Very selective editing with just the choke hold shown for 99%.
Would have liked to see more of this bit looked pretty even both sides having a go. Always two sides to a story not sure Burleigh is the place to expect Aloha
Be interesting to see what happens to an aussie if he beat the **** out a hawaiian in guess is they would either
A. end up in hospital or
B. End up in hospital
Most of the Qld points have just as many overcrowding issues as the spots in Hawaii and just a short a window of good days, why does it seem to be acceptable for them to beat the **** out of us when we step mout of line over there but if we give one of there groms a mouthful overe here get the ****s on...double standard....Sunnys a ****wit!!
Doggie wasn't involved was he
All jokes aside i think if most people's family was getting a beat down or involved in a fight most people would run over 100m to protect and stick up for them.
The only difference in this case is that Sunny is the 2000 world champ
He is a very passionate competitor in and out of the water
You think he's going to stand by and watch his son get beat up
Maybe he did go a bit too far but he's always had violence issues
Also if you notice the way the Burleigh kid is holding his fists its obvious he has been trained to fight. Sunny probably noticed this as well
As for the nosy camera man. I think he is trying to steal my Stupidstupid name
What were Suplove thinking signing Sunny Garcia up in the first place given his history of violence and Suplove's Zen lifestyle position? "Suplove. It's about being connected. It's about respecting and taking care of each other, the environment and ourselves."
At least Suplove now have the opportunity to lead by example and publicly terminate their business relationship. Who they gonna send round to collect the boards from Sunny's place though?
I'm a fan of Suplove but won't be buying the Sunny Garcia board if it comes out:
Sorry PC boys but if a 20 something was having a go at my 16 yr old son I would step in as Sunny did
TV edited it media hype blew it up.
The guy was probably being an aggressive "local" F*wit and finally someone has hit back. I am with hilly on this one, if it was my son = same reaction.
All you guys who think what Garcia did was reasonable in that situation need to a long hard look in the mirror.I wonder how many of you have been involved in acts of violence , my guess not many.Its usually the pseudo tough guys that like to talk up this kind off stuff.
easy tea tree, I am sure that no-one on this forum condones any type of violence - me included. People need to lighten up a little and not take what is written literally in every instance. The fact is that no-one here has the full story - Garcia may have been justified to get pissed off and defend his son however his actions were excessive.
I am going to start using it as a verb. For example: Someone cut me off driving the other day - I felt like getting out of the car and Sunny Garcia-ing him.
Statement from Flores:
“Hey, for now, all I can say is that everything that has been said on the news and all the stories people hear are told in a different way which makes it look very bad. I just stood up for 16 year-old Stone Garcia while a local surfer was getting aggressive with him. Next thing everybody knows, he got aggressive with me, I defended myself and we went at each other fighting face to face all the way to the beach. Somebody told Stone's dad, Sunny Garcia, that his son was in trouble so he ran down. Any parent would of done the same thing if their son were in trouble.
Anyway, the ASP decided to take me out of the event because a new rule says that no violence should be tolerated in a professional event. I agree with that rule 100% but it wasn't the case for me, I just defended myself while I was training in the contest area before my heat. People have to understand that family and friends are everything for me and I will never walk away from it (especially when it's a under 18 boy ). I hate violence and I never get into any troubles like that. I love Australia and I have most of my best friends here. All the Burleigh boys have always been so nice to me so I won't let this story change that. I'm so sad this story happened but I don't regret anything. These things happen in life unfortunately and I will never let anyone walk thru me.” – Jeremy Flores
I cant disagree with Flores and would hope my mates react the same way in a similar situation. As for Sunny, it looks a bit OTT but how do you know how you would react if it was your blood involved?
Doesn't matter how tough you think you are, there's always someone out there tougher. Sunny himself was on the receiving end of a big butt whooping during a road rage incident in California a few years ago. I'm sure Burleigh Boy didn't expect to have to take on someone like Sunny when he started on a 16 year old. Amazing how 90% of people can go through their whole lives without being involved in any incident like this but the other knucklehead 10% just seem to attract trouble wherever they go.