Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Photos from last Club day : Sunshine Coast

Created by Swanie > 9 months ago, 21 Dec 2010
QLD, 1372 posts
21 Dec 2010 9:28AM
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Our last club day was held in the rain and with small surf. Mark Bailek from Wetfoot Photograghy came along and took some shot. He is also hopefully going be at the next club day some come along and get in some shot. Here are some photos. If you are interested in buying any off Mark he can be contacted on 0422 71 40 10 or email:

QLD, 1820 posts
21 Dec 2010 3:08PM
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sunny coast wasnt so sunny that day but great fun.

who was the goober in the santa hat? :)

QLD, 1372 posts
21 Dec 2010 7:10PM
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Don't know but he looks like a top bloke.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Photos from last Club day : Sunshine Coast" started by Swanie