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Police targeting surf rage on GC

Created by Dazza65 > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2012
QLD, 389 posts
19 Jan 2012 4:28PM
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What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............

WA, 24860 posts
19 Jan 2012 3:19PM
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Bruce Lee was a board flicker at d-bah way back

NSW, 408 posts
19 Jan 2012 9:21PM
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62mac said...

Bruce Lee was a board flicker at d-bah way back
I met his brother Todd at the pro junior one year and you could'nt meet a nicer bloke.

WA, 24860 posts
19 Jan 2012 7:10PM
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gumballs said...

62mac said...

Bruce Lee was a board flicker at d-bah way back
I met his brother Todd at the pro junior one year and you could'nt meet a nicer bloke.

Bruce has mellowed now days see him out a lot on a 7 foot old board same as Rabbit rides from time to time.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
19 Jan 2012 9:41PM
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62mac said...

gumballs said...

62mac said...

Bruce Lee was a board flicker at d-bah way back
I met his brother Todd at the pro junior one year and you could'nt meet a nicer bloke.

Bruce has mellowed now days see him out a lot on a 7 foot old board same as Rabbit rides from time to time.

there is a surf rage hotline in place now. mac, i've taken a liberty and dobbed you in.

' old git, rides a mact, last seen last saturday with steam coming out of his ears. warning to public- known to be dangerous, do not approach'

btw bl might not be so mellow after being named as a flicker

QLD, 3954 posts
19 Jan 2012 9:57PM
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How many times will Muzza be locked up??

QLD, 437 posts
19 Jan 2012 10:05PM
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CMC said...

How many times will Muzza be locked up??

Muzza Faulty

NSW, 1600 posts
20 Jan 2012 6:42PM
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I've just returned from a week at Coolangatta and on the 2 days I was surfing inbetween Snapper and Coolie I was amazed at the sharing going on on the waves. I quite often saw 3 and 4 people all on the same wave with people dropping in on each other and not a harsh word was said once. There was a guy on 1 particular day SUP'ing who was a bit of a novice and everyone gave him a wide berth and respected his right to be in the surf catching waves just like everyone else has.
I have always been of the opinion that surfers tend to take the locals only thing way too far and also the dropping in on waves but what I just saw over the past week has made me think otherwise. It's gone a long way to restoring my belief that we can all get along in the surf

WA, 24860 posts
20 Jan 2012 4:53PM
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sick_em_rex said...

I've just returned from a week at Coolangatta and on the 2 days I was surfing inbetween Snapper and Coolie I was amazed at the sharing going on on the waves. I quite often saw 3 and 4 people all on the same wave with people dropping in on each other and not a harsh word was said once. There was a guy on 1 particular day SUP'ing who was a bit of a novice and everyone gave him a wide berth and respected his right to be in the surf catching waves just like everyone else has.
I have always been of the opinion that surfers tend to take the locals only thing way too far and also the dropping in on waves but what I just saw over the past week has made me think otherwise. It's gone a long way to restoring my belief that we can all get along in the surf

All I can say the locals were working on those days and it was the tourists you saw sharing,I did see a couple of times over the xmas break a guy on a light blue railed PSH goofy out and he was a cool guy from out of town,paddled out sat down and chatted now he won everyone over within the first half hour

WA, 15849 posts
20 Jan 2012 5:20PM
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62mac said...

sick_em_rex said...

I've just returned from a week at Coolangatta and on the 2 days I was surfing inbetween Snapper and Coolie I was amazed at the sharing going on on the waves. I quite often saw 3 and 4 people all on the same wave with people dropping in on each other and not a harsh word was said once. There was a guy on 1 particular day SUP'ing who was a bit of a novice and everyone gave him a wide berth and respected his right to be in the surf catching waves just like everyone else has.
I have always been of the opinion that surfers tend to take the locals only thing way too far and also the dropping in on waves but what I just saw over the past week has made me think otherwise. It's gone a long way to restoring my belief that we can all get along in the surf

All I can say the locals were working on those days and it was the tourists you saw sharing,I did see a couple of times over the xmas break a guy on a light blue railed PSH goofy out and he was a cool guy from out of town,paddled out sat down and chatted now he won everyone over within the first half hour

I wonder who he was

QLD, 32 posts
24 Jan 2012 11:21AM
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The problem is that the locals just keep paddling to the inside, that's hogging. Or coming through the backdoor, that's dropping in. Or Snaking, that's dropping in. Catching the inside when you're already up, that's dropping in. S%$t! if I did all that to a local they would get peed off. If you don't like the paddle boards, mals, by one or go somewhere else.

