I Am sure that DJ will post a story with photos as soon as he is off the water but wanted to let the breezers know that there were over 40 paddlers in this years event.
A 10 to 15 knotEast/S/East wind(head/cross) wind on the outward leg and a tail/cross wind on the way home
Matt Lumley thrashed everyone on the 16ft penetrator
Dave Hunt 2nd on an 11'6 C4
Dave Peterson(DJ) on a 12' glide
It was a teriffic day with lots of prizes, BBq and a clinic by DJ(flat water) and Matt L (surf)
Thanks to SHQ
Well done guys, sorry I couldn't be there. Anyone have a go on Matts Penetrator, love to hear some feedback.
Yes I tried Matts 16 foot penetrator. It was just a taste to be honest, only paddled a few hundred meters out and back. But it was fascinating to try. FTR I am 6 ft and ~95kg.
It does feel quite tippy but there is a definite limit to how far you can tip it. I felt like every stroke was almost going to tip the board but it was almost impossible to get it to go past about 45 degrees. On a normal SUP if I had it leaned over at 45 degrees I'd be panicking and trying to do something to get it back upright but I remembered Stueys advice about the 'self-righting' properties and if you just trust the board then theres no way its going to tip.
Paddling upwind TBH the glide in the hull didnt feel that different from a normal SUP but downwind and with the swell was a different story. It felt like a rocket! But different to a conventional SUP. You dont get up 'on' the wave face per se but rather it feels a bit more like you're immersed in it. Moving with the wave rather than falling down its face. Matt reckons he was catching little runners on the downwind leg and none of the rest of us even got close to a runner.
So in summation, after my 10 minute - not very comprehensive- test run I would say that this is an extremely fast design. But it is more like boat/canoe hull. It is a faster however less stable hull. You need to get your head around the different balancing point. Good for expert paddlers but a bit steeper learning curve for the rest of us. I felt like I had to work harder to keep the board stable but I imagine once this became second nature you could really hammer it.
I believe Matt took something like 13 minutes (?) off last years race record.
Thanks to the SHQ crew for putting on a fun day.
Good to see so many sups there for the cruise and looking forward to a
photo of the start with 40 paddlers going for it.
Was impressed by the naish glides and when I spotted one on the beach after the race with a SHQ sticker on it I grabbed it for a paddle until realising it was Big Daddy's DJ's race board
I was about to pinch and promptly returned it
,I'll have to be a bit quicker next time.
Well done dj, us good samaratians lending boards, let a newbie on the 9 6" niash yesterday for 30 minutes, shes now at Robdogs getting fixed
I'll post my pics from the race later today but here's just one that shows that it was a great day for Kialoa paddles with 1st, 2nd and 3rd place all using them.
I used the Shaka Pu'u.
Yesterday's big race was great and here's some of my pics for those that missed it..and also for those who went.
I first stopped off at the point and checked out the conditions.
It was fine and sunny day with a light wind blowing from the southeast.
The course was to start from the back of the beach (red cross) and run to your board at the waters edge.. paddle around the yellow pole.. and then up to the Cerberus (the Cerberus is a half sunken shipwreck).. then back and around the pole again and finnish with a run up the beach to the finish line.
This is me after positioning my board next to the Penetrator on the start line.
Here's a couple of pics of that beast of a board.
This is Mike explaining the race rules and saying the main thing is to have fun.
More than 40 boards lined the beach ready for a start.
The flag dropped and we're off.
When I first stood on my board did the big windmilling arms as I almost fell off the back of my board.. but I regained control.. and tried to get on the tail of the Pene.
It was a good clean start and we all headed off.
We soon started to string out as we headed for the Cerberus in the distance.
The Pene opened a gap straight away and continued to pull away from everyone due to half Matt's paddling and half due to the Pene's shape.
Matt was the first back..winning by a country mile.
Dave the fireman was second on his 11'6" C4.
I came in third on my 12' Nash Glide.
It seemed like one Glide after another coming in after me... This was me shaking my mate Dave's hand after the race. I was rapt for us to finish 2nd and 3rd because we train and paddle together.
This was a great race for 5th between my friend Christian (Lobes) and the famous Aussie windsurfer Luke Myres from SHQ.. both on Naish Glides.
They kept coming in and running to the finish line.
My good friend Dave (the Flock) finished well on an old wally-windsurfer board.
This was a classic moment (sorry..I shouldn't laugh) when this paddler jumped off to run to the finish line forgetting that he still had his leggie on..
The Glides kept coming.
This is Matty from GSI (Global surf industries) coming in on the 10'6" Kalama.
Here's someone finishing on the Laird board.
Nice to see a wood paddle paddler finish.
Next another friend and Breezer (Ronny) finishing.
This is another friend who has only demo'ed a few boards in the past and entered on a demo board with his Dad.. Both keen to buy them selves boards now.
His Dad fell as soon as he saw my camera.. That'll do it every time.. .. and good on them for entering the race and completing the course.
They kept coming... I'm not sure these guys completed to whole course.
My friend Christian took the Pene for a test paddle (after the race).. thanks to Matt for letting others have a go on his new board.
It was smiles all round after completing the course.
Here's a few Breezers getting together after the race.
Next it was over to the presentations and SUP clinics that I'd been asked to help out with.
