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Offical guide of the Port Phillip Cup Aust. Race

Created by StKilda SUPB > 9 months ago, 21 Jan 2011
StKilda SUPB
VIC, 195 posts
21 Jan 2011 9:09PM
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Hi guys and girls,
Thanks for your patience in waiting for the official race guide of the Port Phillip Cup which I am about to post. As some of you maybe aware, St Kilda Life Saving Club is holding a major boat race in our area of operation which has resulted in us making last minute changes to the course and the program for the day. Essentially, their race will stop at 09:30am and recommence after we have cleared their area. We have also made changes to the board classes which may effect what type of board you decide to race on.

The course has been slightly amended which now reflects a distance of about 2.7km (about 300 metres shorter than last year). We have had some guys conduct a 'dry run' of the course so we now believe we have some realistic timings in regards to the handicap for the race. The handicaps have been implemented this year in an attempt to make the Port Phillip Cup a race that could be potentially won by any gender on any board. All monies raised will be shared between three charities: the St Kilda Life Saving Club, Earthcare and the QLD/Victorian flood victims.

The day will proceed as follows:

07:30am - registrations open
09:20am - registration closes
09:25am - race briefing
09:30am - All females/under 16 male - on ANY sized board depart
09:31am - Male 12'6 and under depart
09:31:30sec am - Male over 12'6 depart

First over the line will be declared the winner of the Port Phillip Cup. Prizes will be awarded for persons winning their individual class. Winners will choose 1 prize from the prize pool. Prizes include: SUP boards, heaps of paddles, Kahuna Street SUPs, AFL tickets, merchandise of all kinds, life jackets, massage vouchers, Kite Boarding and SUP vouchers, St Kilda Spinner vouchers, sunnies and lots of products from De Bortoli wines, and many more.

After the race, the Women's Demo will be conducted followed by the female/male 50m G'board Sprint (BYO paddle) heats, The Board and Pet Race, the finals of the 50m G'board Sprint, followed by the SUP/Kahuna 4 person Bialthon (BYO paddle).

The Bialthon is someone new for us incorporating a street SUP component . The team must be made up of at least one female. Names will be drawn out randomly to make up the teams. One nominated person in the group must complete a short Street SUP course on Pier Road before ALL members proceed to the beach to complete a 50 metre Team relay. First team with all members over the line will be declared the winner!

Presentations will commence around 12:30pm with a hand over to Kite Republic to start their Port Phillip Cup Kite Boarding Event.

And don't forget to dress in your Aussie finest! Prizes for the best dressed Aussies.

The course is an easy one to negiotate. We will have officials and flags on both piers assisting paddlers in the right direction in addition to a lead IRB which will maintain a 'front run' throughout the course. The leaders only need to follow the boat in front!

The whole day is about having fun, meeting fellow SUP enthusiasts and raising money for three unbelieveable charities. We hope you can join us on the day to support them and celebrate Australia Day!

Hope to see you there on the day!


Mick, Phil and Rea
0416 184 994

VIC, 17434 posts
22 Jan 2011 8:52AM
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Thanks for clearing that up for us Mick.. It all souds right to me and very fair for everyone.. It's going to be a great day for sure.


StKilda SUPB
VIC, 195 posts
23 Jan 2011 10:43PM
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Hi guys and girls,
Just a couple of last minute changes to the program and the handicaps. We received some very good evidence today from the guys racing in Geelong over the weekend about the handicaps for our main 3km sprint race.

In addition to some trial runs that a few of us did at St Kilda Pier tonight, we have decided to change the departure times to 2 mins each between classes to reflect:

09:25am - Race Briefing
09:30am - All females/under 16 male - on ANY sized board depart
09:32am - Male 12'6 and under depart
09:34am - Male over 12'6 depart

This will definitely be the last change to the handicaps! It will also hopefully negate any chance of the slower/social paddlers holding up faster paddlers in the group behind whilst trying to negiotate the pier entry. And not to mention minimising the chances of boards colliding through the narrow entry.

Also, we have added a kids race to the itinerary! Adult paddling at the rear, child on front! About 50 metres or so in distance.