The so-called locals all go out there and talk crap to each other, just to let anyone else out there know, "We're locals and there's a lot of us, so respect us." You locals have got to earn respect too. talking dribble, hanging around in groups puffing your chests doesn't earn respect.

Anyway, there is no such thing as a local, unless you call the group of bullies in the area locals by default (haven't been challenged yet). That's dictatorial Mr. Gadaffi. I suppose if you benefit from the current regime you're not about to change sides. Unless a bigger bully narrows down your options.

I want to know how I become a local, so I don't have to bully the bullies into submission. If I need to earn respect, I will first need to see the qualifications of those who will judge me. Being a good surfer or surfing legend is no qualification, just shows you probably didn't complete high school.

Don't bite too hard.

QLD, 32 posts
24 Jan 2012 12:11PM
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You are obviously a nice human being Rex. It is a pity there isn't more tolerant people in the world. The fact seems to be that there just isn't enough waves at Snapper to have one to yourself on a crowded day. I think there should be at least 3 to a wave, no cutbacks.

The problem with Snapper is that there is probably about 400 or more so-called locals. The pro's, the board riders clubs (I think this is what makes them locals) are generally run by former pros who want Snapper all to themselves. These groups have bullies. Not all the so-called locals behave like bullies, but all the so-called locals reap the benefits these bullies provide them. There have been calls by so-called locals to restrict the use of Snapper to the professionals only. I believe Occy (Cronulla) is just the latest to make remarks in the media about restricting Snappers use. There have been others over the years. He is well supported by friends Joel Parkinson, Wayne Deane, Mick Fanning, Wayne Bartholomew and many others who live on the Coast and are part of the surfing organisations that would be happy to control Snapper. Wyane Deane runs the Snapper Borad Riders, his wife does or did run the Kirra Board Riders club. These clubs and their members think they own the surf around here. D'Bah is NSW not Qld, I'm going to check with council if they have permits to partition of D'Bah when they feel like it. The surfing fraternity has created their own hierarchy here on the Gold Coast and they want to control the surf breaks. Snapper is their training ground and practice field. I tend to think that if you are not part of their agenda, they want you to go away.

sick_em_rex said...

I've just returned from a week at Coolangatta and on the 2 days I was surfing inbetween Snapper and Coolie I was amazed at the sharing going on on the waves. I quite often saw 3 and 4 people all on the same wave with people dropping in on each other and not a harsh word was said once. There was a guy on 1 particular day SUP'ing who was a bit of a novice and everyone gave him a wide berth and respected his right to be in the surf catching waves just like everyone else has.
I have always been of the opinion that surfers tend to take the locals only thing way too far and also the dropping in on waves but what I just saw over the past week has made me think otherwise. It's gone a long way to restoring my belief that we can all get along in the surf

QLD, 32 posts
24 Jan 2012 12:53PM
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This just goes to show that Appsy and his so-called local buddies want to decide what justice they will dish out on their chosen break. The only group of surfers you get at a break that might be big enough to mete out justice are the so-called locals. So if the surfers resolve their problems, the local bullies will be doing it as always. You so-called locals are the problem. "Please" tends to work better than "F@#K OFF!", but you so-called locals with the bunch-of-grapes mentality want an instant fix. You locals hog the waves, continually snake, bend the rules and then complain at the slightest indiscretion.

You think your remarks here are funny. What is easily seen in your remarks is that there is a bully mentality behind them. You may not be able to see this, but it is glaringly obvious to others.

The solution is to remove the locals from the water, or restrict the locals who live within 25 kilometres of the beach, to 4 so-called locals at a time.

I can handle 4

Dazza65 said...

