Yesterday afternoon I paddled with Rea around the St Kilda beach and I took some pictures.
The water was glassy and perfect for just mucking around doing headstands and stuff.
We bumped into people that wanted to try SUP and we were more than happy to let them use our boards and have a go.
This was a nice couple that didn't mind having their picture taken.. Here's Rea showing her how to hold the paddle.
Her boyfriend had a mullet that would make Warrick Capper jealous..
Most just wanted to be taken for a ride.. and then tried it by themselves.
There was a big seal swimming around us.. It was huge and swam round and round and under my board and even jumping out of the water like a dolphin.
I was never quick enough to get a good pic.
Bumped into Chis on his new Glide and his friend was on his 10' Mana.
Then it was feed the black swans and try not to loose a finger.
Then it was off for more headstands and yoga positions.
We finished the day with seeing the Ultimate Wave Tahiti movie at IMAX (again).. What a great film.. what a great day.. btw.. Rea works at the SupBus at St Kilda.
Oliver.. That's him alright..
Rea said it was the biggest mullet that she'd ever seen.. She was very impressed.
We found it hard to talk to him without bursting out laughing.. It was a beauty.
Here's Rea capturing it on video so she can watch it again and again..
Bob, Leif or David Lee Roth needs a feed, maybe he should eat one of the Black swans. The spindly frame just makes him look funnier.
If that's mullet man's girlfriend with the pink striped 2 piece on, he's batting way above his average !
Great shots DJ. Thankyou.