Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

SUP to Shortboard Converter - self made board

Created by CMC > 9 months ago, 5 Jan 2012
QLD, 3954 posts
5 Jan 2012 11:26AM
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Here's a board I made for myself as a 'Car Board' ie the one you leave in your car that can ride a bit of everything.

This is the first one I have done all of the work on (except for help from Dan DMS on the super tricky bits! Also some guidance from the good crew at DMS Surfboards) But 99% of it is my own work.....

I love boards like this as they fit perfectly between riding SUP and getting right back onto your standard shortboards, I try to keep something like this in the quiver as a converter between the two.

It's a 6'8 x 21 x 2 3/4 Single with Concave -> Double -> to vee out the tail. I rode it this morning in terrible waves and it does what I wanted it to, goes like the clappers in crap. I think I found a new best friend! Given I'm posting it here I guess you could say I'm stoked with how it turned out........

P.S, Not advertising my boards as I do not sell them, i'm just stoked to be able to with the help of professional manufacturers make things like this.

VIC, 1299 posts
5 Jan 2012 12:28PM
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noice, love the old school lines and colour

NSW, 3768 posts
5 Jan 2012 12:33PM
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Yeah, great crossover board. I ride a flat, wide fish as a crossover. A standard shortboard just seems to thin and narrow these days.

QLD, 389 posts
5 Jan 2012 1:45PM
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Geez brings back memories of my first board. Looks awesome CMC!
There will be some classics down at Burleigh this weekend for the single fin comp

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Jan 2012 2:18PM
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while your at it- whip up one for me too

QLD, 3954 posts
5 Jan 2012 2:19PM
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laceys lane said...

while your at it- whip up one for me too

You need to ride this one. You can have a go once my initial froth has subsided.

NSW, 513 posts
5 Jan 2012 4:07PM
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Great looking board think there is a real market for these kind of boards.I mainly surf Sups bit of longboarding but all my old shortboards have that sinking feeling.
A cross over like this looks the way to go.

WA, 15849 posts
5 Jan 2012 1:12PM
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beerssup said...

Great looking board think there is a real market for these kind of boards.I mainly surf Sups bit of longboarding but all my old shortboards have that sinking feeling.
A cross over like this looks the way to go.

Lay off the pies

NSW, 513 posts
5 Jan 2012 4:17PM
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doggie said...

beerssup said...

Great looking board think there is a real market for these kind of boards.I mainly surf Sups bit of longboarding but all my old shortboards have that sinking feeling.
A cross over like this looks the way to go.

Lay off the pies

Nah as I get more volume (Fatter) so do my boards.

NSW, 408 posts
5 Jan 2012 4:31PM
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I have a similar board in my colection(yours looks better though)the guy I bought it off called it a POD apparently they,re realy big in the states at places like Rincon,Trestles and so on.They,re great for sitting right in the pocketand manouvering in the steep part of the wave next to the foam.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUP to Shortboard Converter - self made board" started by CMC