legion & Doggie are different people (and neither are me!)


VIC, 1174 posts
16 Apr 2011 1:17PM
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Next you'll be denying that you were behind the whole JFK fiasco!!!

VIC, 3982 posts
16 Apr 2011 1:17PM
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laurie said...

I'm high on the stoke today, and when in these moods, really struggle to see why people can't simply enjoy each others company!

Yeah Laurie, happy to enjoy anyone's company out on the water. Don't care what they are riding or how they go about it. I guess one of the challenges of enjoying Legion is that he is not representative of short boarders, he's one right out of the box, in that he hates all other water users equally. By his own admission, he's selfish, he doesn't care about anyone else in the water, and he just wishes he had every wave to himself. And yet he comes back here repeatedly looking for company. I think he just needs a hug.

VIC, 17513 posts
16 Apr 2011 1:42PM
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Time for a new music vid.. Turn the sound off and enjoy..


705 posts
16 Apr 2011 11:49AM
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WTF is going on???

How have we come to this???

QLD, 3954 posts
16 Apr 2011 1:52PM
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JOYRIDER said...

WTF is going on???

How have we come to this???

Well....... There was this one time at band camp......

WA, 147 posts
16 Apr 2011 12:13PM
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loco4olas said...

Chopz said...
ive got a fair idea how a wave breaks, been a clubby for over 15 years now,

Oh God you're a clubby for 15 whole years-so you know how a wave breaks? All that watching I guess?

yep, watching kooks like you paddle out get clipped by another board and then drag you in, happens every week

NSW, 667 posts
16 Apr 2011 2:27PM
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Legion said...

Oooh, what about SUPGers who wear boardshorts over wetsuits. WTF is up with that?

It's to hide our massively enormous wangs ................

VIC, 47 posts
16 Apr 2011 2:43PM
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Can we also ban people who use an exclamation mark at the end of every sentence. I really find that annoying!!!

VIC, 8020 posts
16 Apr 2011 2:57PM
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laurie said...

Legion & Doggie are different people (and neither are me!)


I'll take your word on that. I thought they were different people, but many others thought/think otherwise...

WA, 2222 posts
16 Apr 2011 3:01PM
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laurie said...

Legion & Doggie are different people (and neither are me!)

At least we used to think we were different people (in our our personalities' heads). It wasn't until other forum users started pointing it out that we asked ourselves a few tough questions and realised the truth. Right laurie/doggie/me?

VIC, 352 posts
16 Apr 2011 6:02PM
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I can't believe how much the SUP forum has gone downhill lately. Thread after thread of petty denigrating of other's opinions. I for one agree with Legion's drop in comments and so what if he rides a shorty...get over it. If your stupid enough to fall hook, line and sinker for the bait you've only got yourself to blame. As for Doggie, well he has contributed positively at times on this forum. It's meant to be fun and informative; we should value other peoples input and not get into slanging matches that do no good but foster bad feelings.

Ok, so now get stuck into me...have a good day all


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Non SUP people & contributions to SUP Forum" started by Scotty Mac