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Created by teatrea > 9 months ago, 9 Apr 2013
QLD, 4177 posts
9 Apr 2013 11:24AM
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Great turn out for the first event of 2013 , we had some pretty good conditions for both the race and surfing. Possibly the best we have ever had. The race was a lot of fun , with some decent sets to make it interesting. Interstingly the surfing had quite a few entrants in the mensHow about next time though we do the surfing first and races next , to try get the best of the waves

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
9 Apr 2013 1:32PM
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Anyone got some pics?

I agree it was close to the best conditions we've had for a club round.

Although the waves were a bit better earlier, I'm glad we held the race first this time, because as the tide dropped that shorey would have been worse on a race board!

...but you make a good point for us to consider for future club rounds - should we always have the race first (or at a specified time so non-surfers can just turn up to race) or should we leave it open to conditions on the day and encourage everyone to arrive early and stay for the whole morning.

Interested in other peoples thoughts/feedback on this?

QLD, 4177 posts
9 Apr 2013 2:03PM
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Ali Cat said...
Anyone got some pics?

I agree it was close to the best conditions we've had for a club round.

Although the waves were a bit better earlier, I'm glad we held the race first this time, because as the tide dropped that shorey would have been worse on a race board!

...but you make a good point for us to consider for future club rounds - should we always have the race first (or at a specified time so non-surfers can just turn up to race) or should we leave it open to conditions on the day and encourage everyone to arrive early and stay for the whole morning.

Interested in other peoples thoughts/feedback on this?

Yeah good point regarding the shorey , but most times the surf will be better in the early morningPersonally i would still enter both regardless , but for others i guess it would be good to know which way it will run.Maybee even do the heats for the surfing first , have the race and finish with the finals?

QLD, 700 posts
9 Apr 2013 2:51PM
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Unlike you Andrew I only did the surfing and was stuffed. So having the race after would not have been fun.
But totally understand where you are coming from.
Surfing could start earlier and on time....

QLD, 80 posts
9 Apr 2013 6:29PM
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You could start the race at 6am and get a bit of a head start on things. Most of the paddlers train at 5.30am anyway. It would of been good to have a bit more space between us and the nippers too. Apart from that the waves were pumping!

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
9 Apr 2013 7:26PM
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TommyL said...
You could start the race at 6am and get a bit of a head start on things. Most of the paddlers train at 5.30am anyway. It would of been good to have a bit more space between us and the nippers too. Apart from that the waves were pumping!

nice turn tim

QLD, 4177 posts
9 Apr 2013 8:06PM
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petedorries said...
Unlike you Andrew I only did the surfing and was stuffed. So having the race after would not have been fun.
But totally understand where you are coming from.
Surfing could start earlier and on time....

Cmon mate a fit old dude like you could have done 3 races and surfed 10 heats and still not blow out a candleAny way not a big deal , but i rekon surfing side should be done in the best conditions


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"SUPSA" started by teatrea