Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Screw on the deck of my Naish

Created by camharvey > 9 months ago, 22 Sep 2011
NSW, 192 posts
22 Sep 2011 11:31AM
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This is probably really obvious but I thought i'd put it out there!!
Just got myself a 10'0 Naish Mana, with the timber veneer, after paddling a few cheaper made boards.
I didn't ask the guys @ dripping wet (too psyched to get it wet)but can someone shed some light as to what the phillips head screw behind the tail pad is for??

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
22 Sep 2011 11:39AM
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Air valve. Just make sure she's done up when you hit the water.

VIC, 3982 posts
22 Sep 2011 11:50AM
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If you take the board on a plane you release the screw to ensure the air inside the board doesn't expand and destroy the board. You can also release the valve if you are leaving the board sitting in the hot sun or inside a car on a hot day. But you have to remember to tighten the screw again when you put the board in the water - you don't want water inside the board.

QLD, 251 posts
22 Sep 2011 3:02PM
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just took both of my naish boards on a plane without touching the screw and no problems at all. its just a piece of nice jewellery for your board.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
22 Sep 2011 4:12PM
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another enticing post that fails to deliver the money s###

VIC, 3982 posts
22 Sep 2011 8:34PM
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laceys lane said...

another enticing post that fails to deliver the money s###

Here you go Lacey, a Naish and ... well ... add imagination.

QLD, 272 posts
22 Sep 2011 9:38PM
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PTWoody said...

laceys lane said...

another enticing post that fails to deliver the money s###

Here you go Lacey, a Naish and ... well ... add imagination.

the title of this post fits this picture so well

VIC, 5000 posts
22 Sep 2011 10:10PM
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Air valve. Just make sure she's done up when you hit the water.

Otherwise if you don't, it becomes a place to put ina wick when you have to leave it in the sun over summer to try to get the water out.

Got a w/surf board that I get a couple of sails out of, before needing to put it out for a few weeks to get a few litres of water out of it, not due to vent screw though - more due to dodgy patch ups over the years by myself.

NSW, 192 posts
23 Sep 2011 6:32PM
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thanks guys....
nice pic too...
Sorry if I got your hopes up with the title of the topic.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Screw on the deck of my Naish" started by camharvey