Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Pics of New Naish 11'4" SUP (Proto)

Created by JB > 9 months ago, 20 Mar 2008
NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
20 Mar 2008 2:20PM
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Here are some pics of the New Large Performance SUP from Naish Surfing. This board is a Proto, but pretty much what will be n stock in June. Please note that this board is not replacing the 11'6" SUP currently in stock. It is a high performance SUP for larger riders, very similar to the 10'6" in surfing performance.


VIC, 17516 posts
20 Mar 2008 3:43PM
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Looks like a great all-rounder to me...and being 30" wide it would be heaps more stable than the 10'6" at only 28".

That pattern on the deck is like what's on Robby's big wave gun sup in the vid...I like it..


NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
20 Mar 2008 5:13PM
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Thats the new 2009 graphic. It's only a sticker on these boards, but will be printed onto the board like the 2008 ones.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Pics of New Naish 11'4" SUP (Proto)" started by JB