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Re-thinking Short SUP

Created by CMC > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2010
QLD, 3954 posts
28 Dec 2010 7:04AM
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In the past I have said that I didn't really think short SUP was for me. I thought that the smaller the board the more it crossed over into shortboard territory and that if the waves were good I'd rather be on a shorty.

The last couple of surfs I've had (in average waves) on SUP have been on a 8'6 x 28 x 4 Ultra Ultra light ripper. This thing is absolutely bulls&**. To give you an idea of the weight I can carry it down the beach with one hand by the rail.

I am still falling off a lot when paddling but I honestly think I am surfing better than I do on my shorty. This thing is super loose, ultra fast and handles small and fat weak waves better than my 9'3 and you can do more with them.This board has no reluctance to sit in the pocket, loves steep drops without having to stand on the leggie plug and feels just like riding my shorty except I have a paddle in my hand.

I am blown away by this board.

P.S I like this short board but the short leggie I have been using on it is a health hazard with a board so light. Never again.

Disc: Dan is a good mate of mine and I rent some factory space from him, I am borrowing his board while he is away for the break.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
28 Dec 2010 7:27AM
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i think you need a second opinion, better let me have a go

VIC, 763 posts
28 Dec 2010 9:20AM
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keep going down in length cmc.......there is still a lot more fun to be had 8' 6" is still a rather long board.

8'2" & 7'6" x 30" x 4" x 5kg....(both riden by a 95kg guy)

5031 posts
28 Dec 2010 5:28PM
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For us in slow gutless waves in the mediterranean sea, ShortSUPs seems the way to have real fun. It will not replace long SUPs, but when you are in the mood, it seems quite exhilarating. There is no way you could have a fun session like the photos below on a 6'6" traditional shortboard in these "waves" for a 86kg guy. Surprisingly the manoeuverability is not the (only) real fun part of these boards, it is the speed and acceleration they allow by driving from the front foot without the wetted surface capping the speed.

It is a new technique to learn, however, see my summary at:

I am still getting to grips with my 7'7", looking for a 7'4". I tried the 5'11", but I definitely need more experience for these.

VIC, 1722 posts
29 Dec 2010 12:02AM
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I hear ya CMC.

My 8'3" is the first board I ever made and still the funnest board I have ever ridden. A fluke no doubt!
I'm just trying to find the time to make a few tiny changes and do another one.

For me though I don't think I'd go much shorter than 8'0".


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Re-thinking Short SUP" started by CMC