Heey Guys,
Like I said not SUP related, but I thought it was pretty cool.
Check out this link:
Read the article and find out what side of the brain person you are, and see if you can make her spin the other day.
My whole family just looked at it and we all claimed she was spinning different ways.
I'm tipping Phill sees her spinning counter clockwise.
When I first looked at this thing some time ago, she went one way. Then I managed to get her to change direction and now she goes clockwise and I can't get her to change back.
(edit) I can get her to go counter clockwise in my peripheral vision.
Pretty cool although I could not get over the fact that they use a naked chick
Suppose no one would look at it long enough if it was a naked fat guy
I saw her spinning clockwise first then she went anti-clockwise, and then changed back again!
Heey Woody,
Dad actually only sees her spinning clockwise, even when he tried, she still span clockwise.
I thought it was clockwise but then you told me to cover one eye and it span anti-clockwise?????I'm confused?????
I only see Clockwise, BUT when I turn my head way around to the left, so she is in my peripheral vision of my right eye, she Counter Clockwise. Thats the only time. I love things like this, very cool!!
I made her change directions! Woohoo! Does that mean my brain works? or am I just geek now for not looking her boobs?
Me all clockwise!! Figures as im not flash at science or maths LOL.
Funny as alicat and i were looking at it the same time and she can only see anit clockwise but alicat is dam good at maths.
XX angie
Crikey, clockwise. Looked away she went anti for a second and now back to Clockwise again and can't get her back to anti again. This is going to bug me....
Funny though as most things I do I need to be an anti clockwise kind of person. I even got HD's at Uni for Maths, these were always my best subjects all through school.
But then I did one of those Myers Briggs tests and it said I was an Introvert also and that my best career would be as an artist or creative. Yet I work in business management.
Maybe I have been following the wrong path all along... Funny though because i've done OK at it.......
watch it, almost close your eyes and she will change over, repeat to change back again.or am i insane
This is what i see everytime...the question is which way is she facing and how much volume in that board?
BTW interesting fact
So putting aside naked spinning chicks, check out this image and tell me whether you see a box with the face at the bottom left viewed from slightly above (with 3D perspective going upwards and to the right) or a box with the face at the top right viewed from below (with 3d perspective going down and to the left)...
Facing back to you,
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Kialoa Methane sold by SHQ
Balin legrope Sold by Murfs
Squint you can see the stickers in you look hard through an empty beer glass
Hawiian decent
Mobile 0404 481 242
Rest is up to you.
I cant even find the box on the screen????????????????