Thanks to Greg & the SUPWA Committee for organising today, Luke & Cam for running the day, and all the event sponsors.
"Challenging" conditions all round today but nothing a couple of Voltaren, pints & pizza couldn't sort out at the post race wind up.
A few pics from today. Will post video of the women's start to the SUPWA FB page.
Nat took pics of all the guys coming across the finish line. PM me with your race number if you want a copy - too many to post all of them here. If anyone wants high res copy of any of these images, PM also.
Onya Juddy, gotta laugh though, you say it was "challenging conditions" but the photo's make it look like it was a millpond, we all know better of course.
I learnt a valuable lesson today, flat water boards are good..... in flat water.
Nice work Juddy, great Day, thanks to SUPWA the organizers, sponsors and volunteers in the support boats, look forward to next year, thanks also to my super paddle partner Cath..