What I love about the 2 page picture is no SUP's in the wave shot taken, just all surfers. Same articals occured in papers when surfers started out in the ocean, did that stop surfing, NOPE! Haven't read the artical but I'm sure I'll have a chuckle when I do. Like people have stated many waterman participate in all types of surf sports, the people that don't restrict themselves and just get upset that people out there are having fun no matter what the surf is like. Over the haters, they just need some more education and less hatred to things they don't understand.
Here's my take on the whole thing , firstly the article was about over crowding in the surf but the way they portray it is the Sup is the base to all Evil in the surf.Which is just Bullsh!t. D'Bah , Snapper & Starddie (TOS) are 100% no Sup zones , Burleigh & Kirra are basically no go zones for Sups but you will get a few who know what they are doing surfing these spots ,yes sometimes you get an occasional newby kooking it but they don't last too long.
So what's left ? beach breaks and the two Zoo's Currumbin & the pumping jetty which is just a melee of fins and foam , it's the blow in central and a kook factory.
To single out Sups at Currumbin in just not on , I've had near misses or hit by surf boats , outriggers , clubby skies , prone paddle boarders , goat boats , jet skies , kooks on mals , SHORT BOARDERS ,surf schools , fishing boats and even the resident VMR rescue boats.
The VMR made a comment in the article that Sups are 3 to 1 of any craft , what a load of Bullsh!t we are just easier to count. The article also refers to 3.6 metre Sups , how many people actually sup surf on a 12ft Sup?
If you read the whole article It's not totally directed at Sup but if you glance over it you certainly gives that impression and that's what I'm so p!ssed off about , especially the MI logo with a Sup rider on it. Andy Mac , Mal chambers , Joel Parkinson & local councillors have all lent their name to this article and I'm sure this wasn't what their interview was about. Yes a guy got hurt buy a Sup but what about the other 1000's of injuries from other surf craft.
How's this:- "Underground Surf Owner Andre Maraus estimates 30% of of the repair work at his shop involves dings between boards & Sups" WTF kind of journalism is that Paul Weston (Bully reporter) he might as well have said that 30% of Sup riders are Gay and you still would have printed it. Underground Surf owner , what's does that mean he does 10 repairs a month and 3 were from Sups ? so you base that information on the 1000's of board repaired each week from the 100's of ding shops ?
This article is so out of context and it sh!ts me to tears and poor journalism , nice work Paul.
“even the resident VMR rescue boats”
Closest I have been to being killed in the surf, in fact anywhere was being run over by the VMR at the Alley.
About a year ago while they were doing practice bar crossings with a decent swell running. Must have been a trainee skipper, panicked when he was about to have to punch though a set veered off and straight over me.
Boat hit me and dinged my board and the prop just missed me as it went over the top.
Would have made a topical headline for the local
The VMR made a comment in the article that Sups are 3 to 1 of any craft , what a load of Bullsh!t we are just easier to count. The article also refers to 3.6 metre Sups , how many people actually sup surf on a 12ft Sup?
Imagine a world where people could just go 'You know what, people don't like SUP much eh, next surf I have I am going to try to change someones opinion'.....
I like most are not perfect but geez shooting each other down and taking the whole 'Oh who cares what people think, I'll surf where I want and do what I like' attitude is what breeds this stuff. You should surf where you want but leave the attitude on the beach and take your humility. You'll get more waves anyway.
I'm not talking Alohas and Mahalo's just common respect for other surfers and not endangering others if your ability is not there YET. It's easy to do. I GUARANTEE it won't cost you a thing to use some manners.
That must be a better response to this article than hating on people. Far out I wish I never posted it.
Laird Hamilton and Dave Kalama sup surf 20 ft plus on 12 ft boards.
The GC is just ABSURD!!! If you don't like it move. Violence and aggression begets violence and aggression. How long before Suppers start putting sharp metal paddle guards and a pop up knife in the handle up there? Why don't all you surf warriors move to Afghanistan they tell me no one drops in over there.
