Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Save our Spit Rally this Sunday the 4th

Created by frizle > 9 months ago, 1 Nov 2012
QLD, 69 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:11PM
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Come show your support, and tell our local government its NOT OK to sell PUBLIC land to build Cruise Ship Terminals and Casinos!

QLD, 437 posts
1 Nov 2012 8:39PM
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Worse than that, they are going to GIVE our public land away to whoever will build the biggest cruise ship terminal/casino. Who do they think they are?

QLD, 6996 posts
3 Nov 2012 5:39PM
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These proposed projects are insane & eco destroying to the only free land we have left. I'll be there with my kids .See you there 10am tomorrow at the Spit , please come along to help stop this madness.

QLD, 80 posts
3 Nov 2012 5:55PM
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This is the most momentum a cruiseship terminal campaign has had from big buisness and the government. Anyone that surfs T.O.S. should be showing their support ( thats a lot of people ! )If it goes ahead we lose the Spit and T.O.S. for sure and thats bull****. See ya there Piros!

QLD, 30 posts
3 Nov 2012 6:14PM
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what really gets me is that mayor Tate and Newman's cohort Jeff Seeney just decided it is going to happen. No discussion, focus groups, it's already a fait accompli. Taterhead was invited to come and address the crowd, answer questions etc, but he just said that he'd get his feed back from watching the tv. The arrogance of these people is unbelievable. I'm pretty sure it's a lost cause. That green area on the spit gets so much use from people it'll be sad to see it go. The marine stadium is (was) a great place for a picnic and fishing with the kids.

QLD, 723 posts
3 Nov 2012 10:49PM
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If Tate isn't going to come to you guy's, you should just go visit him. I'm sure either way I'd be suprised if he will listen. Unfortunately he was voted in by the majority even when he had clearly stated his intent, hence why he didn't get my vote.

QLD, 5283 posts
3 Nov 2012 11:13PM
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A whole bunch of crew are paddling to the rally from the grand hotel at southport at 9 am to save the broadwater from corrupt politicians giving away our public land to overseas interests!

QLD, 2039 posts
3 Nov 2012 11:27PM
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Adapt said...
If Tate isn't going to come to you guy's, you should just go visit him. I'm sure either way I'd be suprised if he will listen. Unfortunately he was voted in by the majority even when he had clearly stated his intent, hence why he didn't get my vote.

Maybe my math is off, but 37% isn't a majority.

QLD, 30 posts
3 Nov 2012 11:37PM
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True enough. Unfortunately a lot of people I know voted for him because no one really stood out and he had the most billboards so they thought that guy will do. Advertising cost him millions he was that desperate for the job. So I guess we can't complain now. If you disagree with this though please make the effort to show your disapproval.

QLD, 3954 posts
4 Nov 2012 6:04PM
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I was fortunate enough this morning to be able to attend this rally with my wife, daughter and dog. Also with some friends and their 2 daughters.

They say already that this was the biggest turnout in Gold Coast history against anything.

These jokers have a war on their hands trying to get this one up.

Something occured to me though and you should probably think about if you are interested in this topic.

In my opinion from what I heard today a ship will never enter the seaway. The basic requirements and rules basically mean it can not happen. BUT....

Don't be fooled that makes it over, it's about the land grab, about selling off the land to Newman and Tates mates.

Here's a tip for you, check who the main financial contributors are to the State Liberal party and lets see if you do not hear more about their involvement in the issue.

The cruise ship won't get up, they are using it as a red herring to be able to look like they listened to the people when they scrap the idea, carve up the land and give it to their main financial contributors.

That's my theory at this point, either way i'm pissed about it.

And I thought the paddling scene on Currumbin Creek was political....

QLD, 3954 posts
5 Nov 2012 1:59PM
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This morning I asked some questions on Tom Tates facebook page regarding his 'Mandate' to do what he likes on this.

They have now blocked me from their page for suggesting that 33% of the vote when you change policies 48 hours before the election gave you no right to do anything.

I suggested a referendum after full disclosure of the facts......

Funny though as 20 mins later they published a story on being undemocratic.

This guy is super suss and he's out to make his makes rich while he destroys our playground........

QLD, 2286 posts
5 Nov 2012 4:19PM
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CMC, I have seen some proposal drawings that show that a cruise ship can enter and berth. This involves a substantial amount of dredging as well as new breakwaters and modifications to existing breakwaters.
The grab for wavebreak is to accommodate these changes.
One of the biggest issues however is the need for a regular dredging programme, this will constantly stuff up the waterways. The cost of this dredging will probably be bourne by council aspart of yearly maintenance.
I also read this morning that figures show that cruise passengers don't spend much money on shore as their trips are all inclusive, they have a coffee and a look around that is about it.
This is about wealthy Liberal party mates getting their hands on public land so that they can charge the crusie company to berth and then develop some infrastructure of their own that they can charge for.
The whole thing stinks. Get angry and stay angry!!!!

QLD, 6996 posts
5 Nov 2012 4:29PM
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This is the email I recieved from my ole Tom Tate this morning , this comes the morning after the biggest protest the Gold Coast has seen , take your blinkers off mate.

This morning the Deputy Premier, Jeff Seeney and I announced that we will seek Expressions of Interest from the private sector to deliver what could be the largest piece of integrated tourism infrastructure delivered in Queensland's history in time for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
The Broadwater Marine Project will include delivery of a cruise ship terminal for the Gold Coast and could see associated tourism infrastructure including hotels, a casino, super yacht facility, retail, commercial and residential development, open space and recreational facilities.
The project is designed to support the further development of our tourism industry. It will drive local jobs in both the tourism and construction sectors and give our local economy a much needed boost.
The State and Council have identified an area that includes state-owned land on The Spit and Wave Break Island as part of the project.
The Expressions of Interest period will open later this month and Council and the State expect strong interest in the project from national and international consortia.
To read more about the announcement go to Council's project page.

Mayor Tom Tate

Look at the size of this farking thing......[}:)]

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
5 Nov 2012 5:17PM
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defies belief they are actually serious.

it would be good if the federal government stepped in stop the madness

all i can see is this

and ecosystem damage

QLD, 2286 posts
5 Nov 2012 5:24PM
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Piros, In order to fill the yellow areas, they will dredge all of the area within the blue zone. That is the only way they can create an opportunity!
The access is not deep enough for a cruise ship so it will have to dredged as well.
Remeber when the Americas Cup trials were held? They couldn't get them in how are they going to get cruise ships in on all tides?
It beggars belief.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Save our Spit Rally this Sunday the 4th" started by frizle