Weather is looking good at this stage! So bring the kids, the dog and the girlfriend/wife or even the mistress - there's a race/activity for everyone now!

VIC, 3982 posts
23 Jan 2011 11:10PM
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Mick, I think you've nailed it. The 2 minute gap between classes is perfect.

If you look at Ali's race time against Cam and Dave in Torquay yesterday, Ali was lapping in 7 mins 30 sec whereas Cam and Dave were doing 6 min laps. Ali and the women only did 2 laps of the circuit whereas the guys did 3 laps. However if you extrapolate the time out, Ali would have done the 3 laps in 22 mins 30 sec. Cam and Dave finished in a little over 18 mins and they were pushing each other the whole way. Ali had a big lead and was not being pushed. But as you can see, it's a 4 min 30 sec difference, which again, would be less if Ali was under pressure from a competitor.

Under Mick's new handicap, Dave and Cam can race on open boards and give up a 4 min advantage to Ali and it should be a race to the line.

Now as far as 12'6" class goes, it's a little more difficult to work out exactly where that fits in, although Cam did the 12'6" race as well and his time was 3 min slower than on his open board. However there were a few reasons for this. Firstly, the conditions definitely suited the long boards. Secondly, Cam was not under pressure in the 12'6" race. And finally, Cam had already raced less than half an hour before and was no doubt just a little spent. But I think it's a decent guess that he would have improved his time by about a minute if he had more energy and someone was on his hammer. Therefore, 2 mins start for the 12'6" boards ahead of the 17 and 18' should be pretty close to perfect.

So by all rights, this should be an absolute cracker of a race. The girls have every chance to win the Port Phillip Cup. The guys have to strategise their board choice based on whether they want to give up 2 mins or 4 mins to Ali and the girls. And the concerns about a logjam at the pier have been dealt with.

I can't wait to see how it unfolds.

Top work Mick.

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
23 Jan 2011 11:08PM
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Great stuff guys, I think the 2 mins should make for a very exciting race!
Now I just need to make sure I've got a 17 to paddle on Wednesday and see if I can match the boys :-)

VIC, 3516 posts
24 Jan 2011 7:28AM
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Hey Ali,

I think you might just have a 17fter

It would be great to see the girls get amongst it!

Best of luck on Wednesday


VIC, 239 posts
24 Jan 2011 10:03AM
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those handycap times are right in the middle of the previously mentioned times and seem to me to be very fair.
now it is just a matter of deciding which board to use, 12'6 or the long one. Will have to wait until the day to see whats up

QLD, 6936 posts
24 Jan 2011 9:26AM
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Looks like this is going to be a great event...... can't wait to see the pics.

VIC, 8020 posts
24 Jan 2011 5:13PM
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I will have a 14 Glide available on the day. PM me if you are interested (or ask the organisers, or DJ, etc, to point me out). It will be more than 30 seconds faster than any of the Surf SUP's. (Availability is assuming I have a borrowed 12'6, and Ali on my 17).

Can we throw in an Extra Event ??? SUP Derby... 25m course, 10 paddlers, 10 laps. It won't take long.... (on the Soft Boards / G-Boards)

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 Jan 2011 5:29PM
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Simondo said...

Can we throw in an Extra Event ??? SUP Derby... 25m course, 10 paddlers, 10 laps. It won't take long.... (on the Soft Boards / G-Boards)

Maybe you will have to create this yourself to ensure it goes ahead!

In the meantime maybe this will help you through the rest of the day

VIC, 3982 posts
24 Jan 2011 9:07PM
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One issue with extra events on the day is that the beach has to be handed over to the kiting fraternity for their own Port Phillip Cup at some point.

VIC, 8020 posts
24 Jan 2011 9:27PM
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Leave it to me! I'll rally together 10 paddlers, a course, and kiss the SUP Bus butts to get the Soft G-Boards.... The race will take less than 10 minutes.... It has to happen!

Put away 2 small prizes for the "inaugural winner", and "best stack/highlight" !!

VIC, 3516 posts
25 Jan 2011 11:37PM
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SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby Sup Derby
SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby Sup Derby
SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby Sup Derby
SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby Sup Derby
SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby SUP Derby, SUP Derby, SUP Derby Sup Derby

VIC, 3982 posts
26 Jan 2011 12:02AM
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Yeah okay, I'll join in your freakin' SUP derby but you better be prepared for SUP cricket.

