Hey jen - hands down the best thing I have ever seen on seabreeze - so glad u have
talked us into going next year. I'll be stoked if I can do half as well as you did.
Thanks everyone!
It was an amazing experience - and the runs were amazing!!!! Apparently the last few days have been epic 35-40knot winds with solid swell bumps!
Awesome Jen. Well done. So much fun !! Loved the Malolo's (flying fish) that fly infront of you during this run.
Here's a few pics of Danny in this race last year with the Malolo's flying past him in the foreground !!
Very nice way to start the day...Thanks Jen.
What is an F16 SIC Starboard? Are SIC and Starboard in some sort of partnership?
My rough calcs on 8miles in 49mins come up with 15.6km/hr .
That has gotta some kind of record!