Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

SUP the Avon Decent

Created by Pete T > 9 months ago, 4 Jun 2008
Pete T
WA, 67 posts
4 Jun 2008 10:22AM
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Now that is a idea, all I need now is a SUP.

I believe that we will see this in the future of the race, what do you guys think?


VIC, 17515 posts
4 Jun 2008 12:40PM
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Pete T said...

Now that is a idea, all I need now is a SUP.

I believe that we will see this in the future of the race, what do you guys think?


I'm not sure what you mean..Do you have a link to a pic or vid?

Maybe this is the sort of thing that you mean..


VIC, 299 posts
4 Jun 2008 3:52PM
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The only thing I know about the avon descent is from watching wide world of sports as a kid, and seeing the d#$$heads running their power boats up on the rocks and getting chucked out the front of the boat....

but heres some info I googled.

edit.......apologies if anyone does the avon decent in a power boat.

QLD, 2039 posts
4 Jun 2008 7:29PM
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Most of the rapids in the Avon are grade 2 to 3 - however this can change depending on how much water is flowing. Much of the stuff in DJ'd vid is likely to be 5.

Here is a rundown of what the different grades mean:

Grade 1 Not difficult. Regular stream; regular waves; small rapids; simple obstructions.
Grade 2 Moderately difficult. Passage free irregular stream; irregular waves; medium rapids, small stoppers eddies, whirlpools and pressure areas*; simple obstructions in stream; small drops.
Grade 3 Difficult. Route recognisable; high irregular waves; larger rapids; stoppers, eddies, whirlpools and pressure areas*; isolated boulders, drops and numerous obstructions in stream.
Grade 4 Very difficult. Route not always recognisable; inspection mostly necessary; heavy continuous rapids; heavy stoppers, whirlpools and pressure areas*; boulders obstructing stream, undertow.
Grade 5 Extremely difficult. Inspection essential; extreme rapids, stoppers, whirlpools and pressure areas*; narrow passages, steep gradients and drops with difficult access and landing.
Grade 6 Limit of practicability. Generally speaking impossible. Possibly navigable at particular water levels; high risk; even experts risk life. *Notes * Pressure areas refer to water piling up against a rock or other.

Most guys that paddle in the surf could get through a grade 3, but the risk is that a fall of a SUP in the shallow water and rapid conditions that we get in most areas of Australia would almost defiantly mean a fall directly onto rocks. The highest grade I have run in a Kayak is grade 4, and I would not want to think about doing that on a SUP. A lot of the over seas rivers have much deeper water than us to create rapids which can make it a little safer.

3952 posts
4 Jun 2008 9:44PM
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Thanks aus301 you deciphered an extremely cryptic post by Pete T extremely well.

WA, 7608 posts
4 Jun 2008 10:43PM
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Id like to do the Avon on a SUP.
Can I borrow someones board?
Theres no way Id be taking my board down the Avon
Ive surfed it a few times. Theres a nice little stand still wave which breaks during winter after a week of solid rain

SA, 804 posts
5 Jun 2008 10:36AM
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Do we still get a week of solid rain these day's?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUP the Avon Decent" started by Pete T