What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
24 Jan 2012 6:16PM
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Interesting read from stabmag

Stab: Any fights during your morning surf today?
Occy: Nah, but the other day I accidentally dropped in on this old bloke. He was going that slow, I looped him twice. Then he got bummed and I just said, "Mate, don't take it personally". I was laughing, but he wasn't happy. At Snapper, that kind of thing happens pretty much every wave. You've definitely gotta be in the right mood. If you get frustrated, you'll have a bad surf. But if you know you're gonna get dropped in on and might have to drop in, then you can kinda make fun of it. Most people have that attitude, they know not to expect a bunch of waves to themselves and they're probably fine out in the water. But once you get frustrated, you should probably leave the water before you do get in an altercation.

Police feeling the need to make their presence known suggests a higher prevalence of aggression on the GC. Is there validity to that?
I'm surprised there isn't more fights than there is, when you see what goes down… The early morning surf is mellow, but the second surf is crowded and you have to be ready for it. If all the locals are out, it's usually more mellow 'cause it's kinda organised chaos. But really, you just never know what you're going to get. You might get out there and some guy might just run you straight over, and you get bummed and you've kinda gotta say something, y'know?

Has that happened to the Occ?
The other day, this guys was taking off and I was paddling out of his way. I could've put my legs up but he had plenty of room, so I didn't, thinking he'd go around them. And he didn't, he just went straight over my foot and nearly sliced it open. I caught the next wave and went looking for him. I found him and was just like, "Faaaark…" and he's like, "Oh, sorry." But he hand't sliced me open so I didn't get aggro with him. If he did slice me I think I would've. I mighta punched him or something, which I always hate doing… But if someone cuts you and they could've avoided it, that's kinda reason to get aggro.

So, are police patrols excessive?
I think so. People have been fighting in the surf for a long time. Maybe the lifeguard could take a part in that, too. Police on the beach? Maybe, yeah. But I think it's over-dramatising it, really.

NSW, 198 posts
25 Jan 2012 2:15AM
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Read my comment again before you start dropping my name on this forum.

My comment re surf rage was "if you see em pull em apart". Not once have i promoted aggreesive local behaviour.

"Appsy and his so called local buddies" you don't know me or who my "local buddies" are.

I can't believe how much crap you have gone on with about Police targeting surf rage.

Localiser said...

This just goes to show that Appsy and his so-called local buddies want to decide what justice they will dish out on their chosen break. The only group of surfers you get at a break that might be big enough to mete out justice are the so-called locals. So if the surfers resolve their problems, the local bullies will be doing it as always. You so-called locals are the problem. "Please" tends to work better than "F@#K OFF!", but you so-called locals with the bunch-of-grapes mentality want an instant fix. You locals hog the waves, continually snake, bend the rules and then complain at the slightest indiscretion.

You think your remarks here are funny. What is easily seen in your remarks is that there is a bully mentality behind them. You may not be able to see this, but it is glaringly obvious to others.

The solution is to remove the locals from the water, or restrict the locals who live within 25 kilometres of the beach, to 4 so-called locals at a time.

I can handle 4

Dazza65 said...

What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:44AM
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Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.

Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jan 2012 9:34AM
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Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:56AM
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Boardflicker, friend of a boardflicker, if you think you are good enough to pull them apart, you still think you're bully enough to stop a fight. You still have bully tendencies. Pulling them apart might cause you more problems than it's worth, unless you are a bigger bully than the two of them put together. You appear to see your self as smoe sort of police.

You might be surprised who I know. You may not know me, but I know most of you.

I don't believe that surf rage is worse than normal, it fluctuates depending on the behaviour of those who call themselves locals.

Queensland Police can charge anyone with public nuisance if the want. The burden of proof is almost zero proof. The law is a joke. The problem would be finding independent witnesses, as most of you know each other in some way or other. And most visitors wouldn't support a local if their life depended on it.

If you locals want more respect and control, control the bullies in your ranks. It is the few bullies in your ranks that label you all bullies. If you think a surf break doesn't have bullies, just look at any good surf break e.g. North Narra, Dee Why Point, Bondi and Cronulla. What about the rock at Cabrita that says, "LOCALS ONLY." You may think it's funny, I just think whoever wrote it is a F***wit and the visitors are still intimidated by the silent form of bullying. Then we have the Bra boys at Maroubra and some f***king idiot made a movie about these idiots. They should be retrospectively charged and locked up, not celebrated. It is all a big joke. Except to the bullies who enjoy the benefits of creating a heirarchy.

No locals, no heirarchy.