It's supposed to be Surfer's Paradise, not just long boarder, short boarder or Suppers Paradise
You guys have got it so lucky wave and water wise up there, and continually some of you stuff it all up by choosing not to join Motorcycle Gangs or become mercenarys in a third world country and choose some form of watercraft instead. If you are inherently violent or feel hard done by go and seek medical intervention. There were only about 60 families up there that were local (old fishing families, Guday Colin). The rest of your families moved up between the 60's till now so get off your "I'm a local high horse"!
Do yourself a favour and watch "The Brah Boys" They may be tough but they know about honour and how to take care of mates. Surfing is a brotherhood so do unto others as you would have done to you.
Oh, sorry there I go talking to brickwalls again
Go surfing earlier in the morning, surf somewhere else, have a quiet word to the perpetrator or move. Lets face it, The Gold Coast is not exactly a secret spot and whinging about it only creates more angst. People do Marathon's that shouldn't, buy motor bikes and cars that they can't handle. I'm afraid it's human nature to try and fight above your weight, good luck, you're gonna need it. Remember many of us over 50 Suppers surfed shortboards for a long, long time and still try to if possible
Kook on a gold coast point ?
Nup, surfer seeing what all the SUK fuss is all about on an empty beach break.
No skill required either if I could do it. Lol.
As I said, cripples with a broom stick.
Close the door to the glass house behind you. You said it, no dickheads allowed.
Catching plenty of fish today, must be the floodwaters.
You can babble all you like. Your a bunch of ****en fairies who can't surf so try the next best thing. Wankers. Keep it coming boys. Loving the roast over a beer and NRL.
I found the perfect place for your next holiday.
Seems right up your alley. SUK Kook Land.
Ken Bradshaw maybe many things but 'Kook' isn't one of them. He's just another middle aged man going through Male Menopause. Lot's of em about
! Some of them are probably doing some fishing today
. Lot's of bite's I heard
Assume it is a mix of tongue in cheek and sarcasm... And probably like all NSW south of Port Macquarie boredom, what's with this weather...
That wegner is nice. Did you get one made up off the dimensions.
come and live here for 6 months and see if you "think" its the same. Waves are incosistant and have been for a few years. It is busy in the water any day of the week, any time of day. When conditions are bad there are only a few spots that hold an average wave. Bra Boys....are you serious? are they your roll model for ethics? and how do you think they would treat anyone paddling out into "their" line up, especially on a SUP....you might what to re think your comments
regarding that POS newspaper artical, well like most things commercial it is just emotional advertising, no real journalism to be found. BUT it will still have a bad effect on SUP. Piros pretty much nailed it on the head, but as they say "dont let the truth get in the way of a good story"
I do wonder about its timing with regards to elections etc happening?
and dont feed the troll
Thanks for the kind invitation, but nice place to visit etc. Did in fact live there for 6 months in the eighties, not much has changed. Yes definitely a bit of trolling going on. You seemed to miss the tolerance aspect of "The Brah Boys"! They are not role models, but reasons why this whole issue is a moot point. Who would tell Koby or Jai Abberton they're not allowed to sup there if they wanted to. In fact why would anybody SUP there? "Ours" is not a SUP type of wave? You are also correct in that if 30% of damage is done by SUPS as stated in the article, then it stands to reason 70% is probably done by other shortboarders or Mal riders. The Media nowadays has a lot to answer for. Forgive me if I have offended anyone. I'm just tired of all the whinging by people who should know better.
Back to the subject......maybe this video I posted earlier is still the best way to sum up SUKs on the Goldy......great move by the belly slider / retro short boarder, don't care what anyone says. Lol.
I agree the media and high profile people have a lot to answer for, a prime example of this is the recent comments made on one of Australia's VC's and not thinking of the effect there comments will truely have. In saying this you have to respect others opinions even if you don't agree with them and then educate people in the facts. Bagging things or people out only brings you down to a low life level because you have nothing intelligent to say.
The artical sux because it can be taken in the context that SUP is the problem, but in actual fact overcrowding with surf craft, an increasing disrespect for other users and a lack surf education is the major problem. Unfortunately if we as a surf sports community can't sort it out, then the maritime governing bodies, local councils, state and federal governments will eventual. This will leave particular surf sports groups pissed because of the restrictions put on there type of surf craft. For you crew that actually know your surf history you'll now what I'm talking about.
Man, more SUP angst! Makes me happy I am sailing around finding some obscure waves without the attitude.