Before that there was time for a quick snag from the BBQ.
Here's another Breezer (Rich) getting stuck into one.
Mike (the event organizer and main sponsor) explained how all the money raised from the day's event would go to the Red Cross Bush Fire Fund... Thanks Mike.
He passed the Fireman's helmet full of money over to my friend Dave.. It was his helmet I think..btw.. Dave finished second overall and first in the under 12'6" class.
The legend Matt Lumley won first place and gets his name on the trophy (for the second time) that was made form a SUP paddle blade... Very cool I thought.
Dave came in second and picked up a trophy in the shape of an old woodie-wagon.
The best junior was also given some recognition... they're the future of this sport.
There were heaps of prizes and all competitors names were placed in a hat and names were drawn out.
Everyone waited and hoped that their name would be called.
It was great to see new paddlers that finished way back in the field win new carbon paddles and other great prizes.
After that we had our clinics..and I talked about getting into SUP and flat water paddling... Matt talked about SUP'ing in the waves.
Matt's an amazing talent being one of the best SUP surfers and also one of the best SUP racers in the country... I wish him luck in the Noosa comp next month.
It was a great day for SHQ.. GSI.. and the other sponsors.. It was also a great day for Kialoa paddles with the first three places paddling with their paddles.
This is me with Matt from GSI.
This was Christian..He also finished strong on the Glide..and won a cool Naish paddling shirt.
Matt tied his Pene to the roof of his wagon and headed off to Torquay.
He needs to be careful going through a red light camera because if it changes after he's gone through and then changes to red the Pene might get him booked for going through a red light... just kidding..
That's about it.. Last year was our first ever race with only about 14 paddlers.. this year we had over 40.. and next year I expect well over 140... We'll see.
There's more pics and info on the SHQ site.. www.shq.com.au/ ... Thanks guys for putting on a great event.
Board 3rd from the bottom.
Is that a new board out of 09 starboard range?
Just joking, its good that everyone had a go no matter what board they were on.
Looks like you southern STAND UP PADDLERS had a great DAY, but i cant see any prawns and muddies
Very cool DJ well done on coming 3rd mate. I remember reading last year's post thinking "wow that would be great to have so many people in one place on SUP's", How far we have come in a year hey.
Sorry DJ,I was refering to the wrong photo
The reason I ask, I demo'd a 10.6 wide
on the GC, J told me it would suit me.As a newie
I was a little concerned how I would go!
Well it turned on a top and paddled well for 100 kg
So after 6 weeks of owning a 11.4,Iam thinking of dropping
to a psh10.6
J/AA you want to swap that demo
The guy with the timber paddle is on a PSH 10'6" Wide and is Scott Burgess, a man renouned for his amazing plumbing work in the bayside area!
I was going to borrow the PSH but went for my 9'6" oxbow instead as I never really had any intention of going the distance. Another mate came in just behind Scott on a 10' Bonga (and still dry) which I thought was a great effort considering he has only been paddling a few months!
It was a great day out and full credit to SHQ for putting it on and donating the takings to the firies. Bravo.
The race was heaps of fun and the course was very scenic. I made a few errors (falling off after 3 strokes at the start LoL) but had a ball. There was probably only one boardlength between 5,6 and 7 when we hit the beach so we had a full-on sprint through 100 meters of soft sand to the finish flag. I freakin collapsed and nearly died at the end of that LOL. Unfortunately I dont think there are any more races planned for a while.
Interesting to note that the Naish Glide was probably the single most popular board in the race. There were a few southpoints and a couple of C4s and a variety of shorter boards like the PSHs and Naishs.
The surf and flatwater clinics were very interesting and well attended. I definitely learned quite a bit.
DJ, what paddle size did you wind up racing with? I found myself keeping a pretty high cadence so a shorter shaft probably helped.
Just a big yell out to congratulate the SHQ boys you organised a great event. great to see how big the sport is starting to get in victoria, and its great to see every one seeing the variety of craft you can play on.
DJ, i used my shakapu. it was eight inches longer than my surf blade. i love the shape to much.
Yep, I have to say it was a well put together event and was a great day on the water. Gotta say, I made the mistake of following the boat towards the cerberus! By the time I knew where I was Matt and Dave were nothing more than spots on the horizon.......
It was great catching up with all you guys and I look forward to paddling with you all again soon.......
SHQ Cruise to the Cerberus results
1 Matt Lumley 32.21 minutes
2 Dave Hunt 38.30 minutes
3 Dave Peterson 39.00 minutes
Full report and professional images on : www.shq.com.au
Thanks SHQ for the review and the vid.. ..The vid shows just how quick the Penetrator took off at the start leaving everyone for dead... Amazing.
That vids a crack up! All I wanted to do was be the first around the pole but Matt got me again! I was coming 2nd till about 1:20 then I was nackered. Right when the camera zooms in it looks like I'm just out for a stroll but my arms/body was shot.
Last year I think I was in second for about 5 minutes and ended up coming in 2nd last and roughly 12 minutes behind the leader. Endurance isn't my strength. I don't think I have a strength!
What's this "dedicated flatwater/race board like Matt Lumleys 16' Penetrator"? If I'd made a flatwater board Matt would have been another 5 minutes quicker!