Go and watch the movie the "Experiment", the democratic majority in this movie are the gutless cowards who can't think for themselves, so they follow the bigger bully and p**s on his head. The democratic majority is what creates a system that we all complain about, but we say we have to accept the system. The only reason you accept the system is because the majority are too weak. The weak are satisfied with licking the bigger bully's backside to maintain their level in the pecking order.

"The Experiment" is based on an experiment conducted by Standford University's Pysychology Department, it is one of the most interesting studies, if not the most interesting to every psychologist with regard to human behaviour. Just like all human behaviour it happens in degrees and whether you like it or not, this is what is happening in the surf around the Gold Coast. While you are part of the bullies you think you are doing nothing wrong. But remember that when someone who has no fear and refuses to be bullied comes along, just like there is in the movie, the bubble just may burst if pushed in the right direction. Before you comment go and watch the DVD, otherwise you have no intelligent foundation to rebutt me. Human beings behave like animals and it is no different in the surf.

It is sad to say that while you have 2 sides, locals & non-locals there will always be conflict. We are all the same, unless being a local provides you with special treatment, why would you want or need to be a local?

Paul Burt said on the news, "Remember! Respect the locals."

I say, "Respect your fellow human."

Maybe changing entrenched local habits might help.

appsy said...

Read my comment again before you start dropping my name on this forum.

My comment re surf rage was "if you see em pull em apart". Not once have i promoted aggreesive local behaviour.

"Appsy and his so called local buddies" you don't know me or who my "local buddies" are.

I can't believe how much crap you have gone on with about Police targeting surf rage.

Localiser said...

This just goes to show that Appsy and his so-called local buddies want to decide what justice they will dish out on their chosen break. The only group of surfers you get at a break that might be big enough to mete out justice are the so-called locals. So if the surfers resolve their problems, the local bullies will be doing it as always. You so-called locals are the problem. "Please" tends to work better than "F@#K OFF!", but you so-called locals with the bunch-of-grapes mentality want an instant fix. You locals hog the waves, continually snake, bend the rules and then complain at the slightest indiscretion.

You think your remarks here are funny. What is easily seen in your remarks is that there is a bully mentality behind them. You may not be able to see this, but it is glaringly obvious to others.

The solution is to remove the locals from the water, or restrict the locals who live within 25 kilometres of the beach, to 4 so-called locals at a time.

I can handle 4

Dazza65 said...

What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 12:24PM
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The sooner the truth gets out there the better for all visitors and the quicker the demise of the local bully. I expected to stir the pot, nothing gets noticed otherwise.

Thanks for responding Doggie, shows my tactics are working.

And again the locals and the board riding clubs are the problem. Many local shapers and surfers would agree with me as they have experienced the wrath of the local surfing heirarchy by thinking that we are all equal.

Have you seen the news article on the local shapers from the Gold Coast, who openly admitted they threatened and abused the owner of a newly opened shop that is selling Chinese boards from $250. The shop is called Sedition Surfboards in the main street of Coolangatta, his window has been smashed. They have called to have him shut down. These so-called locals here on the Gold Coast were not expecting the backlash and hate mail they got from so many people who don't like, the local shapers, boradriders or so-called locals. It certainly showed the so called locals are disliked in the extreme. I wonder why?

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jan 2012 10:31AM
Thumbs Up

Localiser said...

The sooner the truth gets out there the better for all visitors and the quicker the demise of the local bully. I expected to stir the pot, nothing gets noticed otherwise.

Thanks for responding Doggie, shows my tactics are working.

And again the locals and the board riding clubs are the problem. Many local shapers and surfers would agree with me as they have experienced the wrath of the local surfing heirarchy by thinking that we are all equal.

Have you seen the news article on the local shapers from the Gold Coast, who openly admitted they threatened and abused the owner of a newly opened shop that is selling Chinese boards from $250. The shop is called Sedition Surfboards in the main street of Coolangatta, his window has been smashed. They have called to have him shut down. These so-called locals here on the Gold Coast were not expecting the backlash and hate mail they got from so many people who don't like, the local shapers, boradriders or so-called locals. It certainly showed the so called locals are disliked in the extreme. I wonder why?
doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

You are being very general, where are you from?

