Hi Guys
races are next weekend
Its time to enter so I can work out catering
we have some great pizes sup paddles from star board and SUP ATX
clothing from Corban and Hayden Surf, local B&B and breakfast at Tervana 6 Scotts Head plus lots more
Demos from Corban and starboard Hayden fenn and epic and others
$5 from your entry goes into the prize pool so
the more entrants the more the prize pool will be .
to enter go to
look forward to seeing you all and theres a band on at the Bowlo on Saturday night
to loosen up before the bop race race on Sunday
any questions give me a call 0418 416 680
Was going to enter online but I just wanted to have something clear
For the category over 40 SUP (10 km saturday or BOP sunday) we just take the board we want? there is not size category? not a problem , just asking.
The last line of the menu is Sunday BOP over 40. This line already exist a bit further up in the menu so I did not know if something had been missed.
i've been talking to a few guys about the 40 and over bracket.
i reckon 45 and over is a better way.
from my experience and talking around, physically things start to drop of at about 45 and on. now if you are on the wrong side of 45 and a newbie to the 40 year old bracket/caper comes along- thats a big difference physically wise damit
just a thought
ps over to you mac- i know you will
Hi Al
I put the over 40 Sunday bop in twice by mistake,I have deleated now re board size all sups lenghth but we can add a cat on the day
see you next weekend
no clue who that is but anyways? will we all race together and then what you come in your division is at the prezo? cause if theres only like 5 under 18s it would be a waste of time and effort...
Hi dylanh
the best training is racing so I hope to see you at Scotts hey and you should have some fun mate which is whats its about
yeah i know i was in state and stuff.. i was just wondering if its like a muck around thing or full on serious.
Conditions are looking good for the race weekend
theres been a great response from the sup community
so if you havent entered yet come and have a great weekend at Scotts Head
Online entries close tomorrow 24th at noon
late entries on the day are $25
Leaving from the Goldcoast in the morning , is anybody aware of any roadworks ect that may be going on thet may slow us up. I want to leave plenty of time incase , but dont want to get up to early Is 4 1/2 hours travel from Goldy about right?
Hope the event is a success ODSUP & good luck to all the competitors! I think certain competitors should be handicapped eg -15min start or maybe lead weights attached to their boards or paddles, but seriously hope you all have a good time and look forward to the report. Cheers
Thanks mate
were doing a downwinder tomorrow from back grassy head to the 4wd track past scotts then back to scotts so if you can get down here by 12.30 youll be able to put some lead in there boards the swell has picked up a bit so conditions should be good .
ohhh wish i was there. Whoever goes will fall in love with the place. it is the most relaxed spot going,im so jealous that i cant be there. OD see you at christmas,promised the boy good luck all and enjoy another beautiful part of this great country
Got in yesterday arvo in time to surf the point on the new 12'6, super fun point peelers, offshore conditions, dinner and beers at the bowls club, won two meat trays for the bbq this arv. Conditions look good for the downwinder an amazing coast to paddle up, awesome vibe around the caravan park, the weather is great this place is paradise!! Hopefully plenty of people make the effort to support this event, I'm sure everyone that does will be stoked
Was a great fun weekend, thanks Jason for organizing it. Looking forward to next year.
Saturday downwind:
Open mens: Kelly 1st, Woogie 2nd, Jake 3rd
Over 45's: Noel 1st, Mick 2nd, Alain 3rd
Open womens: Sondra 1st, Ali 2nd, Terrene 3rd
Sunday BOP:
Open mens: Kelly 1st, Jake 2nd, Mick 3rd
Over 45's: Noel 1st, Alain 2nd, Dale 3rd
Open womens: Sondra 1st, Ali 2nd, Terrene 3rd
There was a mix of 12'6's and 14's racing but no length categories.
Sorry if I've made any mistakes.
Whoa long drive , fantasic little spot.We didnt get the swell everyone was hoping for but a fun couple of days none the less. Hopefully it turns into something bigger each year.Great vibe ill be back for sure.
See if you can see yourself in the photo journal of the weekend.
Well done OD..Scotts head is a great venue, great weather and a nice vibe.....good to see support from leading distributers.
Even though I only managed to be there to watch Saturday it has reinspired me to haul my fat ass back out on the water after a 2 year break with back problems....
OD...will you be doing it again next year?? I certainly hope so!!
Thanks Coreban and Surfrod for the photos,,
Thanks for the kind words brownes
LOCK IN THE LAST WEEKEND OF JUNE 2012 29th and 30th it will be on next year
thanks to everyone who attended and starboard corban sup atx hayden surf craft and the local community and hope to see you at the next race.
how good is Scott's Head. Taking the family next year and staying a week for sure. Awesome locals made the event a success (Jason and the surf club crew). And from a beginners point of view everybody competing was super encouraging.
just spewin that the fishing club stopped the dance comp on saturday night at the bowlo cause it would of been a cracka!