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Paddle For Poverty

Created by Swanie > 9 months ago, 27 Oct 2012
QLD, 1372 posts
27 Oct 2012 8:46PM
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Great event in its first year with 77 entrants on different craft. Awesome venue at Moffats and a great course which was a 4 lap triangle over about 10km. Those who missed it missed out. Money raised helps the organisers bring clean water to a Sumatran village.

Trevor Tunnington from the Sunshine Coast SUP club won convincingly over all other craft. He preceded this race with life saving training and followed it with a 15km downwind paddle. ooh to have teenager energy.

Jayne Ryeland was the second individual SUP paddle to finish on her new 12'6" Fanatic Falcon 25". Good paddling in windy conditions.

Our team was the first of three SUP teams to finish.

Great effort by all those who went in it and we look forward to next year as it will be an annual event.


QLD, 199 posts
28 Oct 2012 8:59PM
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I really enjoyed this event, it was for a great cause, great bunch of young people running it too. Youre not wrong swanny - it was a touch windy and real bumpy off shore there!

The course was thought out well, in the strong SE the headland provided (a little) protection heading out and there was a DW section to enjoy. The new falcon 25 wide went real well. Young Trev was charging !
Hope its on next year
Heres some pics - ha my first lap was crooked as a dogs hind leg...

QLD, 1372 posts
28 Oct 2012 9:06PM
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Not new or high tech... But I bought the Okanui board that John is holding beside you in that photo above. Got to love getting a new (or very old) board.

You did well on that Fanatic Falcon Jayne. How well did it pick up the runners.

QLD, 199 posts
28 Oct 2012 9:15PM
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straight to the pool room with that one swanie..

I did get some fun runners on the falcon, once I got a bit used to things on the 3rd and 4th lap, thats when I left the surfboards behind!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddle For Poverty" started by Swanie