The Hill family went on a 4 week 3572km road trip along the south coast over the summer hols. Got some great surf and family time we live in a fantastic country gotta love it. Hope you enjoy a few of the photos.
Thanks for sharing hilly looked like a awesome time had by all hillies
One goofy and one natural what's going on
Great pics Hilly, love the way you take the family dog with you ( you can do that in wa) i have been to a few of those spots also
I had a nice trout main course right where you and paddeling past
Wa is def the best state in Aust
Thanks hilly.. Excellent pictures.
Your son surfing reminded me of me surfing my foamy at about that age and I'll never forget it..
Looks like a fun adventure. I love the turquoise color of the water. I'm probably answering my own question, but is it because of the white sand? I'm really looking forward to exploring WA a lot more over the coming years.
Nice one hilly, thanks for posting those photos
Great to see the kids enjoying the surf and camping, my three girls have got into surfing this year and my eldest is at the same stage of riding reforms on a foamy, she stays out for hours and its great to see the grin on their faces.
Luved the picture of the dog he/she looks to be the same as our weimaraner always wants to be part of the family.
looking fwd to exploring down that way with my family over the comming years.
Very nice Hilly , thats a great looking rig you have set up...very jealous.I have got to get over there. Did you do any fishing ?
Loved it Hilly, reminds me of our family adventures. WA is such an awesome place so much variety, from Esperance to Ningaloo. Can't wait for our Ningaloo trip in june.
The family that plays together............
Excellent! escpecially enjoyed the vid of the kids. Wish I could get my two into it a bit more often.
classic pics hilly
im brain washing my grom to be able to surf goofie and natural
backhand is better i recon
Got any more pics of your deluxe fly on the turbo tent? I've got a 300 as well and have considered buying the deluxe fly. Any good?