Thanks all for coming this morning. Thanks to the surf gods for turning it on. There should be some great photo's posted here latter.
Thanks to Mark from Wetfoot photography for coming along. He should also have some shots up here latter. You can contact him direct if you want some shots from today. Mark has a website that he will post later but also has a blogsot:
Thanks to Mark Hatful from Quiver Kaddy ( ) for providing all the prizes. Greatly appreciated.
Well, we have our SUP team for the regional Coast Of Orgin competiion. There was some great surfing this morning on display. These guys were ripping it up with a great display of different styles.
Open Men's SUP.
Tully St John
Geoff Breen
Matt Roach
Luke Potter
Over 45's Mens SUP
Peter Turner
Mark Hatfull
Open Womens SUP
Jayne Ryelan
Lorraine Paciullo
We will also be putting names forward for the longboard comp but these are not guaranteed until I hear back from Surfing QLD.
I will email each team member with the Surfing QLd Disclaimer. Each entry cost $20 per entry per division. You will need to drop this off to Luke (Club Treasurer) at Ocean Addicts.
I will put in your email if your memership is due as well as you will need to be financial to enter this comp. Membership forms can be downloaded from the club website:
Payments can be dropped off to Luke King at Ocean Addicts or brought to the next club day.
Thanks everyone.
Next Club day is scheduled for the 10th of July. As the last couple have been a surfing comp we may do a BOP style day with a social surf and BBQ.
hi swannie thats me in last photo ,thanks[even though i was not in contest] the standard of surfing by the younger crew on laguna shorter boards was totally awesome ,your doing great job .gold coast will have a challenge
Hey John
You should have joined in the comp. You were really ripping it up. What size Naish are you on now.
Leggy ,Paddle and freight Australia wide included in the $10 package.Quad Fin set up at $200 per fin,NOT NEG.
Check out some of these shots frmo Mark at "Wetfoot Photography" Great work Mark and thanks again for coming along. I have taken them with permission from Marks website. If you want one in high res just follow the details that I have taken off his site.
These are really low resolution pictures so they can load faster.
If you would like the original or a copy just email Mark or call.
There is a small fee.. just to cover cost.
Copyright Mark Bialek
0422 714010.
Jason (sorry for dropping in on you ....twice)
Yeah. I can see the last shot of him getting used somewhere to promote the boards down the track. Though the first and second last of yours Roachy, and the first one of Geoff should be up there as well. Mark and Jayne got some great shots.
Next is the Regional Comp on the Sunshine Coast on the 6 and 7 of August.
We surf against all the other local board rider clubs. After that the Sunshine Coast team will travel to the Gold Coast to compete against their already trembling team.