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 12:31PM
Thumbs Up


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 12:33PM
Thumbs Up

I've lived on the Gold Coast since 1986 and I'm still trying to work out how someone becomes a local.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

The sooner the truth gets out there the better for all visitors and the quicker the demise of the local bully. I expected to stir the pot, nothing gets noticed otherwise.

Thanks for responding Doggie, shows my tactics are working.

And again the locals and the board riding clubs are the problem. Many local shapers and surfers would agree with me as they have experienced the wrath of the local surfing heirarchy by thinking that we are all equal.

Have you seen the news article on the local shapers from the Gold Coast, who openly admitted they threatened and abused the owner of a newly opened shop that is selling Chinese boards from $250. The shop is called Sedition Surfboards in the main street of Coolangatta, his window has been smashed. They have called to have him shut down. These so-called locals here on the Gold Coast were not expecting the backlash and hate mail they got from so many people who don't like, the local shapers, boradriders or so-called locals. It certainly showed the so called locals are disliked in the extreme. I wonder why?
doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

You are being very general, where are you from?

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jan 2012 11:02AM
Thumbs Up

Localiser said...


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

Hiding behind a dumb name isnt going to help, hell Im from WA and had some great surfs over there with no agro. Get over yourself.

NSW, 198 posts
25 Jan 2012 3:45PM
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So if I go for a surf now and see two guys fighting or worse one guy getting the s..t beat out of him (local or non local) and i step in to assist (break it up).....I'm a bully. I call it intervention or perhaps preventing someone from serious injury.I think anyone in today's community would appreciate a act of kindness if they were attacked (by a bully local).

Very similar to walking down the street and seeing someone seriously assaulted and standing their doing nothing.

I'm pretty educated and I believe in the state of NSW you don't need a victim of "surf rage" to put someone before the court. In the state of NSW the correct charge is called "affray". If the laws becoming a joke... speak to your local member of parliament and get legislation changed.

As for board rider clubs....their awesome. They do not promote violence, in fact the club I'm involved in promotes community awareness and is a positive environment for young children and families to be involved in.

I'm a member (sometimes) of the Sydney paddle board club and have yet to see casso, goatman, dc or any other member act in a violent way towards surfers or any member of the public.

My short board club has a very strict policy any one gets in trouble with the cops... your no longer allowed in the club.

Have a good day localiser maybe come down to the sth coast of nsw one day and ill show you how nice us "bullys, board rider member, stand up paddle boarder" can be.

Hi Doggie....your a champ. WA rocks.

Localiser said...

Boardflicker, friend of a boardflicker, if you think you are good enough to pull them apart, you still think you're bully enough to stop a fight. You still have bully tendencies. Pulling them apart might cause you more problems than it's worth, unless you are a bigger bully than the two of them put together. You appear to see your self as smoe sort of police.

You might be surprised who I know. You may not know me, but I know most of you.

I don't believe that surf rage is worse than normal, it fluctuates depending on the behaviour of those who call themselves locals.

Queensland Police can charge anyone with public nuisance if the want. The burden of proof is almost zero proof. The law is a joke. The problem would be finding independent witnesses, as most of you know each other in some way or other. And most visitors wouldn't support a local if their life depended on it.

If you locals want more respect and control, control the bullies in your ranks. It is the few bullies in your ranks that label you all bullies. If you think a surf break doesn't have bullies, just look at any good surf break e.g. North Narra, Dee Why Point, Bondi and Cronulla. What about the rock at Cabrita that says, "LOCALS ONLY." You may think it's funny, I just think whoever wrote it is a F***wit and the visitors are still intimidated by the silent form of bullying. Then we have the Bra boys at Maroubra and some f***king idiot made a movie about these idiots. They should be retrospectively charged and locked up, not celebrated. It is all a big joke. Except to the bullies who enjoy the benefits of creating a heirarchy.

No locals, no heirarchy.

Go and watch the movie the "Experiment", the democratic majority in this movie are the gutless cowards who can't think for themselves, so they follow the bigger bully and p**s on his head. The democratic majority is what creates a system that we all complain about, but we say we have to accept the system. The only reason you accept the system is because the majority are too weak. The weak are satisfied with licking the bigger bully's backside to maintain their level in the pecking order.