VIC, 3516 posts
26 Jan 2011 12:04AM
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Thats the spirit Woody.


Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
25 Jan 2011 11:11PM
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I'm in for the Derby too!!!
Maybe Scubasim can give us some tips?

VIC, 3982 posts
26 Jan 2011 12:20AM
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By the way, is this SUP derby thing a full contact sport?

VIC, 17434 posts
26 Jan 2011 12:50AM
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I'm also in.. and I'll use one of those old alloy Naish paddles with the welded T grip and big white blade that must be made of cast iron..


VIC, 17434 posts
26 Jan 2011 3:19PM
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Congrats Ali for wining the 2011 Port Phillip Cup paddling the 17' Glide.

Second was Rea paddling the 14' Javelin and third was Cam on the 12'6" Catalina.


VIC, 8020 posts
26 Jan 2011 3:42PM
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Well done Ali !! Walked away with a Fantastic 12'6 Race Board too from Fanatic, which will be sent up to The Goldie!!

VIC, 3516 posts
26 Jan 2011 10:25PM
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DavidJohn said...

Congrats Ali for wining the 2011 Port Phillip Cup paddling the 17' Glide.

Second was Rea paddling the 14' Javelin and third was Cam on the 12'6" Catalina.


Ali the frothin Grom.

VIC, 8020 posts
26 Jan 2011 11:17PM
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Queensland frothing grom, who paddled every morning and afternoon, and never once cared about our slightly cooler water!

You're welcome back in Vicco anytime Ali !

Also big thanks to everyone who helped the day go smoothly. Another great job well done!

VIC, 239 posts
27 Jan 2011 9:29AM
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What a great fun day. My whole family got to paddle/race and we came away with some great prizes.
The SUP pull off which involved 2 paddlers joined at the waist by a harness an 10 meters of bungee cord, then paddling away from each other was a scream and PT Woody in full Aussi cricket gear including pads and bat and wickets stuck to his board was a stand out.
Thanks to the SUPbus.
Anyone got photos??

Starlet gc
NSW, 374 posts
27 Jan 2011 10:01AM
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DavidJohn said...

Congrats Ali for wining the 2011 Port Phillip Cup paddling the 17' Glide.

Second was Rea paddling the 14' Javelin and third was Cam on the 12'6" Catalina.


Well done Ali - and also scoring a new board!!! Stoked! :)

VIC, 228 posts
27 Jan 2011 12:51PM
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What a great day, despite the early weather. I had my family there for the first time, and my first race, and I had a hoot. I even got the Go-head to get myself a board and paddle. Yes I know, who rules the finances in MY house.
Congrats Ali, and all the winners and competitors. Thanks PT Woody for the board and paddle (again!) for the day - Tim

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
27 Jan 2011 12:56PM
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Hi Everyone, what a great day and a well run and fun event and a big thanks to the The Sup Bus and Kite Republic for putting on such a great event!!!
Also a massive thanks to all the breezers that helped me out with boards etc. for the events in the last week., especially:
DavidJohn 'DJ' for helping me organise boards for Saturday and yesterday;
PTWoody for offering me use of his board for the race when it was going to be a 12'6" only class;
Phill 'OG Sup' & Kristy 'SurfeeChick' for advice on surf breaks and playing taxi for Friday's downwinder;
Ross for taking Dan and I over to 'Ross's left' for some great waves in Sunday's easterly;
Rea for a great race yesterday and making me push myself the whole way;
Matt 'Allrounder' for lending me the Catalina for the second race on Saturday; and
Simondo for lending me your boards, taking me on a couple of fun downwinders and a few great surf's as well, hope you enjoy that case of beer and your brother enjoys getting into SUP with his new paddle
And to everyone else for making it a fun weekend - hope to see many of you again next time.

VIC, 1299 posts
27 Jan 2011 3:25PM
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What a gas day, well done to the Sup bus lads for a slick, well organized and fun day, its only going to get bigger n' bigger, also next time can there be another classification of Suppers: re the masters, for all us older mongrels... ok

VIC, 3982 posts
27 Jan 2011 4:00PM
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ockanui said...

