Last weekend was the Clubs 2nd weekend away to Crowdy Head. Am sure that all
who attended will agree it was a great success!!!!
For those who could not make it here's a Quick run down of what you missed.
Lachy and I arrived at Crowdy just before lunch time on Friday to find Sharpy
allready out at Crowdy checking the surf and Phil out in the corner riding some
knee to waist high glassy peeling waves. After a quick chat it was decided to
throw the boards on the roof of the 4wd and head up the beach in search of some
more size!! 15 klms latter we surfed Waist to shoulder high glassy lefts and
rights at Diamond Head.
Then it was back to base to Check in to the Holiday Park and set up tents at
which point we ran into Darrell K and it was decided there was enough day light
to chase 1 more surf so boards were loaded onto the 4wd and we drove 2.8 klms up
the beach to find a nice right hand bank hold 2 to 3 foot and running through to
the beach!!! Once again Darrell proved to be a swell magnet picking up the
biggest waves of the afternoon and styling all the way to th beach..
Then it was back to Crowdy Pt to sit in the setting sun and down a few cold
Saturday Morning dawned with heavy showers but despite the showers and strong
offshore wind everyone had gathered at the Surf club by 8am to find Ian from
STARBOARD all ready there with a huge range of boards in all sizes for all to
I think Ali' was trying to set some sort of record she must have paddled for
about 4hrs and tried at lease 6 different STARBOARDS, meanwhile a quick tarp was
erected to cover the BBQ so as newly elected chief Sharpy got to work on the
Bacon,egg,onion and mushroom rolls to feed the hungry paddlers!!!!
Saturday arvo saw the circus move to Diamond head insearch of some bigger waves,
6 or 7 of us had a fun session on some 1 to 2foot ( Vanessa said it was head
high )slightly messy waves but there were some good fun ones and Darrell even
let a couple of the better ones slip by which I was more than happy to swoop on
too (thanks D )
From there it was back to the camp kitchen for a BBQ, Few beers, few tall tales
and the Prize's were given out with all who attended receiving something from
leg ropes and paddle bags, sun glasses and board shorts. Special thanks to
FANATIC Sup and surfboards, EssBoardstore and The Paddle Shack for all the
Sunday morning dawned clear and sunny with light offshore breezes and some fun
waves for all.
I have heard that Chris, Vanessa, Ali scored small fun clean waves at Seal rocks
on their way home as well what a bonus.
Thanks to all who attended and made it a great weekend.
If you did not make it we will see you at the next comp on the 17thapril at
Lakes beach ( regional titles) or the next weekend away (Brass Monkey weekend)
in July
Thanks Rod
Sorry some of the photos are a bit grainy but the camera was fully zoomed