"The Experiment" is based on an experiment conducted by Standford University's Pysychology Department, it is one of the most interesting studies, if not the most interesting to every psychologist with regard to human behaviour. Just like all human behaviour it happens in degrees and whether you like it or not, this is what is happening in the surf around the Gold Coast. While you are part of the bullies you think you are doing nothing wrong. But remember that when someone who has no fear and refuses to be bullied comes along, just like there is in the movie, the bubble just may burst if pushed in the right direction. Before you comment go and watch the DVD, otherwise you have no intelligent foundation to rebutt me. Human beings behave like animals and it is no different in the surf.

It is sad to say that while you have 2 sides, locals & non-locals there will always be conflict. We are all the same, unless being a local provides you with special treatment, why would you want or need to be a local?

Paul Burt said on the news, "Remember! Respect the locals."

I say, "Respect your fellow human."

Maybe changing entrenched local habits might help.

appsy said...

Read my comment again before you start dropping my name on this forum.

My comment re surf rage was "if you see em pull em apart". Not once have i promoted aggreesive local behaviour.

"Appsy and his so called local buddies" you don't know me or who my "local buddies" are.

I can't believe how much crap you have gone on with about Police targeting surf rage.

Localiser said...

This just goes to show that Appsy and his so-called local buddies want to decide what justice they will dish out on their chosen break. The only group of surfers you get at a break that might be big enough to mete out justice are the so-called locals. So if the surfers resolve their problems, the local bullies will be doing it as always. You so-called locals are the problem. "Please" tends to work better than "F@#K OFF!", but you so-called locals with the bunch-of-grapes mentality want an instant fix. You locals hog the waves, continually snake, bend the rules and then complain at the slightest indiscretion.

You think your remarks here are funny. What is easily seen in your remarks is that there is a bully mentality behind them. You may not be able to see this, but it is glaringly obvious to others.

The solution is to remove the locals from the water, or restrict the locals who live within 25 kilometres of the beach, to 4 so-called locals at a time.

I can handle 4

Dazza65 said...

What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 2:46PM
Thumbs Up

Mr. Dog,

I would expect a comment like yours from a person entrenched in the local hierarchy of your chosen club. You are benefiting from the local bullying and at what evercost wouldn't want it to change as you need to be part of a group to maintain any hierarchial position. If the locals at Snapper or D'Bah don't like my rules they can go elsewhere and they know that. I have no doubt they know who I am. I'm probably the reason they want police patrols

doggie said...

Localiser said...


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

Hiding behind a dumb name isnt going to help, hell Im from WA and had some great surfs over there with no agro. Get over yourself.

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 2:49PM
Thumbs Up

I can also see that I touched a sore spot when I said you were a local. You have now resorted to calling me names. All this does is tell me I'm getting through to you, you just don't want to believe it

Localiser said...

Mr. Dog,

I would expect a comment like yours from a person entrenched in the local hierarchy of your chosen club. You are benefiting from the local bullying and at what evercost wouldn't want it to change as you need to be part of a group to maintain any hierarchial position. If the locals at Snapper or D'Bah don't like my rules they can go elsewhere and they know that. I have no doubt they know who I am. I'm probably the reason they want police patrols
doggie said...

Localiser said...


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

Hiding behind a dumb name isnt going to help, hell Im from WA and had some great surfs over there with no agro. Get over yourself.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
25 Jan 2012 2:59PM
Thumbs Up

Localiser said...

Mr. Dog,

I would expect a comment like yours from a person entrenched in the local hierarchy of your chosen club. You are benefiting from the local bullying and at what evercost wouldn't want it to change as you need to be part of a group to maintain any hierarchial position. If the locals at Snapper or D'Bah don't like my rules they can go elsewhere and they know that. I have no doubt they know who I am. I'm probably the reason they want police patrols
doggie said...

Localiser said...


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

Hiding behind a dumb name isnt going to help, hell Im from WA and had some great surfs over there with no agro. Get over yourself.

so, what are 'your rules'.

QLD, 2031 posts
25 Jan 2012 3:03PM
Thumbs Up

locals rule!

WA, 15849 posts
25 Jan 2012 1:05PM
Thumbs Up

Localiser said...

I can also see that I touched a sore spot when I said you were a local. You have now resorted to calling me names. All this does is tell me I'm getting through to you, you just don't want to believe it
Localiser said...