What a gas day, well done to the Sup bus lads for a slick, well organized and fun day, its only going to get bigger n' bigger, also next time can there be another classification of Suppers: re the masters, for all us older mongrels... ok

I agree with the Masters idea Mike. And suggest the cut off age be one year older than Cam. In perpetuity.

StKilda SUPB
VIC, 195 posts
27 Jan 2011 4:15PM
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Hi guys and girls,
Well what a day it was, despite the early drizzle, it was a great turn out! We doubled the amount of race participants from last year with 65 this year. A full count of the numbers revealed a total of 145 people either racing or paddling in the women's demo and the sprint and family races. Thank-you to everyone who came down to support us and St Kilda Life Saving Club, Earthcare St Kilda and the QLD flood victims. We raised just on $1000!!

Here are the results!

Port Phillip Cup 3km Race
1st - Ali Fullagar - 17' Naish Glide
2nd - Rea Haare - 14' Javelin
3rd - Cam Hosking - 12'6 Catalina
4th - Dave 'The Fireman' Hunt - F18
5th - Rupert Lancashire - 17' Naish Glide
6th - Andrew Hocking - 12'6 Starboard Pin
7th - Chris Sal - 12'6 Fanatic
8th - James Toth - 12'6 Starboard
9th - Warrick Lee - 12'6 Fanatic
10th - Brendan Boxall - 12'6 Catalina

The individual classes:

Under 16 male and female champion:
Male - Jono Kale - 11'4 Naish............Female - Kristi Page - 12'6 Fanatic

12'6 and under male and female
1st - Cam Hosking - 12'6 Catalina..................1st - Emma Morris - 12'6 Hobie
2nd - Andrew Hocking - 12'6 Starboard Pin......2nd - Kristi Page - 12'6 Fanatic
3rd - Chris Sal - 12'6 Fanatic........................3rd - Loretta Newton - 11'4 Naish
4th - James Toth - 12'6 Starboard.................4th - Lisa Danne - 12'6 Sunny King
5th - Warrick Lee - 12'6 Fanatic....................5th - Katrine Lee - 10'5 Starboard

Over 12'6 Open
1st - Dave Hunt - F18..................................1st - Ali Fullagar - 17' Naish Glide
2nd - Rupert Lancashie - 17' glide...................2nd - Rea Haare - 14' Javellin
3rd - Christian Parsons - 17' glide....................3rd - Lucy Bell -
4th - Paul Nottage - 14' Lahui Kai.
5th - Michael Jenkins - 14' glide

50 metre G'Board Sprint male and female:
1st - Dave Hunt....................1st - Rea Haare

Board and Pet Race:
1st - PT Woody and Ziggy the Wonder Dog

Family Race:
1st - Dave Hunt and his little girl

Team SUP/Kahuna Street SUP Challenge
1st - Tim, Simon, Mike and Rea

Best Dresses Aussie of the day:
PT Woody Supping with his Aussie Cricket clothes and stumps on the board!

The Bungee SUP Off:

A big thanks to all the major sponsors for the event, without your support we wouldn't have got the event off the ground. Thanks to Aidan from Naish, Adam from Fanatic, Elvin and Carina from Kahuna Street SUP, Oakley Sunglasses, Jill from De Bortoli Wines, Anthony from Southern Suburbs Physiotherapy, Steve from Georgie Steel, Tanzer and Fab from Uli Boards, Ewa-Marine, Mike Fry Paddles, Nick from Sunny King Paddle Boards, the guys from Peak Adventure, and to Chris, Nic (The MC for the day) and staff from Kite Republic.

Thanks also to PTWoody for the maps, Phill Page for providing great photography and supplying the girls for the BBQ - a fantastic effort!

Mick, Phil, Rea.

VIC, 107 posts
27 Jan 2011 7:42PM
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Hi Guys!, great fun day had by all.
Does anyone have a the complete results from first to last including times etc?
Just interested to see, as do many others who participated in the event, how many people entered the event and the times achieved.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Offical guide of the Port Phillip Cup Aust. Race" started by StKilda SUPB