SUPSA Gold Coast presents the 2012/13 “Summer Twilight Paddle Series”
SUPSA Gold Coast invites you to participate in the inaugural 2012/13 “Summer Twilight Paddle Series” on Queensland's Gold Coast.
The Series
This is based on an 8 event “time trial” series conducted over the months from October 2012 to February 2013.
Each paddle event will see participants complete a selected distance on the marked 1 kilometre “Flat Water Course” on Lake Orr Varsity Lakes.
Upon completion of the designated distance, each paddler will have their time recorded which will roll over to the next event date encouraging that participant to better their previous course time.
The SUPSA “Summer Twilight Paddle Series” will be held on Lake Orr Varsity Lakes. Meeting at “SPORTS HOUSE” Christine Avenue Varsity Lakes. (Opposite Varsity Primary School)
Meet 5pm - 5:15pm - Paddle Start 5:30pm sharp
Scheduled Series Dates
Event 1 Tuesday 30th October 2012
Event 2 Tuesday 13th November 2012
Event 3 Tuesday 27th November 2012
Event 4 Tuesday 11th December 2012
Event 5 Tuesday 8th January 2013
Event 6 Tuesday 22nd January 2013
Event 7 Tuesday 5th February 2013
Event 8 Tuesday 19th February 2013
• Any length boards
• Men's and Women's from beginners to elite
• Children's short course
Entry Cost
Free for all financial SUPSA Members
Time Trial Rules
• The time trial will commence with a deep water start and finish.
• Each participant will be timed accordingly to their completed flat water course lap.
Kids Fun Paddle
• Course length will be designed to suit the child's age.
• Each child will have a water safety person with them the entire passage.