Mr. Dog,

I would expect a comment like yours from a person entrenched in the local hierarchy of your chosen club. You are benefiting from the local bullying and at what evercost wouldn't want it to change as you need to be part of a group to maintain any hierarchial position. If the locals at Snapper or D'Bah don't like my rules they can go elsewhere and they know that. I have no doubt they know who I am. I'm probably the reason they want police patrols
doggie said...

Localiser said...


I get the feeling you are friends with a lot of the locals on the Gold Coast. If you have anything to do with the surfing industry, I've hit the nail on the head. The locals need to keep thier mouths closed to avoid causing themselves more problems. I need to open mine to expose the locals, the pros and the boradriders clubs who think they can control something they do not own.

You may not like what I'm stating, But the truth hurts those who are usually benfiting from it's silence.

doggie said...

Localiser said...

Boardriders are a big part of the problem. Any large group anywhere thinks they have the power to assert their authority on who they want. If everyone kept their lips tightly closed, especially the locals/boardriders the problem would just about disappear. Restraint works better than response.
Galton said...

NOTHING new surfrage on the Gold Coast,its always been there,boardriding clubs & members usually show the ocean occupants the respect they deserve.

Its a pitty that YOU dont keep your lips closed [}:)]

Hiding behind a dumb name isnt going to help, hell Im from WA and had some great surfs over there with no agro. Get over yourself.

Never called you a name, I said you have a dumb name and you are hiding behind it. Look if you have been on the GC since 86 and you still have these unresolved feelings towards the cool kids, go join a club you might make some friends. Pull your head out of your arse and go surfing, its good for you.

QLD, 32 posts
25 Jan 2012 3:15PM
Thumbs Up

Select to expand quote
Yes you are a busy-body-bully who thinks they are the beach police. You surf such isoltaed areas with average surf, I don't even know why u r commenting, you wouldnt see any surf rage or bullying. You can only assume what is going on on the Gold Coast. If you think the pro's are being supported here you are wrong. Occy's latest remarks made him more enemies than friends. You are both living in fairy land, sorry locals fairy land.

I can tell you that in the 70's I surfed North Naerrabeen and Dee Why point regularly and I wasn't a local. I got to surf there unhindered because I bullied the local bullies into submission. That is how it worked. It is not much different now expect the bullies hide behind surf clubs with a look of propriety. Occy eroded the surf industries credibility in the last few weeks, hopefully irrepairabley.

I can tell you that as far as the locals here are concerned, bodyboarders are invisible and so are young kids 14 and under if they feel like it.

First day I paddled out the back at D'Bah, I hadn't said one word, hadn't even paddled for a wave and was told to F##K off over there with the beginners. this was said 3 times in a week for no reason. These idiots started a war that I may not win, but they won't either if I can help it. I have plenty of support even though I have a less than tactless approach at times. You and Appsy are obviously part of the deluded, non-thinking, frightened majority. That's why you disagree with me. You enjoy yourselves.

quote]appsy said...

So if I go for a surf now and see two guys fighting or worse one guy getting the s..t beat out of him (local or non local) and i step in to assist (break it up).....I'm a bully. I call it intervention or perhaps preventing someone from serious injury.I think anyone in today's community would appreciate a act of kindness if they were attacked (by a bully local).

Very similar to walking down the street and seeing someone seriously assaulted and standing their doing nothing.

I'm pretty educated and I believe in the state of NSW you don't need a victim of "surf rage" to put someone before the court. In the state of NSW the correct charge is called "affray". If the laws becoming a joke... speak to your local member of parliament and get legislation changed.

As for board rider clubs....their awesome. They do not promote violence, in fact the club I'm involved in promotes community awareness and is a positive environment for young children and families to be involved in.

I'm a member (sometimes) of the Sydney paddle board club and have yet to see casso, goatman, dc or any other member act in a violent way towards surfers or any member of the public.

My short board club has a very strict policy any one gets in trouble with the cops... your no longer allowed in the club.

Have a good day localiser maybe come down to the sth coast of nsw one day and ill show you how nice us "bullys, board rider member, stand up paddle boarder" can be.

Hi Doggie....your a champ. WA rocks.

Localiser said...

