Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Technique or shorter board required?

Created by DILLIGAF2 > 9 months ago, 18 Jan 2010
218 posts
18 Jan 2010 10:57AM
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Hi Guys

I’m able to catch waves up to 6ft with no major dramas, weight the rail to travel down and along the face horizontally but I can’t yet carve enough to go back up the face and down again.

I’m on an 11’2 Starboard at 90kg and I was wondering would a smaller board be the best way to go or is this just a technique I need to learn on the board I have now?

Thanks in advance for any advice



569 posts
18 Jan 2010 11:33AM
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Firstly where the heck have you been to surf 6 ft waves

Secondly no, you can carve a big board you've just got to make sure you get that back foot over the fin or centre fin. Also use the paddle and stroke the board round in an arc (swiftly). After a couple of goes you'll get the feel of your particular model of board. Like everything else just practice.

Thirdly you'll probably end up with a quiver of boards like the rest of us...start out being adamant you're just after the one utility board for the family and end up with an addiction to Stand Up Heh heh.

218 posts
18 Jan 2010 1:04PM
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Thanks Kit

Didn't you get out up north over the weekend had some monster sets come through .

Yep already thinking of selling my kite gear for more stand up!

569 posts
18 Jan 2010 2:04PM
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DILLIGAF2 said...

Yep already thinking of selling my kite gear for more stand up!


Yep got up to the Forestry did take two snaps but they are pretty crap as they are from my phone and I can't resize them. It was only 2 ft but did bump up to chest height after an hour (well some of them). Was going to try and meet up with 'Glass Off' over the West coast but only had small windows of opportunity so had to stay local, I'll head down to Raglan before the summer's out and catch up with him there.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Jan 2010 4:11PM
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DILLIGAF2 said...

Hi Guys

I’m able to catch waves up to 6ft with no major dramas, weight the rail to travel down and along the face horizontally but I can’t yet carve enough to go back up the face and down again.

I’m on an 11’2 Starboard at 90kg and I was wondering would a smaller board be the best way to go or is this just a technique I need to learn on the board I have now?

Thanks in advance for any advice



many things to consider. hears one. to go up you first have to go down. i mean you have to go down and get out on the flats to come back up a wave. this applies to all types of boards. have a good look at the pro's on vid

WA, 24860 posts
18 Jan 2010 3:36PM
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DILLIGAF2 said...

Hi Guys

I’m on an 11’2 Starboard at 90kg and I was wondering would a smaller board be the best way to go.



YES YES YES, hard work getting a 11 something vert in 6 foot


218 posts
18 Jan 2010 4:05PM
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62mac said...

YES YES YES, hard work getting a 11 something vert in 6 foot


Tell me about it but I hell of a motherf*cking buzz

218 posts
18 Jan 2010 4:08PM
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Kagey said...

Yep got up to the Forestry

Forestry is that west from Helensville?

Ted the Kiwi
NSW, 14256 posts
18 Jan 2010 10:55PM
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How was Te Ari point? That should have been working if there is some decent sand.

You need to use your paddle to turn the beast. As it was said before get your back foot right back but the secret with the big board is to use the paddle - as soon as you dig that in the board will turn very sharply. You will definitely find yourself falling off loads until you get the hang of how much you need to dig it in. Watch all those youtube videos that are posted on this site and others and watch how they plant the paddle in. Its a weird feeling at first though.


218 posts
19 Jan 2010 4:16AM
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Cheers Kev

I've tried that a few times and fallen in but at least I know I'm on the right track now

569 posts
19 Jan 2010 10:11AM
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The Forestry is just around the corner from Te Arai, so East coast. Yes Te Arai would have been working but I prefer the Forestry. There is a left hander there for us goofy footers, whereas Te Arai is predominantley a right hander. Of late the banks there have lead the wave to form late and crash heavily on the beach, so nice short punchy rides for 5ft shortboards but not all that cracky for a SUP...AND I don't want mine to get broken! That said Friday evening (when i snapped those very clear quality pics..) my wave of the session just happened to be on my back hand. It was as fast as I've ever been on a board and when I got back to the line up two shortboarders even commented on the speed of the it must have been a good un. Very pleased with the C4 SV 10'

218 posts
19 Jan 2010 5:38PM
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Gonna have to try it up there soon. I generally sup at Tawharanui that is good at low tide as the reef kicks in and gives it an extra 2-3ft even when every else is flatish but its gets pretty crowded with swimmers and surfers


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Technique or shorter board required?" started by DILLIGAF2