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Created by sepirott > 9 months ago, 26 Nov 2010
NSW, 336 posts
26 Nov 2010 8:31PM
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Up to my seventh close shark encounter(within spitting distance) in 3 months, had to push a noah away with my paddle last week. Birubi sure is living up to it's rep of late as a shark breeding ground. Love em but I am wondering if anyone else is noticing more sharkies of late?

VIC, 471 posts
26 Nov 2010 10:36PM
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Did the shark have a smile like our local bronzies do. They are just glad to see you

QLD, 166 posts
26 Nov 2010 9:50PM
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They look like White Pointers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NSW, 45 posts
27 Nov 2010 9:13AM
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Have all the sightings been at Birubi ?

NSW, 903 posts
27 Nov 2010 11:14AM
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Im 1hr up the coast and do heaps of freediving,spearfishing also and always see the (CRITICALLY) endangered grey nurse,as for the Whites there only thick when the salmon are around..

NSW, 336 posts
27 Nov 2010 7:03PM
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Yes all at Birubi hinch, mostly all bronzies though I think, none over 6-8ft. Great smiles waterhorse lol.

VIC, 471 posts
27 Nov 2010 10:27PM
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<<<<I love smiles

NSW, 4 posts
5 Dec 2010 1:23PM
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There is a good reason why barry bruce from csiro Tassie travels all the way to birubi, one mile/samy each year to satellite tag white sharks. Cause there are so bloody many of them! Always has been.

The noah last Sunday Spiro was definately old whitey, glad you were closer than me, he/she would have been well and truely fed if he/she decided to get snappy! Did Termites vid turn out or too early (too dark)?

At least 2010 white season so far has been no 2007! The year old mate got bitten on the ass over at boulders.

Spiro check out Cpt Chrisso at the helm of the CSIRO tagging boat off Birubi this year.

NSW, 336 posts
5 Dec 2010 4:35PM
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LOL Chrisso is a legend, love the shot of the stare down. Na Billies vid didn't turn out unfortunately. Had to laugh when he was sitting in the water on his SUP sorting out his camera when I saw it heading towards him, Wild Bill can move for a young whipper snipper.

QLD, 6993 posts
5 Dec 2010 7:24PM
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Good to see you kept your head Steve , all my shark encounters have been in Northern NSW , I freaked out first but now I will actually paddle over to them , they always swim away , just glad my feet aren't dangling in the water anymore

My best encounter was at Ballina few months ago when a huge bait school swam under us and hundreds of large Albratross birds where bombing the water all around us and sharks were charging through underneath us eating the one feel off when the bait school moved on the water was sparkling with millions of bait fish scales drifting in the water and a fish oil slick on the surface from all the slaughtered bait.

NSW, 283 posts
5 Dec 2010 11:30PM
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Found the aborted vid. Must have missed getting the beast on film by seconds.
Got my feet out of the water pretty sharply at 44sec and the board felt a bit small when I stood up. (sorry about the quality, motion sickness pills might help, yep another 1min 23 of your life you wont get back)


NSW, 4 posts
6 Dec 2010 4:02PM
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Spewing you missed the big fella Bill, the one under the water I mean. The glassy glare from the early light makes it hard to see into the water. Does the camera pick up light like binoculars do? I thought it was way darker than it looks on film.

Who the hell was that kook who missed that wave?

Found this link from 2007.

NSW, 336 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:55PM
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That's funny Billy, hey I think that kook was 'The Fully Loaded Man'


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Sharkies" started by sepirott