Boardflicker, friend of a boardflicker, if you think you are good enough to pull them apart, you still think you're bully enough to stop a fight. You still have bully tendencies. Pulling them apart might cause you more problems than it's worth, unless you are a bigger bully than the two of them put together. You appear to see your self as smoe sort of police.

You might be surprised who I know. You may not know me, but I know most of you.

I don't believe that surf rage is worse than normal, it fluctuates depending on the behaviour of those who call themselves locals.

Queensland Police can charge anyone with public nuisance if the want. The burden of proof is almost zero proof. The law is a joke. The problem would be finding independent witnesses, as most of you know each other in some way or other. And most visitors wouldn't support a local if their life depended on it.

If you locals want more respect and control, control the bullies in your ranks. It is the few bullies in your ranks that label you all bullies. If you think a surf break doesn't have bullies, just look at any good surf break e.g. North Narra, Dee Why Point, Bondi and Cronulla. What about the rock at Cabrita that says, "LOCALS ONLY." You may think it's funny, I just think whoever wrote it is a F***wit and the visitors are still intimidated by the silent form of bullying. Then we have the Bra boys at Maroubra and some f***king idiot made a movie about these idiots. They should be retrospectively charged and locked up, not celebrated. It is all a big joke. Except to the bullies who enjoy the benefits of creating a heirarchy.

No locals, no heirarchy.

Go and watch the movie the "Experiment", the democratic majority in this movie are the gutless cowards who can't think for themselves, so they follow the bigger bully and p**s on his head. The democratic majority is what creates a system that we all complain about, but we say we have to accept the system. The only reason you accept the system is because the majority are too weak. The weak are satisfied with licking the bigger bully's backside to maintain their level in the pecking order.

"The Experiment" is based on an experiment conducted by Standford University's Pysychology Department, it is one of the most interesting studies, if not the most interesting to every psychologist with regard to human behaviour. Just like all human behaviour it happens in degrees and whether you like it or not, this is what is happening in the surf around the Gold Coast. While you are part of the bullies you think you are doing nothing wrong. But remember that when someone who has no fear and refuses to be bullied comes along, just like there is in the movie, the bubble just may burst if pushed in the right direction. Before you comment go and watch the DVD, otherwise you have no intelligent foundation to rebutt me. Human beings behave like animals and it is no different in the surf.

It is sad to say that while you have 2 sides, locals & non-locals there will always be conflict. We are all the same, unless being a local provides you with special treatment, why would you want or need to be a local?

Paul Burt said on the news, "Remember! Respect the locals."

I say, "Respect your fellow human."

Maybe changing entrenched local habits might help.

appsy said...

Read my comment again before you start dropping my name on this forum.

My comment re surf rage was "if you see em pull em apart". Not once have i promoted aggreesive local behaviour.

"Appsy and his so called local buddies" you don't know me or who my "local buddies" are.

I can't believe how much crap you have gone on with about Police targeting surf rage.

Localiser said...

This just goes to show that Appsy and his so-called local buddies want to decide what justice they will dish out on their chosen break. The only group of surfers you get at a break that might be big enough to mete out justice are the so-called locals. So if the surfers resolve their problems, the local bullies will be doing it as always. You so-called locals are the problem. "Please" tends to work better than "F@#K OFF!", but you so-called locals with the bunch-of-grapes mentality want an instant fix. You locals hog the waves, continually snake, bend the rules and then complain at the slightest indiscretion.

You think your remarks here are funny. What is easily seen in your remarks is that there is a bully mentality behind them. You may not be able to see this, but it is glaringly obvious to others.

The solution is to remove the locals from the water, or restrict the locals who live within 25 kilometres of the beach, to 4 so-called locals at a time.

I can handle 4

Dazza65 said...

What about the good old days when if someone dropped in you just flicked your board at them!!! That all stopped however once lawyers and assault charges got thrown into the fray. In reality it was a bloody stupid and dangerous thing to do. I recall having a board flicked at me once and seeing it whistle past my ear. A big older local saw it, went over to the board flicker who was a young kid and throttled him, nothing severe just scared the crap out of him. The kid was in tears and I bet he never flicked a board again.

I therefore tend to Agree with Appsy on this one, its something surfers need to take control of as a group. This raises another problem, how many time have you heard of the third person in coming out worse off.............


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Police targeting surf rage on GC" started by Dazza65